Introduction to the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) CAPT Keith Bowman, Joint Staff, J-8 Hello, I am Captain John Costello from the Requirements and Acquisition Division in the Joint Staff J-8. Consistent with our goal of keeping the Department informed on changes to the Requirements Generation System, we wanted to provide you with a short overview of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System.
Just a Thought As illustrated here, we need a better way to decide what the warfighter needs.
Previous Requirements and Acquisition Process Frequently produced stovepiped system solutions Requirements were Service rather than Joint focused Lacked construct for objective analysis Systems not necessarily integrated Duplication existed, particularly in smaller programs Evolutionary acquisition not well institutionalized Joint warfighting needs not prioritized This new joint approach to capability integration and development is consistent with the direction from the Secretary of Defense to reform the requirements generation system to more effectively identify joint warfighting capabilities in direct support of the DOD acquisition system as described in the DOD 5000 series of documents. At the direction of Secretary Rumsfeld, we reviewed the effectiveness of the existing requirements system and found several shortfalls: it frequently produced stove piped systems; requirements were often service rather than joint focused; proposals lacked a construct for effective, objective analyses; while systems were often deconflicted from each other, they were not necessarily integrated; duplication often existed, especially in smaller programs; evolutionary acquisition was not being used effectively; and joint warfighting needs were not prioritized. As a result of a strong collaborative effort between the Joint Staff, the Services and OSD, we have created a new process called the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System or JCIDS. The new system institutes a capabilities-based approach to identifying current and future gaps in our ability to carry out joint warfighting missions and functions. Developed in close coordination with the recently published DOD 5000 series instructions, which define the operation of the defense acquisition system, and with proposed revisions to the national security space acquisition policy, JCIDS will help ensure that we develop the right capabilities.
Summary of Changes JCIDS seeks to: Enhance methodology to identify and describe capabilities gaps Mandate broader review of capability proposals Engage the acquisition community early Better define non-materiel aspects of materiel solutions Prioritize capability gaps and proposals Improved coordination with other departments and agencies JCIDS implements several key changes. JCIDS provides an enhanced methodology for identifying and describing capability gaps and proposals; it provides a broader review of proposals by bringing in additional participants including the acquisition community early in the process; JCIDS provides a mechanism to allow the JROC to prioritize capability gaps and proposals; and it captures the non-materiel aspects of materiel solutions to ensure an effective capability is fielded. In addition to improving the integration with the acquisition process, JCIDS also enhances the sharing of information with the science and technology, and experimentation communities to focus their efforts; and it provides a mechanism for better coordination with Departments and Agencies outside of the DOD.
JCIDS Instruction and Manual Developed in conjunction with DoD 5000 Series CJCSI 3170.01C Top-level description Organizational responsibilities CJCSM 3170.01 JCIDS Analysis Process Define performance attributes & key performance parameters Validation & approval process Document content JCIDS is being implemented through a Chairman’s Instruction and companion Manual. JCIDS was developed in close collaboration with the DOD 5000 series development. Chairman’s Instruction 3170.01C provides the policy and top-level description of the JCIDS. The Instruction also gives the organizational responsibilities for everyone necessary for making the process effective. Chairman’s Manual 3170.01 provides the details necessary for the action officers who will be performing the day-to-day work of identifying, describing, and justifying warfighting capabilities. The Manual provides additional detail on the JCIDS analysis process, it defines performance attributes and key performance parameters, and it describes the staffing process necessary to receive final validation and approval of any JCIDS proposal. The Manual also includes a set of enclosures that describe the content required for each JCIDS document.
Future Capabilities Needs Identification National Security Strategy Strategy & Overarching Concepts Joint Operations Concepts Guidance Integrated Architectures Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts OPLANS and CONPLANS Defense Planning Scenarios Overlay what we have with what we need to do COCOM IPLs Gap Analysis Risk Assessment Capability Assessments Task Analyses Assessment and Analysis JCIDS Analysis The fundamental change in JCIDS from the previous requirements system is that it is based on top-down analyses rather than bottom-up requirements generation. The JCIDS analyses are based on the national security strategy and overarching concepts. From these overarching concepts, joint operating concepts and functional concepts are created along with integrated architectures that pull together these concepts and the associated systems. This top-down approach is designed to identify capability gaps and to ensure new capabilities are developed within a joint warfighting context and “born joint”. JCIDS Recommendations Capability Needs DOTMLPF Changes Capabilities-based identification of needs combines joint concepts and integrated architectures with analysis Reconciliation & Recommendations Decision and Action Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System Science & Technology Acquisition Experimentation
Functional-Operational Relationships Major Combat Operations (JFCOM) Homeland Security (NORTHCOM) Stability Operations (JFCOM) Strategic Deterrence (STRATCOM) Battlespace Awareness Command and Control Force Application The four operational concepts are being developed by the COCOMs as shown here. The functional concepts are aligned with and being developed by the JWCAs. The objective is to help identify opportunities to leverage capabilities within a functional concept across more than one of the operational concepts. Protection Focused Logistics
JCIDS Analysis Functional Area Analysis (FAA) Identify operational task, conditions, and standards needed to accomplish military objectives Result: Tasks to be accomplished Functional Needs Analysis (FNA) Assess ability of current and programmed capabilities to accomplish the tasks Result: List of capability gaps Functional Solutions Analysis (FSA) Operational based assessment of doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership/education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) approaches to solving capability gaps Result: Potential integrated DOTMLPF approaches to capability gaps Post Independent Analysis Independent analysis of approaches to determine best fit Result: Initial Capabilities Document The focus of JCIDS is to perform the necessary analyses early in the development of a capability, when the JROC can have the most influence on the resulting system. By leveraging the concepts and integrated architectures, we can more effectively compare what we have and what we need to do and identify the gaps in our capabilities. This analysis then becomes the basis for creating and prioritizing JCIDS proposals. There are four analyses that lead up to the identification of a capability. First, the Functional Area Analysis identifies the operational tasks, conditions, and standards needed to accomplish military objectives. The result is a compilation of tasks to be analyzed in the Functional Needs Analysis. Next, the Functional Needs Analysis assesses the ability of the current and programmed capabilities to accomplish the Functional Area Analysis identified tasks, under the full range of operating conditions and to the designated standards. The result is a list of capability gaps. The Functional Solutions Analysis performs an operational based assessment of potential DOTMLPF approaches to solving one or more of the existing capability gaps. The result is a set of potential materiel and non-materiel approaches to fixing the capability gaps. The final step in the analysis process is the Post-Independent Analysis. The objective of this analysis is to review the previously done analyses and identify which integrated DOTMLPF approach or approaches best address the previously identified capability gaps. The results are documented either in a DOTMLPF change recommendation or an Initial Capabilities Document. The gaps in capabilities and associated priorities also become tools for the science and technology, and experimentation communities to guide their future efforts. They also feed the acquisition and planning, programming and budgeting system to ensure the most effective use of the Department’s resources.
