UR 458 – BADA 3.7 in ESCAPE 1/2 Numerous changes in the models (files) 71 aircraft models were remodelled 12 aircraft models added Few changes in the BADA algorithms and the aeronautical constants Gravitational acceleration ‘g’ updated Real gas constant ‘R’ updated Change in the computation of the thrust in descent ESCAPE components impacted MASS, FM/TP, AMAN
UR 458 – BADA 3.7 in ESCAPE 2/2 AMAN - new OSYRIS kernel version EEC.2 plugged in : - Compatible with BADA 3.7.x version - Improvements and bug fixes as : Multi Routes (MR) trajectory module supported to enhance trigger for re-sequencing Timeline HMI always synchronized with the sequence engine Manual insert action from AMAN interface persistent
UR 472 New MTCD in ESCAPE Same kernel as EDEP MTCD Separation threshold for real and virtual (contextual) conflicts in vertical and horizontal plans Specific vertical separation for RVSM (equipped aircrafts) Conflicts detected inside a coverage zone within a LOOKHEAD time, re-examined every UPDATE INTERVAL List of concerned ATC sectors for a conflict Service to estimate the minimun separation between two profiles
UR 427 AMAN Time Line HMI upgrade Displays flight sequences computed by OSYRIS kernel and allows controllers to modify them. Customizable display New HMI Based on a BARCO product specially tuned for EEC Display customizable
UR 422 MILITARY and TMA Sectorisation 1/7 Volume condition IPAS offers the capability to define under which condition a volume is used for a given sector. The following condition criteria may be associated to a volume: ADEP: The volume is dedicated to the flights that the departure airport is the ADEP. ADES: The volume is dedicated to the flights that the arrival airport is the ADES. Runways: The volume is dedicated to the flights with the arrival or departure runway is in the list of runway. Operator ‘NOT’ The ADEP and ADES condition may be combined with the NOT operator: NOT ADEP means the volume is dedicated for all fights that the departure airport is not the ADEP NOT ADES means the volume is dedicated for all fights that the arrival airport is not the ADES It is be possible to associate a ‘Not’ condition to the ‘Runways’ attribute.
UR 422 MILITARY and TMA Sectorisation 2/7 Runways Condition name : Unique Identifier of the condition (string [5]) ADEP: Negation : Departure airport. Tick Box ADES: Negation : Arrival airport. Runway 1 Runways VOLUMECONDITIONS UpDownRefreshOkCancel Runway 4Runway 3Runway 2Runway Kind Departure or Arrival … … Volume condition panel
UR 422 MILITARY and TMA Sectorisation 3/7 Volume condition rules: IPAS data-input checks that a condition name is unique. IPAS data-input checks that a condition is using either ADEP, ADES, or RUNWAYS. IPAS data-input checks that a condition definition is unique. IPAS Check verifies that the runway kind used to define a condition is consistent with the associated runway : if a an arrival condition is using a runway on which no STAR is defined, a warning shall be issued : ” Warning : No STAR is defined for runway on arrival condition ” if a a departure condition is using a runway on which no SID defined, a warning shall be issued: ” Warning : No SID is defined for runway on departure condition ”
Military sectors IPAS data-input allows the user to define military sectors with volumes already used in civil sector definition IPAS data-input does not allow the user to define military sectors with volumes used by another military sector. IPAS checks that volumes used in military sectors are used in at least one civil sector. UR 422 MILITARY and TMA Sectorisation 4/7
UR 422 MILITARY and TMA Sectorisation 5/7 Sector definition IPAS data-input allows the user to associate one condition name to a volume used to define a sector. SECTORS AIR WP CONTROLLERS VOLUMES CONDITIONSPOINTS CONDLFPG Condition description : ADEP LFPG V1 V2 V3 Condition name
UR 422 MILITARY and TMA Sectorisation 6/7 IPAS data-input checks: That a combination volume/condition is used only once through the different volumes composing sectors. That no condition is used for military sector definition. That a volume using a condition is used in another sector with a complementary condition, For example a volume using the condition NOT ADEP LFPG is also used in another sector with the condition ADEP LFPG. a volume using the condition ADES LFPT is also be used in another sector with the condition NOT ADES LFPT. a volume using the condition ‘Departure runway LFPG 26R LFPG 21R’ is also used in another sector with a different runway condition, e.g. ‘Departure runway LFPT 17R’ That a volume using an ADEP or ADES condition is not used in another sector without condition (as the ADEP/ADES conditions are complementary, this volume would never be used)
UR 422 MILITARY and TMA Sectorisation 7/7 Sector civil TMA1 contains volumes V1, V2, V3 (without condition) and V4 with condition (Not ADES X) Sector civil TMA2 contains volumes V5, V6, V8 (without condition) and V7 with condition (Not ADES X) Sector military M1 contains the volumes V3, V4, V6 and V7. (without condition) Sector CTR contains the volumes V4 and V7 with condition (ADES X) V2 V1 M1 V3 V6 V5 V8 TMA1TMA2 CTR V4V7 For instance the FM will determine the sector sequence as detailed below: Aircraft : Civil Sector sequence = V1 => TMA1, V5 => TMA2 Aircraft : Military Sector sequence = V2 => TMA1, V3 => M1, V6 => M1, V8 => TMA2 Aircraft : Civil, ADES X Sector sequence = V1 => TMA1, V2 => TMA1, V3 => TMA1, V4 => CTR Aircraft : Military, Sector sequence = V5 => TMA2, V6 => M1, V7 => M1, V4 => M1
