Dynacal® Permeation Devices – Part Numbering System
1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX Contents Use the button to go through the presentation page by page, or go directly to any topic below by clicking on its title. Next Returns to this page Contents Returns to the main permeation device index Perm Index Topics What is a permeation tube? How does it work? Types of Dynacal® permeation devices Wafer devices Tubular devices Diffusion vials How are part numbers determined? Part number format 1 Dynacal 2 Type of device – page 1 2 3 4 3 Certification 4 Permeation rate determining factor Determining factor – breakdown for wafer device Nine most common wafer devices 5 Permeant gas designation – page 1 2 6 Special device designation – page 1 2 7 Certification, special range or accuracy Part number examples – 1 2 3 Special formulas – page 1 2 3 Estimate permeation rate at unknown temperature Tolerance chart – page 1 2 Diffusion Vial part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 7 6
What is a permeation tube? How does it work? A permeation tube is a sealed permeable membrane containing solid, liquid or liquefiable gases that permeate through the walls of the membrane at a constant rate. The device is maintained at a constant temperature to establish constant vapor pressure inside the device. This results in an equilibrium between liquid/solid and the vapor phase of the chemical compound. The vapor escapes through the walls of the permeable membrane at a constant rate as long as the set point temperature is maintained. A measured flow of an inert gas such as nitrogen, helium, argon etc. is passed through the permeation chamber where the device is housed to capture and mix with the vapor resulting in known volumetric concentration in ppm/ppb. By varying the dilution flow rate one is able to generate a wide range of concentrations using a single device.
Types of Dynacal® permeation devices Wafer Tubular Diffusion Vial A B C D F Wafer T Wafer 90 F3 50 T3 60 F3 40 T3 50 F3 30 T3 40 F3 30 T4 30 F3 STD STD #10 HE HE #2 LE LE #2 LE #3 XLT SILICON NYLON XLT XLT #2 XLT #3 STD STD LE #2 STD #10 STD #10 STD #19 STD #19 LE #3
Designed to allow very low permeation rates Wafer devices A wafer device is a type of permeation device that uses a metal reservoir and a circular TFE or FEP permeable membrane Wafer devices have an active length of 4.6 cm and an outer diameter of 1.6 cm Designed to allow very low permeation rates Available with or without certification An example of a wafer type 30T4: 30 Wall thickness, in thousandths of an inch T TFE (Permeable membrane) 4 Diameter of cap bore measured in sixteenths of an inch
Tubular devices Dynacal tubular devices are primarily made out of different types of PTFE permeable membranes of varying wall thickness. They are available in active lengths of 0.5 to 20 cm long. Each device is custom sized to generate the required mass per unit time to match the concentration range requirements of a specific application. Typical permeation rates range from 5 ng/min to 50,000 ng/min for a single device. Available with or without certification.
Diffusion vials A diffusion vial is a Pyrex reservoir attached to a Pyrex stem having a fixed bore size. The reservoir is filled with the liquid or solid material of interest. When maintained at a constant temperature, the material establishes a two phase equilibrium between the solid/liquid and gas phase where the gas diffuses through the bore of the stem. By varying the stem length and the bore size, one is able to vary the permeation rate at a set point temperature.
How are part numbers determined? There is a logical progression to each part number, once you understand the basic formula. Each number in the sequence represents a specific aspect of the device: for example, the type of tubing, the active length of the tube, or the chemical being used. 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX Part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Dynacal 2. Type of device (ref: Tech Note 1002) 3. Certification (ref: Tech Note 1002) 4. Permeable area Tubular: Active Length in mm (range: 0.5 cm to 20.0 cm) Wafer: Wall thickness (0.030 – 0.090”) 5. Chemical number (ref: Rate Table & Price Sheet) 6. Special device designation (may not apply to all devices) 7. Certification, special range or special accuracy (i.e.: C, U or S)
1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX Dynacal® #1 in part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The first digit of all Dynacal devices will be designated as “1”.
