1.NET Web Forms DataGrid © 2002 by Jerry Post
2 Data Grid Has Many Uses The grid uses HTML tables to display multiple rows of data. It is flexible and powerful, but requires some careful work. It can be used to edit all of the rows in a table, which is really only useful for small tables; such as setup tables of list data. It can be used as the subgrid in a Main/Sub approach; such as a standard Order/Order Item linkage. The grid is very dangerous in terms of performance. Using the grid requires holding at least some data in a dataset that is held as Session data. In business, subform data tables can be huge. If you are sloppy in design or coding, you may tell the system to load and save hundreds of thousands of rows of data in memory. The internal tools of the grid (sorting, filtering, and especially pagination), are supposed to minimize these problems. The default pagination options are useless at reducing the amount of data retrieved. And require complex SQL to function safely. As much as possible, never edit a dataset with more than a couple hundred rows. Find a user-interface method to reduce the number early.
3 Data Grid Example: Country List Note the Edit and Delete columns. They are somewhat sloppy user interface (especially the delete), but line-editing returns data to the server earlier, and minimizes some problems. Clicking Edit provides text boxes and Update/Cancel buttons. The Update link also makes the Page Save button visible, which needs to be clicked to send the changes to the database.
4 DataGrid Basics Create a data adapter and dataset in the DB component Add a new Web form Add the dataset to the page Create a DataView from the DataSource Views can be sorted and filtered Drag a DataView icon onto the form Name: (dsServiceList1) Table: select a table from the DataSource (ServiceList1) Apply Default Sort: true Data Grid Properties ID: dgService (whatever) Property Builder DataSource: dvServiceList1 Data key field: Service ID(*** warning: can only be single column) Allow sorting Advanced--Leap ahead Basic grid templates with Edit, Update, Sort, Filter, Concurrency Basic grid templates with Edit, Update, Sort, Filter, Concurrency Grid templates with Drop Down Lists Grid templates with Drop Down Lists
5 Data Component: Data Adapter Add Data Component Drag A Data Adapter onto page Follow the wizard Create a connection if needed Use SQL or stored procedures Advanced Options Generate Insert, Update and Delete statements Optimistic Concurrency
6 Data Component: Data Set Right-click the data adapter and generate a data set Select New and enter a name Select the table Click the Add to designer box When done, View + Code and add a routine to fill the dataset. Public Sub FillServiceOffered(ByVal dSet As DsServiceList) adpServiceList.Fill(dSet) End Sub
7 Data Grid: Basics Select the DataSource (usually a dataview) Select the key column (only one column allowed) Click the Allow sorting checkbox
8 DataGrid: Columns Uncheck: Create columns automatically at run time Move columns to right-hand side in the order you want.
9 DataGrid: Basics – Link Columns Add a ButtonColumn or HyperLinkColumn HyperLink is more flexible in that is supports frames, including inline frames to display more data on the same page. DataNavigateUrlFieldreference ID column name DataNavigateUrlFormatStringPage to open + DataTextFieldreference name column DataTextFormatStringText to display + TargetFrame/HTTP Target <asp:HyperLinkColumn runat="server" DataNavigateUrlField ="StudentID“ DataNavigateUrlFormatString="EditStudent.aspx?id={0}" DataTextField =“LastName” DataTextFormatString ="More on {0}" > Session("StudentID") = Request("id").Trim cmpStu.SetStudentSelect(cmpStu.strSelStudent & " WHERE StudentID='" & Session(“StudentID”) & "'")
10 DataGrid: Edit Columns Expand the Button Group Add Edit, Update, Cancel Add Delete Set the appropriate column names
11 DataGrid Basics: Page_Init You need code to even see anything! Page_Init, add the following to read the data from the database into the dataset, and then display the dataset in the grid: If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then Dim cmpMain As DBMain = New DBMain() cmpMain.FillServiceOffered(DsServiceList1) DataBind() Session(“dsServiceList1”) = DsServiceList1 End If Code assumes you have a data fill routine in the main data component to isolate the DB-specific adapter: Public Sub FillServiceOffered(ByVal dSet As DsServiceList) adpServiceList.Fill(dSet) End Sub Warning: Most books use Page_Load, but the DataGrid work is all done at Page_Init, so you should start off with putting everything there.