UR 352 MASS Launching improvements 1/3 The installation of MASS on the target platforms follows the GRD- CWP model. The MASS binaries are located in the _ /Run_Name>/exec/ directory, The MASS scripts will be located in the _ / /exec/ The MASS configuration files are located in the _ / /config/ directory, The ASM_Gateway starts the MASS application in the runtime/ directory of the Run Deployment. configexec runtime _
UR 352 MASS Launching improvements 2/3 MASS configuration files were harmonised and simplified file Those files contain both operational and technical parameters MASS offline tool does not generate anymore the binary files from the IPAS files (*.DATA) except the AIR_FLIGHT_FILE.BIN and the AIR_KPL_HIST.BIN
UR 352 MASS Launching improvements 3/3 The Hardware Configuration file “CONFIG_FILE.TXT” is not used anymore. The Hardware configuration file was used to provide: The different Virtual Machines launched and their host machine and the Pilot positions (PWP) and their host machine. The name of the “display” where the MASS Supervision is displayed The port numbers These information are given by CORBA the « air_vm_list » attribute ( = = ).
UR 354 MASS supervision replacement The new MASS supervision is a JAVA tool. Same behaviour than the older. The configuration file « “ contains: log4j.configuration = supervision.recording =
UR 435 Maps Graphical Attributes Provided by ASP the “MAPS USAGE DESCRIPTOR” field added in the following IPAS entities: airports, runways, navigation points, airways, sids, stars, holds, reserved areas, and sectors. ECHOES Video Map Reference Guide V1.2.doc
UR 437: RedHat EL5 porting The purpose of this UR is to port the whole ESCAPE platform, including offline tools, to the new major release of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux : 5.3 This port is required to keep up to date the various dependencies of ESCAPE software and insure maintainability. This upgrade also brings the benefits of new features that can be valuable for developments.
UR 449 Publication of Start and End of Turn Points in GRD P4D 1/2 The Trajectory Predictor (TP) computes for each turn two new points: A turn initiating point An end of turn point. Projection of the Navigation waypoint Trajectory to be displayed on CWP Turn initiating waypoint End of Turn waypoint
UR 449 Publication of Start and End of Turn Points in GRD P4D 2/2 After a “closed heading” Order is sent to FM via CWP, ECHOES reacts on the updated route reception to set the Route Reminder keypoint on the first TIP occurrence preceding an EOT before the resume point (which will correspond to the old end heading point). Figure 1 - End Heading point sample 1
UR 452 Offline Access to achievable RTAs In order to facilitate the traffic off-line preparation, and in particular to facilitate the setting of airborne RTAs, it should be possible to have an access to the possible RTA range that would be achievable by each flight. The ‘Air RTA data’ panel shall allow the user to perform a sort on each column by clicking on column header an to come back to the initial oder by removing the column sort. The default order shall be the order of the AIR_RTA_FILE.DATA file, which is ETB ordered. Example: VPBDM;18:46:10;18:46:10;18:44:22:18:46:44 BER42A;18:33:00;18:35:16;18:35:16:18:39:01 DLH6MM;18:41:00;18:40:07;18:34:19;18:40:07
UR 471 GAIA connection 1/13 The goal is to interconnect several simulators: ENAC DSNA (DARWIN) Thales Av. EUROCONTROL (ESCAPE) Brest Athis-MonsReims Orly Aix Bordeaux DARWIN simulator Managed centres (Brest, Athis-Mons, Reims) ESCAPE simulator Managed centres (Bordeaux, Aix) GGDC CWP GAIA Gtw SCANSIM simulator Managed centre (Orly) Flight 1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4
UR 471 GAIA connection 2/13 In term of IPAS preparation it is important to distinguish the ESCAPE adjacent sectors from the non ESCAPE adjacent sectors because it is possible to transfer an ESCAPE flight toward an external adjacent ESCAPE sector S1 – F1S2 – F2 S3 – F3 S4 – F4S5 – F5S6 – F6 ESCAPEATG 1ATG 2 No controller No pilot A pilot position is allocated to this adjacent sector. No controller Controllers and pilot positions are allocated No controller No pilot Flight 1 Flight 3 Flight 2
UR 471 GAIA connection 3/13 To summarise, the sectors data are defined as follow by the IPAS preparator For the sector for which no controller are allocate but with a pilot position allocated, IPAS generates: “operator_type” field with the value “EXTERNAL”, Example: OPERATOR_STATUS_RECORD BEGINS STATUS OPEN OPERATOR 22 OPERATOR_TYPE EXTERNAL FREQ Sector associated with: Comments ControllerPilot Executive - PlanningYesNominal ESCAPE sectors definition. Executive - PlanningNoError at panel level. A least one pilot is required HybridNoESCAPE Hybrid position. HybridYesError at panel level. Pilot is not allowed when hybrid position associated NoYesExternal adjacent sectors. A transfer will be possible into this sector. No External non adjacent sector. A transfer will not be possible into this sector.
