A quick trip to see how gifted children commonly see the world… …and how you can help them (Plus some other stuff)
The term we use to describe gifted thinking “Smart” vs “Thinks differently”
Leap thinkers… are curious ask big questions have wild imaginations can store information in their minds know things without studying use lots of words when talking love learning can think “out of the box” or fill the box up quickly can skip steps and still get the right answer love to build and invent things can remember things in detail use BIG words might worry a lot or cry easily can read difficult books
Meet once a week 90 minutes for 3 rd 120 minutes for 4 th and 5 th. Study trips to the downtown ACPL Parents invited to daytime events
3 rd grade 4 th grade5 th grade Emphasis on research skills, creativity, working as a member of a team Quality products ~ Binders and flipbooks, Magic Books, PowerPoint Staying excited about learning
Mind like a magnet…or a mosquito Need for speed Forbidden phrase!
Where do you get your mental energy
Very strong introvert Introvert Mix of both Extrovert Very strong extrovert MRMR Mrs. B L G IKCAENMCAAMSBMBLEMJIKCAENMCAAMSBMBLEMJ JPVRABKNACPJNSJPVRABKNACPJNS HXDCHXDC RWRW Numbers indicate scores on a survey. The first number is answers that are common for introverts and the second number is answers common for extroverts.
Not always a good fit with age peers Social skills have to be learned
Pursuit of excellence=good Perfectionism=not so good! Why is this such a problem for gifted children?
Characteristics of perfectionists Exceptionally high expectations for themselves Getting embarrassed easily. Being self-conscious and self-critical Feeling inadequate, having little self-confidence Being anxious about making mistakes Sensitive to criticismProcrastinating. Avoiding stressful situations or difficult tasks Being emotionally guarded and socially inhibited Critical of others Half-finished school work or avoiding it altogether Difficult time making decisions and/or prioritizing tasks Slow meticulous completion of homework Procrastination Headaches, stomach aches, depression or other physical ailments when they disappoint themselves or think they have disappointed others Feeling happiest when not being challenged
Praise children for taking risks and for effort rather than for successful accomplishments Source: Nurtureshock; New Thinking about Children By Po Branson and Ashley Merryman
You are not alone. Define the problem and be specific. Use strategies that help.
Because they show promise, it is easy to overschedule gifted children.