12 DataGrid: Sorting (easy version) Properties: Allow sorting View + Code Select data grid in left select box: dgService Select SortCommand in right select box Add code (it must be a data view to have.Sort): See Esposito, p. 59+ for more detailed sort interface Private Sub dgService_SortCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs) Handles dgService.SortCommand dvServiceList1.Sort= e.SortExpression End Sub
13 Sorting: Complications Eventually we need to keep the Dataset between calls So we also need to keep the sort list Page_Init If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then Dim cmpMain As DBMain = New DBMain() cmpMain.FillServiceOffered(DsServiceList1) DataBind() Session("dsServiceList1") = DsServiceList1 Session("sSort") = "" End If Sort Private Sub dgService_SortCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs) Handles dgService.SortCommand Session("sSort") = e.SortExpression UpdateGridView() End Sub
14 DataGrid: UpdateGridView After every PostBack, you need to redraw/rebind the grid That means you have to reset the sort condition Private Sub UpdateGridView() DsServiceList1 = CType(Session("dsServiceList1"), DsServiceList) dvServiceList1.Table = DsServiceList1.Tables("ServiceOffered") dvServiceList1.Sort = CType(Session("sSort"), String) dgService.DataBind() End Sub
15 DataGrid: View with Sort Right-click file name in Solution Explorer and select Build and Browse Sort works, but Edit and Delete do nothing when clicked.
16 DataGrid: Register Event Handlers Go to main forms page, click on HTML, add event handlers to process Edit, Update, Cancel <asp: DataGrid id=“grid” … OnEditComamnd=“EditCommand” OnUpdateCommand=“UpdateCommand” OnCancelCommand=“CancelCommand OnDeleteCommand=“DeleteCommand”> You can also assign them by selecting Grid in the top-left select box, and then each command in the top-right select box. It is possible to assign these handlers dynamically by code, but the code must be in Page_Init (not Page_Load). C#:dgVisit.UpdateCommand += new DataGridCommandEventHandler(dgVisit_Update); VB:AddHandler dgVisit.UpdateCommand, AddressOf dgVisit_Update
17 DataGrid: Event Handler for Edit You simply have to set the EditIndex to the proper row and refresh Visual Basic Public Sub EditCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs) grid.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex‘ Set the edit row UpdateGridView()‘ Redraw/refresh End Sub C# public void EditCommand(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { grid.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex UpdateGridView() }
18 DataGrid: Event Handler for Cancel You simply remove the EditIndex and refresh Visual Basic Public Sub EditCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs) grid.EditItemIndex = -1‘ Clear the edit row UpdateGridView()‘ Redraw/refresh End Sub C# public void EditCommand(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { grid.EditItemIndex = -1 UpdateGridView() }
19 DataGrid: Edit Mode Clicking Edit on a row Sets up text boxes for editing Displays Update and Cancel commands The width of the edit text boxes can only be controlled with templates You also need templates to use Select boxes or Check boxes But the entire column must be a template column to enable templates in edit mode
20 DataGrid: Save Button The Save Button is invisible until changes are made. Note the use of the tool tip to provide more detail. Changes are made to the “memory” DataSet. Which is maintained in a Session variable between pages. Clicking the button saves all changes in a batch mode. You can set Optimistic locking or simple overwrite when you create the Data Adapter. But optimistic locking simply generates row errors and does not save anything. It requires additional code.
21 DataGrid: Code-Setup Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then Dim cmpMain As DBMain = New DBMain() cmpMain.FillServiceOffered(DsServiceList1) DataBind() Session("dsServiceList1") = DsServiceList1 Session("sSort") = "" Else DsServiceList1 = CType(Session("dsServiceList1"), DsServiceList) dvServiceList1.Table = DsServiceList1.Tables("ServiceOffered") dvServiceList1.Sort = CType(Session("sSort"), String) End If End Sub Private Sub UpdateGridView() DsServiceList1 = CType(Session("dsServiceList1"), DsServiceList) dvServiceList1.Table = DsServiceList1.Tables("ServiceOffered") Me.dvServiceList1.Sort = CType(Session("sSort"), String) dgService.DataBind() End Sub
22 DataGrid: Code-Easy Edits Private Sub dgService_SortCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridSortCommandEventArgs) Handles dgService.SortCommand Session("sSort") = e.SortExpression UpdateGridView() lblMessage.Text = "" End Sub Public Sub EditServiceGrid(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs) dgService.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex UpdateGridView() lblMessage.Text = "" End Sub Public Sub CancelServiceGrid(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs) dgService.EditItemIndex = -1 UpdateGridView() lblMessage.Text = "" End Sub
