“COACH” Mental Physical Technical Environment 1 M1 E2 E1 T4 T3 T2 T1 F3 F2 F1
Coaching Pathway and Coaching Accreditation Level 1 to Level 3
LEVEL 1 Coaching WHO Club Coaches Sporting Schools Sub Junior Groups WHAT F1-Basic Movement Fundamentals F2- Extension and Refinement Movement of Foundations F3- Sport Specific Commitment and/or Competition
4.2 Assessment Assessment Tools An Assessment Tool for each of the assessable program modules has been included at Attachment J. The same assessment tool will be used for modules 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 as the same competencies are involved in each of those modules. Each participant must participate in all of the modules 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6, but needs to be assessed in only two of them.. Flexibility. Assessors are encouraged to cater for participants in remote localities by scheduling group-centred assessments to coincide with training camps, or major national competitions in which large numbers of the orienteering community participate, or using video-conferencing facilities. Also, in such cases, some discussion-type activities will lend themselves to assessment by written report, or project report, or presentation of a diary/portfolio/video..
4.3 Coaching Practice OA sees that coaching practice is essential to achieving competency. Ideally, that coaching practice should occur after the other aspects of this Level 1 course have been completed. However, the State Coaching Director may allow some practice coaching to count towards Level1 competency in special circumstances e.g. a very experienced orienteer who has helped orienteering groups or individuals before seeking coach accreditation. The conditions of Practice Coaching are outlined in Section 6.
5.0 COURSE OVERVIEW LEVEL 1 ORIENTEERING COACH Each candidate must complete the assessment requirements of at least two of the following modules, and participate in the other three: Map/Terrain Skills Navigation Skills Compass Skills Control-taking Procedure Basic Competition Skills. Each candidate must also complete the practical requirements outlined in Section 6.
SECTION 6 COACHING PRACTICE 6.1 Practical Coaching Experience In order to satisfy the competencies of Section 4.1 each Level 1 candidate is to: Plan, implement, adapt and evaluate a sequential program for an individual or a group for a 10-week season. Prepare and conduct two training sessions for a group (during the course). Conduct a clinic for a small group of beginners or novices, and submit a brief written evaluation report. Organise human and physical resources for a training or competition event.
6.2 Coaching Practice Supervision and Mentoring An experienced Level 1 or Level 2 Coach will be appointed to supervise each participant’s coaching practice carried out under Section 6.1. A mentor may be chosen to assist each candidate fulfil the coaching practice. During Coaching Practice the generic coaching activity form at Attachment L can be used by a supervisor to make comments and suggestions. Coaches are encouraged to keep a diary of their coaching activities at all times, but particularly during the Coaching Practice period. This diary should contain expressions of the coach’s feelings about any activity. The ASC Coaches Record Kit is an ideal medium for recording coaching activity. Coaches are also encouraged to video some coaching sessions so that they may be reviewed later, particularly with a mentor. 6.3 Supervisor and Mentor Credit Supervisors and mentors will receive Updating Credit for the number of hours spent supervising the Level 1 coach. See the Points Updating Table at Attachment C.
Level 2 Coaching Who State Squads NOL Teams State Schools Teams What T1- Demonstration of Potential T2- Talent Verification T3- Practising and Achieving
Level 3 Coaching WHO WOC Coach Bushrangers Coach WUOC Coach JWOC Coach National Squad Coaches What T4-Breakthrough and Reward E1- Senior National Success E2- Podium Success
FTEM PhaseLEVELTARGET F1-Basic Movement Foundations F2-Extension and Refinement of Movement Foundations Level 0 Sporting Schools** F1-Basic Movement Foundations F2-Extension and Refinement of Movement Foundations F3-Sport Specific Commitment and/or Competition Level 1 Club Coaches Sporting Schools Sub Junior Groups T1-Demonstration of Potential T2-Talent Verification T3-Practicing and Achieving Level 2 State Squads NOL Teams State School Teams T4-Breakthrough and Reward E1-Senior National Representation E2-Podium Success Level 3 WOC Bushrangers WUOC JWOC National Squad Coaches
Orienteering Australia website Administration- Coaching Accreditation