1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX Type of Device #2 in part number format – general 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 Tubular Device High Emission 1 Tubular Device Standard Emission 2 Tubular Device Low Emission 3 Tubular Device Special 4 Wafer Device 5 Wafer Device Special 7 XLT Device Standard Emission 8 XLT Device Special
Type of Device (cont’d 1) #2 in part number format - specific 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tube Numerical representation in P/N Tube designation STD 1 N/A STD #10 10 STD #19 T33 HE HE #2 T56 LE 2 LE #2 F56 LE #3 F59
Type of Device (cont’d 2) #2 in part number format - specific 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tube Numerical representation in P/N Tube designation Silicon 3 S56 Nylon N43 XLT 7 10, T33 XLT #2 8 F56 XLT #3 F33, 10, T33, F59 Reference Technical Note 1002, page 5
Type of Device (cont’d 3) #2 in part number format - specific 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wafer Device numerical representation Valco 4 N/A Valco high capacity 5 VH Valco old style OS Monitor Labs ML CSI-MELOY ME Philips 9700 P Threaded cap (Beckman) TH (BK)
1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX Certification #3 in part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 Uncertified 1 Tubular high range (>500 ng/min) 2 Tubular mid range (101-500 ng/min) 3 Tubular low range (20-100 ng/min) 4 Wafer high range (>100 ng/min) 5 Wafer low range (20-100 ng/min) 6 Tubular or Wafer ultra low range (5-19 ng/min) 7 Special temperatures, ranges, or accuracies Note1: 1-6 represent certification at 30°C only. Note2: Third digit remains 7 for all temperatures above 30°C for all rates..
Permeation Rate Determining Factor #4 in part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 001 to 200 Active tube length in mm (Formula: required rate/per cm rate) 5 - - Wafer device with “T” wafer 6 - - Wafer device with “F” wafer 7 - - Waver device with special wafer - y - Wafer thickness (.0y”) - - z Wafer diameter (z/16”)
Determining Factor – Breakdown for Wafer Device #4 in part number format - specific 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Each device is then represented in the part number by a three digit code. X X X a b c 4 a Represents the type of tubing. 5 – TFE , 6- FEP b Represents the wall thickness of the tube (range of 3-9) c Represents the diameter of the cap bore in 16th of an inch. (range of 3 or 4)
Nine Most Common Wafer Devices Part Number Wafer Device Type Perm Rate Ratio 14X-534-XXXX 30T4 (.03” thick x 4/16” dia T wafer) 1.0 533 30T3 (.03” thick x 3/16” dia T wafer) 0.60 543 40T3 (.04” thick x 3/16” dia T wafer) 0.40 553 50T3 (.05” thick x 3/16” dia T wafer) 0.23 633 30F3 (.03” thick x 3/16” dia F wafer) 0.14 643 40F3 (.04” thick x 3/16” dia F wafer) 0.11 653 50F3 (.05” thick x 3/16” dia F wafer) 0.07 663 60F3 (.06” thick x 3/16” dia F wafer) 0.05 693 90F3 (.09” thick x 3/16” dia F wafer) 0.03 Reference Technical Note 1002, Table 2
Permeant Gas Designation #5 in part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0001-0199 Inorganic compounds 0200-0499 Organo-metallic compounds 0500-1999 Hydrocarbons 2000-3999 Hydrocarbons containing oxygen 4000-4999 Hydrocarbons containing halogen 5000-5999 Hydrocarbons containing nitrogen 6000-6999 Hydrocarbons containing sulfur 7000-9999 Other organic compounds
Permeant Gas Designation (cont’d) #5 in part number format - Examples 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chemical or Gas Grouping Designation Chemical or Gas Inorganic compounds 0110 Hydrogen Sulfide Organo-metallic compounds 0330 Dimethyl Mercury Hydrocarbons 0505 Pentane-N Hydrocarbons containing oxygen 2300 Formaldehyde Hydrocarbons containing halogen 4201 Dichloromethane Hydrocarbons containing nitrogen 5000 Methyl Amine Hydrocarbons containing sulfur 6301 Dimethyl Disulfide Other organic compounds 7600 Carbonyl Sulfide
Special Device Designation #6 in part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tube Type Tube Designation STD #10 10 STD #19 T33 HE #2 T56 LE #2 F56 LE #3 F59 CSI-MELOY ME Silicon S56 Nylon N43 XLT 10, T33 XLT #2 XLT #3 F33, 10, T33, F59