23 DataGrid: Code-Update Public Sub UpdateServiceGrid(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs) Dim row As DataRowView = dvServiceList1(e.Item.ItemIndex) row.BeginEdit() Dim txt As TextBox = CType(e.Item.Cells(0).Controls(0), TextBox) row("ServiceID") = txt.Text txt = CType(e.Item.Cells(1).Controls(0), TextBox): row("SortOrder") = txt.Text txt = CType(e.Item.Cells(2).Controls(0), TextBox): row("Abbreviation") = txt.Text txt = CType(e.Item.Cells(3).Controls(0), TextBox): row("ShortName") = txt.Text txt = CType(e.Item.Cells(4).Controls(0), TextBox): row("Description") = txt.Text row.EndEdit() Session("dsServiceList1") = DsServiceList1 dgService.EditItemIndex = -1:UpdateGridView() btnSave.Visible = True:lblMessage.Text = "" End Sub
24 DataGrid: Code-Delete Public Sub DeleteServiceGrid(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs) dvServiceList1.Delete(e.Item.ItemIndex) Session("dsServiceList1") = DsServiceList1 dgService.EditItemIndex = -1 UpdateGridView() btnSave.Visible = True ' We are using batch update lblMessage.Text = "" End Sub
25 DataGrid: Code-Add Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click ' Want to find the currently largest ServiceID, since we are not using AutoNumber Dim row1 As DataRowView = dvServiceList1(dvServiceList1.Count - 1) Dim n As Integer = row1("ServiceID") ' Reset the sort dvServiceList1.Sort = CType(Session("sSort"), String) Dim row As DataRowView = dvServiceList1.AddNew() row("ServiceID") = n + 1:row("SortOrder") = n + 1 row("Abbreviation") = "“:row("ShortName") = "" row("Description") = "“:row.EndEdit() Session("dsServiceList1") = DsServiceList1 dgService.EditItemIndex = dvServiceList1.Count - 1 UpdateGridView() btnSave.Visible = True: lblMessage.Text = "" End Sub
26 DataGrid: Code-Save DBMain Private Sub btnSave_Click (ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click Dim cmpMain As DBMain = New DBMain() DsServiceList1 = CType (Session("dsServiceList1"), DsServiceList) lblMessage.Text = cmpMain.UpdateServiceListBatch(DsServiceList1) btnSave.Visible = False End Sub Public Function UpdateServiceListBatch (ByVal ds As DataSet) As String Dim iChanges As Integer = 0, str As String Try iChanges = adpServiceList.Update(ds, "ServiceOffered") str = iChanges.ToString & " changes were saved to the database." Catch e As Exception str = e.Message End Try Return str End Function
27 DataGrid: Concurrency Batch updates should always check for concurrency. The challenge lies in notifying the user, And in updating the data so that changes can be saved. This approach Returns an error message. And color highlights the data that was not updated. It also reloads the entire grid from the database. And redisplays the changes made by this user. But it does not show the user the new value currently in the database.
28 DataGrid: Cell Highlight Code You can alter the display (or edit) of individual cells on the fly. Use grid.OnItemCreated, but note that it is fired for each row. To alter individual cells, you have to examine each one. Public Sub ItemCreatedGrid(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridItemEventArgs) Dim lit As ListItemType = e.Item.ItemType If (lit = ListItemType.Item OrElse lit = ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then Dim row As DataRowView = dvServiceList1(e.Item.ItemIndex) Dim id As Integer = row("ServiceID") ' Find row in underlying dataset, data view does not provide access to the Original value Dim dsRow As DataRow = DsServiceList1.Tables("ServiceOffered").Rows.Find(id) ' Iterate through columns (they are in the constant array declared at the start to simplify) Dim iCol As Integer For iCol = 0 To GridCols.GetUpperBound(0) - 1 If dsRow(GridCols(iCol)) <> dsRow(GridCols(iCol), DataRowVersion.Original) Then e.Item.Cells(iCol).CssClass = "CellChanged" End If Next End If End Sub
29 DataGrid: Save Only one new line in the save button routine: After data has been updated, save the session, because the dataset was probably modified during the update. Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click Dim cmpMain As DBMain = New DBMain() lblMessage.Text = cmpMain.UpdateServiceListBatch(DsServiceList1) ' Need to resave Session because concurrency code and re-read changed it Session("dsServiceList1") = DsServiceList1 btnSave.Visible = False UpdateGridView() End Sub
30 DataGrid: Concurrency Test Only minor change to the actual save: ContinueUpdateOnEntry Default is False So, only rows before the concurrency problem would be updated. This change enables all modifications to be attempted Public Function UpdateServiceListBatch(ByRef ds As DataSet) As String Dim iChanges As Integer = 0, str As String adpServiceList.ContinueUpdateOnError = True ' With default False, it will raise an error but then stop. We need to process as many changes as possible first. Try iChanges = adpServiceList.Update(ds, "ServiceOffered") If (iChanges = 1) Then str = "One row change was saved to the database." Else str = iChanges.ToString & " row changes were saved to the database." End If Catch e As Exception str = e.Message End Try