UR 471 GAIA connection 4/13 The GAIA gateway has been added in ESCAPE ATG 1 IAS MASS PWP CWP State Vectors InComing transfer OutGoing transfer ESCAPE Supervision GaiaGtw Supervision orders ESCAPE External Air Simulator s Communication Channel SAP Information MASS Gtw GGDC GGDC messages IFP Dataset ATG 2
UR 471 GAIA connection 5/13 On reception of an incoming transfer MASS: Assigns the flight to the frequency (pilot position) provided in the transfer order or deduced from the sector name. Starts the aircraft navigation by insuring a complete and logic continuity in terms of navigation with the external state vector generated by the external traffic generator MASS AvPilotServices::transfer_order GaiaGtw MASS Gtw Sim5 hybrid transfer messageAcePunctualEvents::SAP Information The SAP event may be published before or after the transfer order.
UR 471 GAIA connection 6/13 On reception of an outgoing transfer MASS: checks if the provided frequency is internal or external. If the frequency is external then MASS checks if the transfer is allowed. The transfer will not be allowed if the flight is in the following states: FMS status is “FMS_OFF”, Orbiting, Holding, Offset, A Direct order out side the route “FMS_OFF” Send a Sim5 “Transfer” message to the MASS gateway. Transfer MASS Gateway GAIA Gateway AcePilotEvents [assume_flight_event] AvSi ::Handover ::acquisition_notification PWP Request transfer (frequency) Delete Flight Transfer Acknowledgement Stop Navigation Check if external flight MASS (EM) AcePunctualEvent::SAP Information AceAbsEvents:Vector Upd
UR 471 GAIA connection 8/13 GAIA requires sending and consuming the state vectors to a cycle of 500 thousandths seconds. MASS and the MASS Gateway publishes the state vectors to a cycle of 500 thousandths seconds. The “TIME_TICK_FREQUENCY” parameter in the “” file was added. TIME_TICKS_FREQUENCY 5000 // milliseconds
UR 471 GAIA connection 9/13 MASS was adapted to fill in the SAP information depending on the DELIVER_SAP_INFORMATION parameter setting: When the “ESCAPE_OFF” value is set, the SAP information is not published (equivalent of DELIVER_SAP_INFORMATION = FALSE in the current version). When the “ESCAPE_ON” value is set, the current way to fill the SAP information is kept. When the “DELIVER_SAP_INFORMATION” parameter is set with the “GAIA” value, MASS provides the SAP information filled with the last over flown waypoint as the first point.
UR 471 GAIA connection 10/13 Existing Ground Ground Data Communication (GGDC) services is used to convert “oldi” information into text string format between ESCAPE and external simulators through the GAIA Gateway. In the GAIA context, the GGDC uses the CORBA protocol to communicate with the external centres GGDC ESCAPE centres CCO CWP DARWIN centres GAIA Gateway CORBA protocol HLA protocol
UR 471 GAIA connection 11/13 The”” GGDC configuration was adapted as described here after. # Local centres # # For the local centres, one line must be added per centre # in the following format: # LOCAL = local_name local_port # Where: local_name - ASCII string # (max. 8 characters long for ADEXP format, 4 for ICAO) # local_port - in decimal base #LOCAL = BILLUND 4400 #LOCAL = MADRID 4401 LOCAL = SENDER # Destination centres # # For each destination centre, one line must be added in the format: # DESTINATION = destination_name destination_addr destination_port msg_format # Where: destination_name - ASCII string # (max. 8 characters long for ADEXP format, 4 for ICAO) # destination_addr - dotted decimal IP address or string “CORBA” to notify the CORBA communication # protocol is to be used # destination_port - in decimal base # msg_format - is either ICAO or ADEXP # Up to ten destination clauses can be specified (in case there were more # destination specification clauses, only the first ten ones will be # considered #DESTINATION = PARIS ADEXP #DESTINATION = COPE ICAO #DESTINATION = ATHS CORBA 0000ADEXP DESTINATION = RECEIVER ADEXP
UR 471 GAIA connection 12/13 Example: GGDC publishes a CORBA event after reception of a “send_oldi” message.
UR 471 GAIA connection 13/13 The GAIA SDK is only supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 with gcc 3.4.4, therefore the GAIA Gateway was developed on OASIS ACE2008B. OASIS 8BLA 9A GAIA GTW OASIS 9ALA 9A ESCAPE RHEL 4 RHEL 5 TAO 1.4TAO 1.5 GAIA SPV