Fletton Parkway Widening A1139 J17 – J2
Peterborough City Council Transport and Engineering Group Manager Andy Tatt Peterborough City Council Transport and Engineering Group Manager John Holland Associate URS Infrastructure and Environment UK Ltd Scheme Project Manager
History Proposed Scheme Funding Procurement Programme HISTORY : The A1139 Fletton Parkway was constructed as an all purpose derestricted 2-lane dual carriageway as part of the New Town phase of Peterborough’s development, and is a Primary Route that forms part of the parkway network of dual carriageway roads in and around Peterborough. The parkways benefit the city by keeping long distance through traffic out of the central and residential areas. Fletton Parkway also provides a link between the A14 (via the A605) and the A1 to the A47 and A1073. The A1139 is likely to be re-designated as the A16 after the completion of the A1073 Spalding to Eye Improvement Scheme. The A1139 Fletton Parkway is grade separated between its interchange with the A1M to the west and Junction4 to the east (where it becomes the Frank Perkins Parkway) and carries approximately 60,000 vehicles per day (Annual Average Daily Traffic – AADT) between Junction 1 and Junction 2, of which 9% are HGVs. Fletton Parkway was widened to three lanes between Junctions 2 and 3 between 2007 and 2008. There is generally no hard shoulder on the parkway system except between Junction 17 and Junction 2 of Fletton Parkway and on the A47 (which itself is a trunk road). Between Junctions 1 and 2 the central reserve becomes very wide (+10m), with trees and shrubs growing between the crash barriers of the central reserve. PROPOSED SCHEME : In order to unlock major planned growth opportunities within Peterborough and particularly the Great Haddon strategic development (5,350 homes and 105 hectares of employment land) significant capacity improvements to the A1139 (Fletton Parkway) are required. The section between J17 of the A1(M) and J2 of Fletton Parkway is a Pinch Point and a barrier to growth. It is necessary to: widen the Parkway from two to three lanes in each direction; completely reconstruct the eastbound carriageway between J1 and J2; establish link capacity improvements between J17 of the A1(M) and J2 of the Parkway and introduce average speed cameras. FUNDING : Scheme Estimate £12.8m Funded Nominally from LEP Grants, DfT Funding, S106 and Local Authority Contribution. PROCUREMENT : The Design and Site Management Services are being delivered by URS via the Midlands Highways Alliance PSP1 Framework and the works contract let through the Midlands Highways Alliance MSF1 Framework. This process will enable us to have early contractor involvement and gain economy of measures and deliver best value. PROGRAMME : It is envisaged that works will start on site in January 2014 and be substantially complete by December 2014.
Scope Widening of the section between Junctions 1 and 2; Complete reconstruction of the eastbound carriageway between Junctions 1 and 2; Introduction of a ‘type C’ merge where the A1(M) link road joins Fletton Parkway; Link capacity improvements between junctions 17 and 2; Replacement Street Lighting between junctions 17 and 2 Resurfacing of road as necessary between junctions 17 and 2 Replacement of signage and lining as required; Installation of Average Speed Cameras to enforce a (60mph) speed limit in between J17 of the A1(M) (including the eastbound slip) and junction J3 of the Fletton Parkway. Installation of Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV); Installation of maintenance bays as required.
URS APPROACH Delivery Risks Current Activities DELIVERY : The delivery of the project is being managed from our office in Bedford. A dedicated team has been provided based mainly at the Bedford office. Supporting the Project Manager, John Holland, is a team in the Bedford office delivering services for:- road geometry design, pavement design, drainage design, street lighting design, road markings and sign design, safety barrier and GI review. Noise surveys and Ecology advice will be provided by other URS Offices in Nottingham. QS services and Landscaping advice will be provided by other consultants in our supply chain partners. RISKS : Main Risks are as follows:- Collaboration Agreement not endorsed it a timely fashion. Lack of performance of Stats Authorities; Delays caused by third parties outwith the control of the URS. Additional works due to unforeseen drainage conditions. Additional works due to ecological mitigation measures. Design delay due to the requirements of measures made necessary in the ecological report. Inability to deliver ecology mitigation measures within the programme. Change of Council policy affecting available budget. Changes to the design due to budget constraints; Changes to the design due to variations requested by the Client. CURRENT ACTIVITIES : Information Transfer This is currently in hand and has mostly taken place. Strategies. Pavement - agreed Drainage - agreed Alignment – awaiting approval Lighting – awaiting approval