31 DataGrid: Concurrency Code2 The trick now is to identify the rows that had concurrency problems. Then save those rows in a temporary table, So we keep the user changes. ' Add the rows with concurrency errors to a new table Dim tb As DataTable = ds.Tables("ServiceOffered") Dim tbChg As DataTable = tb.Clone() Dim dr As DataRow If tb.HasErrors Then For Each dr In tb.Rows If dr.HasErrors Then tbChg.ImportRow(dr) End If Next dr End If
32 DataGrid: Concurrency Code3 Now reload the base dataset with the current database contents. That updates all rows And sets the underlying Original value correctly so future changes can be made. Then take the temporarily saved user changes and reapply them ' Reload the main dataset so that it resets the Original values (and picks up all database changes) Me.FillServiceOffered(ds) ' Need to merge the changed values back in to the dataset--if the row still exists If (tbChg.Rows.Count > 0) Then Dim drNew As DataRow, i As Integer For Each dr In tbChg.Rows drNew = tb.Rows.Find(dr("ServiceID")) If (Not drNew Is Nothing) Then For i = 0 To tbChg.Columns.Count - 1 drNew(i) = dr(i) Next i End If Next dr End If Return str End Function
33 DataGrid: Concurrency Compensate for concurrency: Rows might be changed Rows might be deleted Rows might be added Painful to do by hand, easier as follows: Stash the modified rows not saved because of concurrency Reread the dataset Merge the stashed rows, but watch for deleted Remaining problem: How do we show the user what the new value is? It is stored in row(“ColumnName”, DataRowVersion.Original) But we need an easy and unobtrusive way to display it, and probably let the user select/restore it so it is not overwritten.
34 DataGrid: Basic Review Add a Component page Add a Data Adapter, Data Connection, and Data SetData AdapterData Set Add a Web form page Drag the Data Set to the page Drag and create a Data View from the Data Set (sorted) Drag a Data Grid to the page Set the ID Property Builder DataSource = Data View DataSource Data key Allow sorting Select columns to display Select columns Add Edit and Delete columns Add Edit Write Code to run the grid Page_Init: Fill and DataBind Page_Init Sorting Sorting UpdateGridView UpdateGridView Load from Session Resort DataBind Edit Event Handlers Register them Register OnEditCommand (easy) OnEditCommand OnCancelCommand (easy) OnCancelCommand OnUpdateCommand (use sample) OnUpdateCommand OnDeleteCommand (use sample) OnDeleteCommand Button Add row code (use sample) Button Add Button Save batch code (use sample) Button Save Concurrency OnItemCreated code (use sample) OnItemCreated Modify save codesave Add data component Update codeUpdate
35 DataGrid: TemplateColumn <asp:TextBox Runat="server" Width="5em" ID="txtServiceID" Text=' ' /> You almost always need TemplateColumns in your DataGrid ItemTemplate to control the display within each cell EditItemTemplate to control the editing FooterTemplate for buttons If you want one of these, you have to implement all of them (except Footer is optional) See Esposito, p. 79 and 117 Setup code to mimic BoundColumn but set the edit box size goes into the.aspx file, HTML view:
36 DataGrid: Edit Template-Update BoundColumn and EditTemplate refer to the edited data differently: BoundColumn Dim txt1 As TextBox = CType(e.Item.Cells(nCol).Controls(0), TextBox) TemplateColumn Dim txt1 As TextBox = CType(e.Item.FindControl(“txtServiceID”) Public Sub UpdateServiceGrid(…) … ' Use the predefined array to convert column index into column name because the grid list is not in the same order as the dataset Dim iCol As Integer For iCol = 0 To GridCols.GetUpperBound(0) - 1 txt = CType(e.Item.FindControl(GridEdits(iCol)), TextBox) row(GridCols(iCol)) = txt.Text Next … End Sub
37 DataGrid: EditTemplate Effect In this case, the primary effect is that we can control the width of the text input box. Templates are considerably more powerful You can put multiple items within a cell and control formatting. You can include images, links and multiple rows within a cell. You can edit with Check Boxes and Select Boxes.
38 DataGrid: Template and Concurrency Now it is possible to add a control to cells that have experienced concurrency problems or have been changed. The Add Row button has also been moved to a Footer Template. A swap/undo button is added that displays the underlying value on rollover, and places it into the dataset when clicked. The value was changed via this Web form (Int4). It was altered directly in the database (Int8). An attempt was made to save the changes. Clicking Edit + Update + Save Changes will put Int4 into the database. Clicking the swap button or closing the form will leave Int8 there.
