August 29, Accessing the iSeries and Some Commands
August 29, Accessing the iSeries
August 29, iSeries Sign-On Screen Sign On System. : S101450F Subsystem : QBASE Display. : QPADEV0002 User Password Program/procedure Menu Current library
August 29, iSeries: OS/400 – Main Menu MAIN OS/400 Main Menu System: S101450F Select one of the following: 1. User tasks 2. Office tasks 3. General system tasks 4. Files, libraries, and folders 5. Programming 6. Communications 7. Define or change the system 8. Problem handling 9. Display a menu 10. Information Assistant options 11. iSeries Access tasks 90. Sign off Selection or command ===> F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistant F23=Set initial menu Type option number or command.
August 29, iSeries OS/400 Menu screen sections (shown on next slide) header option list command line function keys F1 - help
August 29, iSeries: OS/400 – Main Menu MAIN OS/400 Main Menu System: S101450F Select one of the following: 1. User tasks 2. Office tasks 3. General system tasks 4. Files, libraries, and folders 5. Programming 6. Communications 7. Define or change the system 8. Problem handling 9. Display a menu 10. Information Assistant options 11. iSeries Access tasks 90. Sign off Selection or command ===> F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistant F23=Set initial menu Type option number or command.
August 29, iSeries OS/400 3 Ways for Issuing Commands 1.menus 2.command line 3.CL program
August 29, Using Menus: Creating a Source Physical File MAIN AS/400 Main Menu Select one of the following: 1. User tasks 2. Office tasks 3. General system tasks 4. Files, libraries, and folders 5. Programming 90. Sign off Selection or command ===> 4 F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistant F23=Set initial menu MENU SCREEN
August 29, DATA Files, Libraries, and Folders Select one of the following: 1. Files 2. Libraries 3. Folders 4. Client Access tasks 5. Integrated File System Selection or command ===> 1 F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistnt F16=AS/400 Main menu MENU SCREEN Using Menus: Creating a Source Physical File
August 29, Using Menus: Creating a Source Physical File FILE Files Select one of the following: 1. Work with files 2. Save a file 3. Restore a file 4. Edit a source file Selection or command ===> 1 F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistant F16=AS/400 Main menu MENU SCREEN
August 29, Using Menus: Creating a Source Physical File Work with Files (WRKF) Type choices, press Enter. File *ALL Name, generic*, *ALL Library..... TOM Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB File attributes.. *ALL *ALL, BSCF38, CMNF38, DDMF F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use display F24=More keys ENTRY SCREEN
August 29, Using Menus: Creating a Source Physical File Work with Files Type options, press Enter. 1=Create 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display physical file member 8=Display file description 9=Save 10=Restore 13= Change description Opt File Library Attribute Text 1 SOMEFILE TOM CSCSTP TOM PF QRPGLESRC TOM PF Parameters for options 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 13 or command ===> F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F11= Display names only F12=Cancel F16=Repeat position to F17=Position to LIST SCREEN
August 29, Using Menus: Creating a Source Physical File Select File Type Type option, press Enter. 1=Select File Opt Type DDM File Printer File Retail File Save File 1 Source Physical File Tape File Bottom F5=Refresh F12=Cancel LIST SCREEN
August 29, Using Menus: Creating a Source Physical File Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF) Type choices, press Enter. File > SOMEFILE Name Library > TOM Name, *CURLIB Record length Number Member, if desired *NONE Name, *NONE, *FILE Text 'description' *BLANK Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More keys ENTRY SCREEN
August 29, Using CRTSRCPF Command: Creating a Source Physical File MAIN AS/400 Main Menu Select one of the following: 1. User tasks 2. Office tasks 3. General system tasks 4. Files, libraries, and folders 5. Programming 90. Sign off Selection or command ===> CRTSRCPF F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel F13=Information Assistant F23=Set initial menu MENU SCREEN
August 29, Using CRTSRCPF Command: Creating a Source Physical File Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF) Type choices, press Enter. File > SOMEFILE Name Library > TOM Name, *CURLIB Record length Number Member, if desired *NONE Name, *NONE, *FILE Text 'description' *BLANK Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More keys ENTRY SCREEN
August 29, iSeries Sreen Types menu entry list information
August 29, OS/400 – Context Sensitive Help Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF) Type choices, press Enter. File > Name Library > Name, *CURLIB Record length Number Member, if desired *NONE Name, *NONE, *FILE Text 'description' *BLANK Bottom F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display F24=More keys ENTRY SCREEN
August 29, OS/400 – Context Sensitive Help Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF) INFORMATION SCREEN Type choices, press Enter. File Name Library … Record length : File (FILE) - Help : Member, if de : : Text 'descrip : Specifies the name and library of the source physical file: : being created. If no library qualifier is specified, the : : source physical file is stored in the current library for : : the job. : : If the file is used in a high-level language program, the : : file name must be consistent with the naming rules of that : : language. Otherwise, the file must be renamed in the : : program. : : More... : : F2=Extended help F10=Move to top F11=InfoSeeker : F3=Exit F4= : F12=Cancel F20=Enlarge F24=More keys : F13=How to us : :
August 29, iSeries OS/400 Review Four Screen Types menu entry list information
August 29, iSeries OS/400 Review Three Ways to Invoke Commands menus command line CL program
August 29, Command Language Names CL = Command Language CL commands consist of 1.Verb + Noun, or 2.Verb + Modifier(s) + Noun For example, WRKF = Work with File CRTSRCPF = Create Source Physical File
August 29, Some CL Verbs, Modifiers, and Nouns