Special Device Designation (cont’d) #6 in part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wafer Device Special Designation Valco High Capacity VH Monitor Lab 8500 ML Monitor Labs 8850 MLRA Philips 9700 P Threaded Cap (Beckman) TH (BK) Specials OS, VH, LW
Certification, Special Range or Accuracy #7 in part number format 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C Certified followed by temperature in °C. (i.e.: C30 or C45) U Uncertified followed by temperature in °C. (i.e.: U30 or U50) S Special certification, special range or special accuracy
1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX Part Number Example #1 Sulfur Dioxide standard permeation tube, with the rate of 5000 ng/min, certified at 35°C. 117-083-0082-C35 1. 1 Dynacal 2. 1 Tubular Device – Standard Emission tube 3. 7 Special temperatures, ranges, or accuracies (customer request unit to be certified at a temperature other than 30°C) 4. 083 Active tube length in mm (8.3 cm). Active length is calculated using active length formula 5. 0082 Chemical compound designation for Sulfur dioxide 6. N/A for this part number 7. C35 Certified at 35°C 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX Part Number Example #2 Sulfur dioxide, low emission permeation tube, with the rate of 450 ng/min , certified at 30°C. 122-013-0082-F56-C30 1. 1 Dynacal 2. 2 Tubular Device – Low Emission 3. 2 Tubular mid range (101-500 ng/min) 4. 013 Active tube length in mm (1.3 cm) 5. 0082 Sulfur dioxide numeric representation 6. F56 LE #2, Low Emission Tube 7. C30 Certified at 30°C 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX Part Number Example #3 Nitrogen oxide wafer device, Valco Style, certified at 40°C 147-553-0081-C40 1. 1 Dynacal 2. 4 Wafer device 3. 7 Special temperatures, ranges, or accuracies 4. 553 50T3 (.05” thick x 3/16” dia T wafer) 5. 0081 Nitrogen dioxide numeric representation 6. N/A for this part 7. C40 Certified at 40°C 1XX – XXX – XXXX – XXXX – XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Special Formulas Active Length (mm) = Required Rate (ng/min) /Per cm Rate (answer will be in cm) Total Rate (ng/min) = Active Length x Per cm Rate Tubular Devices For rates: >500 ng/min Accuracy = +/- 2% 101-500 ng/min Accuracy = +/- 2% or +/- 5 ng/min Whichever is greater 20-100 ng/min Accuracy = Rate x 5% or +/- 2 ng/min Whichever is greater 5-19 ng/min Accuracy = +/- 10%
Special Formulas (cont’d) Wafer Devices For rates: >100 ng/min Accuracy = Rate x 5% 20-100 ng/min Accuracy = Rate x 5% or +/- 2 ng/min Whichever is greater 5-19 ng/min Accuracy = Rate x 10%
Special Formulas to find the following: P Permeation rate (ng/min) F Flow rate (cc/min or 1pm) C Concentration (ppm or ppb) K Molar constant = 24.46/molecular wt. of compound P = (F x C) / K F = (P x K) / C C = (P x K) / F
Estimate permeation rate at unknown temperature log P1 = log P0 + α(T1-T0) Log = Base 10 P1 = Perm rate (ng/min) at new temperature (ºC) P0 = Perm rate (ng/min) at known temperature (ºC) T1 = New temperature (ºC) T0 = Known temperature (ºC) α = Temperature coefficient Note: Before exposing device to higher temperatures, end user must consult VICI Metronics to obtain information on maximum temperature settings.
Tolerance Chart Device OD Rate Range Act Length (cm) (+/-) (cm) HE 0.98 >100 +/- 15% 0.5 to 20 20 to 100 +/- 25% 5 to 19 +/- 50% STD/STD #10 0.64 >100 +/- 10% 0.5 to 20 20 to 100 +/- 25% 5 to 19 +/- 50% STD #19 0.64 >100 +/- 15% 0.5 to 20 20 to 100 +/- 25% 5 to 19 +/- 50% LE (Capsule) 0.98 >100 +/- 25% 1 or 2 5 to 100 +/- 50% LE #2 0.98 >100 +/- 10% 0.5 to 20 20 to 100 +/- 20% 5 to 19 +/- 50%
Tolerance Chart (cont’d) Device OD Rate Range Act Length (cm) (+/-) (cm) LE #3 0.98 >100 +/- 15% 0.5 to 20 20 to 100 +/- 20% 5 to 19 +/- 50% Silicon 0.98 >100 +/- 15% 0.5 to 10 20 to 100 +/- 25% 5 to 19 +/- 50% Nylon 0.98 >100 +/- 15% 0.5 to 20 20 to 100 +/- 25% 5 to 19 +/- 50% All Wafer 1.6 20 to 100 +/- 25% 4.6 Devices 5 to 19 +/- 50%
Diffusion Vial Part Number Format 19X - XXXX – XXX/X - S 1 2 3 4 5 1. 19 = Diffusion Vial 2. Bore size 3. Chemical number 4. Certification designation 5. Special designation