39 DataGrid: Swap Button The image button is added directly to each Template Column. Adding it to the ItemTemplate instead of the EditItemTemplate makes it possible to replace the data with one click instead of three. <asp:ImageButton Runat="server" ID="btnChgAbbreviation“ AlternateText="" ImageUrl="images/swap1.gif" Visible="False“ OnClick="SwapButtonClick" /> <asp:TextBox Runat="server" Width="5em" ID="txtAbbreviation" Text=' ' />
40 DataGrid: ItemCreated-2 Public Sub ItemCreatedGrid(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridItemEventArgs) Dim lit As ListItemType = e.Item.ItemType If (lit = ListItemType.Item OrElse lit = ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then Dim row As DataRowView = dvServiceList1(e.Item.ItemIndex), Dim id As Integer = row("ServiceID"), iCol As Integer Dim dsRow As DataRow = DsServiceList1.Tables("ServiceOffered").Rows.Find(id) For iCol = 0 To GridCols.GetUpperBound(0) - 1 Try If (dsRow(GridCols(iCol)) <> dsRow(GridCols(iCol), DataRowVersion.Original)) Then e.Item.Cells(iCol).CssClass = "CellChanged" Dim imgBtn As ImageButton = e.Item.Cells(iCol).FindControl("btnChg“ & GridCols(iCol)) imgBtn.Visible = True imgBtn.AlternateText = dsRow(GridCols(iCol), DataRowVersion.Original) imgBtn.CommandName = id‘ These two identify the row and column imgBtn.CommandArgument = iCol End If Catch e1 As Exception End Try Next End If End Sub
41 DataGrid: Concurrency Swap Button Public Sub SwapButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ImageClickEventArgs) Dim imgBtn As ImageButton = CType(sender, ImageButton) Dim ServiceID As Integer = CType(imgBtn.CommandName, Integer) Dim iCol As Integer = CType(imgBtn.CommandArgument, Integer) Dim dsRow As DataRow = DsServiceList1.Tables("ServiceOffered").Rows.Find(ServiceID) Dim str As String = imgBtn.AlternateText imgBtn.AlternateText = dsRow(GridCols(iCol)) ' Note: this does not work dsRow(GridCols(iCol)) = str Session("dsServiceList1") = DsServiceList1 UpdateGridView() End Sub The button code puts the Alternate text into the dataset. It also sets up a potential swap by putting the.Current value back into the Alternate text. But that swap does not work because the Alternate text does not persist. You would need to save those values in a Session array.
42 DataGrid: Building Your Own I tried to make the code generic, so that you can build your own grid with the same features. Templates Templates DataGrid Code DataGrid Code Data Component Update Code Data Component Update Code GenKey and BatchUpdate GenKey and BatchUpdate First, create the data adaptor and data set and the grid. Then copy and paste the Column descriptors and templates into the Design view. And alter them to match your own columns. Then copy and paste the code into your Code view. In several places, you have to change the.Tables(“ServiceOffered”) into your table. It would be better to make it a global constant, so you can change it in one location. In several places, you have to change the data view name (dvServiceList) and data set name (dsServiceList). Use search and replace to change them all. Do the same thing to change the grid ID (dgService). btnAdd_Click needs to initialize your columns. Change the cmpMain reference and cmpMain.FillService. Change GridCols() and GridEdits() at the top of the code. Make minor changes to UpdateServiceListBatch in DBMain.
43 DataGrid: Pagination Questions The goal of pagination is to reduce the transfer of data. For example, users would see only items on a page, and could click link buttons to select pages. Data grid sort of has a built-in paging mechanism. It is only useful for tables with less than about 200 rows. Data grid has a paging mechanism that you can customize. It is better, and can be made acceptable. But, it is difficult to use—particularly with Oracle. See Esposito, pp and Sceppa, pp The problem/challenge: You do not want to hold a huge data set in Session/memory. (That’s the problem with the default approach.) So you need a method to retrieve rows from the database by sequence position. But, relational databases do not work that way. (The samples give some complex queries to work around this.) And database updates alter the data which destroys your sequence. (None of the samples take this into account.) Whenever possible, make people enter selection criteria. Limit large dataset paging to a few users (administrators?)
44 DataGrid: Pagination To use the semi-automatic paging system: Set paging properties in the Property Builder. Allow paging (use custom if you want more control). Page size (e.g., 15). Show navigation buttons (Page numbers might be best). Add code to handle the page change event. Make sure the entire dataset is held in Session. But your update code must be changed. See next page. Private Sub dgCountry_PageIndexChanged(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridPageChangedEventArgs) Handles dgCountry.PageIndexChanged dgCountry.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex UpdateGridView() End Sub
45 DataGrid: Pagination-Update You must be careful about which row you are editing. The common Update code for a grid uses: Dim row As DataRowView = dvCounry1(e.Item.ItemIndex) But, you need to compensate for the page, since the ItemIndex only counts from the top of the current page. Dim idx As Integer = dgCountry.CurrentPageIndex * dgCountry.PageSize + e.Item.ItemIndex Dim row As DataRowView = dvCountry1(idx)
46 DataGrid: Pagination Output
47 DataGrid: Filter A DataView can be filtered to display a limited number of rows. The filter syntax is similar to the SQL Where syntax. But you can make it easier for users by having them enter a partial value, and then building the filter yourself.
48 DataGrid: Filter Button HTML <asp:button id="btnAdd" accessKey="A" runat="server“ Text="Add Row" ToolTip="Add a new row to the list“ OnClick="btnAdd_Click"> Search/Filter: <asp:Button ID="btnFilter" AccessKey="F“ Runat="server" Text="Find" ToolTip="Find matching entry.“ OnClick="btnFilter_Click">
49 DataGrid: Filter Code1 Like the Sort clause, the Filter statement has to be stored in a Session variable between page calls. Sub Page_Init … If (Session("DsCountry1") Is Nothing) Then Dim cmpMain As DBMain = New DBMain() cmpMain.FillCountry(DsCountry1) DataBind() Session("DsCountry1") = DsCountry1 Session("sSortCountry") = "" Session("FilterCountry") = "" Else DsCountry1 = CType(Session("DsCountry1"), DsCountry) Me.dvCountry1.Table = Me.DsCountry1.Tables(0) Me.dvCountry1.Sort = CType(Session("sSortCountry"), String) Me.dvCountry1.RowFilter = Session("FilterCountry") End If End Sub
50 DataGrid: Filter Code2 Again, like Sort, the RowFilter must be reapplied when the grid display is refreshed. Private Sub UpdateGridView() Me.DsCountry1 = CType(Session("DsCountry1"), DsCountry) dvCountry1.Table = DsCountry1.Tables(0) Me.dvCountry1.Sort = CType(Session("sSortCountry"), String) Me.dvCountry1.RowFilter = CType(Session("FilterCountry"), String) dgCountry.DataBind() End Sub
51 DataGrid: Filter Button Code 1 Public Sub btnFilter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim cell As TableCell = CType(sender.parent, TableCell) Dim txtFilter As TextBox = CType(cell.FindControl("txtFilter"), TextBox) Dim sbFilter As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder() Dim sFilter As String = txtFilter.Text.Trim.ToLower lblMessage.Text = "" Dim i As Integer = sFilter.IndexOf("<") If (i ") If (i < 0) Then i = sFilter.IndexOf("=") If (i < 0) Then i = sFilter.IndexOf("like") If (i < 0) Then ' user probably just entered part of the name Dim j1 As Integer = sFilter.IndexOf("'") Dim j2 As Integer = sFilter.IndexOf("'", j1 + 1) If (j2 < 0) Then j2 = sFilter.Length sbFilter.Append("Country LIKE '") sbFilter.Append(txtFilter.Text.Substring(j1 + 1, j2 - j1 - 1)) sbFilter.Append("%'") Session("FilterCountry") = sbFilter.ToString UpdateGridView()
52 DataGrid: Filter Button Code 2 Else‘ User entered own search condition Dim j1 As Integer = sFilter.IndexOf("'") Dim j2 As Integer = sFilter.IndexOf("country") If ((j1 < 0) OrElse (j2 < 0)) Then ' Does not meet minimum format lblMessage.Text = "Filter should be a partial country name, or of the form: Country > 'A' or Country Like 'B%'" lblMessage.Visible = True Else Session("FilterCountry") = txtFilter.Text Try UpdateGridView() Catch e1 As Exception lblMessage.Text = "Filter error: " & e1.Message lblMessage.Visible = True Session("FilterCountry") = "" ' Clear the bad filter End Try End If End Sub
53 DataGrid: Source Code This example (edit the country list) handles Edit/Cancel/Delete/Update Add new row Batch update Concurrency Pagination (but performance only for about 200 rows) Sort (not real useful with only one column but code is the same) Filter Code sections (rtf format) HTML (buttons and grid) HTML Page code (handles page events) Page code Data code (transfer dataset to the database) Data code Update and GenKey (common code for DB component) Update and GenKey
54 DataGrid: Your Own Forms You need a fast way to build a Web form that edits a single table in grid view. And handle Sort, Filter, Edit, Update, and Concurrency. A better wizard would be nice, otherwise follow these steps: (1) Use Windows to copy and rename three files EditCountry.aspx(HTML file) EditCountry.aspx EditCountry.aspx.resx(Resource file) EditCountry.aspx.resx EditCountry.aspx.vb(Code file) EditCountry.aspx.vb Change notes(rtf file that is easier to use) Change notes DBMain.vb(Common update code) DBMain.vb (2) In the main database component Add a new DataAdapter Generate a new Dataset (3) Use WordPad to edit and modify the three files (4) Add three lines of code to the main database component (5) Add all three edited files to Visual Studio (6) Link the new page into your main form, check security. (7) Add the TMF component to your system, and Build everything.
55 DataGrid: Edit.aspx.resx (Resource) Search and Replace DsCountryDs[DataSet Name] dvCountrydv[DataView Name]
56 DataGrid: Edit.aspx (HTML) Search and Replace EditCountry[FileName] dvCountrydv[ViewName] Standard Country List[Your Page Title] DataKeyField=“Country”DataKeyField=“[IDColumn]” id=dgCountryid=dg[GridName] Copy and edit the columns, use in only 1 column. Edit the columns SortExpression=“[Column Name]” HeaderText=“[Column Name]” DataBinder…“[Column Name]” ID=“btnChg[Column Name]” (remove to disable editing of a column) ID=“txt[Column Name]” DataBinder…”[Column Name]” Set the Width=“#em”
57 DataGrid: Edit.aspx.vb (Code) - 1 Search and Replace EditCountry[Your FileName] DsCountryDs[DataSet Name] (without the 1) dvCountrydv[DataView Name] (without the 1) dgCountrydg[Grid Name] .Sort = “Country”.Sort = “[Primary Key Column]” .Country.[Table Name] .FillCountry.Fill[Table Name](in DBMain) sSortCountrysSort[Table Name] sFilterCountrysFilter[Table Name] Edit Column arrays: Line 11: Private GridCols() As String = {“Country”} Line 12: Private GridEdits() As String = {“txtCountry”} These are comma-separated lists of (a) the table columns, and (b) the IDs in the edit templates. But even if you do not edit a column, you must include it in the edit list—to keep the sequence right.
58 DataGrid: Edit.aspx.vb (Code) - Save Edit Sub btnSave_Click routine: lblMessage.Text = tmf.OleBatchUpdate(DsCountry1, cmpMain.adpCountry, "Country") DsCountry1Ds[DataSet Name]1 .adpCountry.adp[Adapter Name] “Country”“[Table Name]”
59 DataGrid: Edit.aspx.vb (Code) - Add Edit Sub btnAdd_Click If your primary key is a string and you set the default value to “”, leave the first If test and End If to prevent errors. If your primary key is numeric or you set a new value each time, comment out the first If and matching End If statements. If you want to generate a new ID from the AutoNumber table: Remove the comments from the three lines marked In GenKey, change “Country” to “[Table Name]” Comment out the fourth line: row(“Country”) = “” At the end of the routine, uncomment the Page locator that jumps to the end of the list, and comment the one that goes to the top. Set other default values as desired. If you want to let the user pick an ID, but suggest a value: dvServiceList1.Sort = "ServiceID“, n As Integer = row1("ServiceID") Dim row1 As DataRowView = dvServiceList1(dvServiceList1.Count - 1) dvServiceList1.Sort = CType(Session("sSortService"), String) Dim row As DataRowView = dvServiceList1.AddNew() row("ServiceID") = n + 1 row("SortOrder") = n + 1
60 DataGrid: Edit.aspx.vb (Code) - ItemCreated Edit Sub dg[Grid Name]_ItemCreated Change:( datagrid currently only supports 1 column key) Dim id As String = row(“Country”) to your column and data type Dim id As Integer = row(“[Primary Key]”) Edit Sub btnFilter_Click Many possible changes here, depending on user interface Important: Change the word Country to the name of the column you want people to search on by default (several places). Be careful with IndexOf(“[column name]”). Must be lower case. When you think you are done, search for: Country If you find it, change it. It should not be in your final code
61 DataGrid: Edit/Finalize In database component (DBMain), add fill: Public Sub Fill[Table Name](ByVal ds As DataSet) adp[Adapter Name].Fill(ds) End Sub Add all three files to Visual Studio (plus tmf). Solution Explorer, right-click, Add Existing Files Add link from your main page/menu to new form Edit (or remove?) security check in Page_Init If (Not CType(Session(“IsValidLogin”), Boolean)) Then… If (CType(Session(“User”), UserData).UserLevel = “Student”)… Build everything and test. Create a wizard to do this all automatically.
62 DataGrid: Drop Down List/Foreign Keys Relational database tables often have foreign keys Table with a column that is a primary key in a second table. Example: Order(OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID) Customer(CustomerID, LastName, FirstName, …) CustomerID is a foreign key in the Order table. It is an efficient storage method, but causes data entry problems, because you do not want the user to have to look up every CustomerID. Solution: use a Drop Down List (ddl) that displays a user- friendly list of sorted names. When a name is selected, the matching Customer ID is inserted into the Order table. Challenge: Drop Down Lists are somewhat challenging to incorporate into a data grid, because you need to display the correct text item whenever you change the underlying key. It is even more difficult because update only works with tables, not with database queries.
63 DataGrid: DDL Example
64 SchoolID DataGrid: DDL Structure MajorSchool qryMajorSchool MajorID, SchoolID, MajorSchool SchoolID MajorID School Major Data Grid Display DDL SchoolSchoolID Database: tables and queries.NET DataSets Drop Down List DataSet For Table
65 DataGrid: DDL Overview The main display is based on a query that contains all of the columns from the main table, and the display column from the lookup table. A separate dataset provides data to fill the drop down list. A drop down list needs to know six things: DataSourcethe data set (or array or reader) to fill it DataMemberthe table or query in the DataSet DataTextFieldthe text for each row to display to users DataValueFieldthe hidden ID value that uniquely identifies a row [ColumnLookUpText]the name of the column in the underlying dataset that displays the current value for one row. [ColumnLookUpValue]the name of the column in the underlying dataset that holds the chosen ID value With the query, displaying data is relatively easy.
66 DataGrid: DDL Update First update problem: when the user makes a selection you must: Store the ID value for the selected item into the underlying dataset. Store the display text for the selected item into the underlying dataset (the query only works when you pull data from the DBMS, so you have to manually keep the display accurate). Second update problem: writing the changes back to the database. ADO.NET Update only works on single tables. Oracle is notoriously unreliable at updating queries. Solution: Copy the underlying dataset Drop the query-added display columns. Call ADO Update using the temporary dataset. Requery the database and merge changes into temporary dataset. Reload the query dataset and merge changes from temp dataset.
67 DataGrid: DDL Template Steps Example is from EditMajor. Use the rtf files and search/replace for the items listed in the notes file. GridBase2Notes.rtfNotes, substitution lists GridBase2Notes.rtf GridBase2Res.rtfEditMajor.aspx.resx GridBase2Res.rtf GridBase2HTML.rtfEditMajor.aspx GridBase2HTML.rtf GridBase2Code.rtfEditMajor.aspx.vb GridBase2Code.rtf GridBase2DB.rtfAdd to DBMain.vb GridBase2DB.rtf You will probably need to add columns in the HTML file. You will need to hand edit a few lines in the Code file. You need to build the data adapters and datasets. You also need the tmf.vb file. All structure and code are in the templates. Create the queries and datasets for your problem. Add the columns to the grid (HTML file). Substitute the names in the code file (VB). Make a couple of decisions on code options. The templates work for Check Boxes and read-only columns.
68 DataGrid: Main and Sub Form You can build a Main/Sub form using the main form template and then adding a data grid template. But you have to be careful with the BindDataForm—it is responsible for updating the data grid as well. An additional template is included for a fairly standard main/sub form pair. It requires that the main form use only a single column primary key, and the subform also uses a single primary key. RTF files are as follows: Notes:GridSub2Notes.rtfGridSub2Notes.rtf Resx:GridSub2Res.rtfGridSub2Res.rtf HTML:GridSub2HTML.rtfGridSub2HTML.rtf Code:GridSub2Code.rtfGridSub2Code.rtf DB code:GridSub2DB.rtfGridSub2DB.rtf
69 DataGrid: Main/Sub Sample Note that the grid is probably too wide. Better to reduce the columns and add a More… link to a full-page editor.
70 DataGrid: Navigation Example Non-student users can see and search a list of all students. Note that this list would be too large if all students at a university are included; so you might want to set default filters before opening the form. Clicking on the More… link opens the standard student edit page. The grid provides a fast method to see and search the table. The separate editing page can be used for several purposes (edits by staff and by students).