Functional Area Analysis JCIDS Analysis Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts Integrated Architectures Strategic Policy Guidance Joint Operations Concepts Functional Area Analysis ICD CDD CPD Functional Needs Analysis DOTMLPF Changes CJCSI 3180 Process Functional Solution Analysis DOTMLPF Analysis Materiel Changes CJCSI 3170 process Ideas for Materiel Approaches of Materiel Alternative N Alternative 2 Alternative 1 The relationship of the analyses to each other and the source concepts and integrated architectures is shown here. The objective of the analyses is identify capability gaps and develop an Initial Capability Document to describe that capability. Post Independent Analysis DOTMLPF Change Recommendation
JCIDS Documents Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) Identifies a capability gap or other deficiency Describes evaluation of DOTMLPF approaches Support Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Concept Refinement and Milestone A Not updated once approved Capability Development Document (CDD) Identifies operational performance attributes of proposed system System specific, applies to single increment (in an evolutionary program) Results from Technology Development and supports Milestone B Updated or rewritten for subsequent increments There are three new documents defined to support the JCIDS process. The Initial Capabilities Document, or ICD, that provides the definition of the capability need and where it fits in the broader concepts and architectures. The ICD is used to support concept refinement decision and Milestone A decisions and to guide the Concept Refinement and the Technology Development phases of the acquisition system. Upon completion of the technology development phase, a Capability Development Document, or CDD, is written. The CDD supports a Milestone B decision by providing more detail on the materiel solution to provide the capability previously described in the ICD. The CDD also provides the thresholds and objectives for the system attributes against which the delivered capability will be measured. Once approved, the CDD is used to guide the System Development and Demonstration Phase of the acquisition process.
JCIDS Documents (cont’d) Capability Production Document (CPD) Identifies production attributes for a single increment of a program Prepared during System Development and Demonstration Rewritten for each increment in an evolutionary program Capstone Requirements Document (CRD) Describes overarching thresholds/goals and standards in functional areas Useful for family-of-systems or system-of-systems approaches Developed only at JROC direction Eventually will be replaced by integrated architectures Once the system has been through Design Readiness Review, the final document, the Capability Production Document, or CPD, is developed. The CPD is used to support the Milestone C decision before a program enters Low Rate Production and Operational Test and Evaluation. The CPD may refine the attribute thresholds from the CDD based on lessons learned during the Systems Development and Demonstration phase. Because the concepts and integrated architectures upon which the analyses are based are not fully available and mature, the JCIDS retains the use of the Capstone Requirements Document, or CRD. The CRD will continue to be used to describe the standards that apply to classes of systems. As the concepts and integrated architectures mature, the JROC will retire existing CRDs. New CRDs will only be developed at JROC direction when they find existing documents or architectures are insufficient.
JCIDS Ties to the DOD 5000 Series ICD – Initial Capabilities Document CDD – Capability Development Document CPD – Capability Production Document Strategic Policy Guidance Joint Operating Concepts Joint Functional Concepts Integrated Architectures REFINE ANALYSIS MS-A MS-B MS-C The JCIDS has been developed in close coordination with the development of the new DOD 5000 series to ensure effective integration of the capabilities identification and acquisition processes. As this diagram shows, the JCIDS documents and JROC approval directly support the Defense Acquisition Board in making the milestone decisions. REFINE ANALYSIS JCIDS Analysis IOC JROC DAB/ ITAB JROC DAB/ ITAB JROC DAB/ ITAB DAB – Defense Acquisition Board ITAB – Information Technology Acquisition Board
Perform initial review of all JCIDS proposals JCIDS Gatekeeper Perform initial review of all JCIDS proposals Support provided by JFCOM, J6, J7, J8, JWCAs The Gatekeeper will determine: Joint Potential Designator Lead and supporting Functional Capabilities Boards (FCB) Lead and supporting Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment (JWCA) Teams The function of the JCIDS Gatekeeper was created to ensure that proposals are evaluated for joint warfighting impact and assigned to the correct staff for analysis and coordination. When the Joint Staff receives a JCIDS document, the Gatekeeper will determine the joint potential designator, the lead Functional Capabilities Board, and the lead Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment Team. This determination will be based on input from Joint Forces Command, each of the Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment teams, the J-7, the J-8 Requirements and Acquisition Division, and the J-8 Warfighting Concepts and Architectures Integration Division. The joint potential designator will be reevaluated when each ICD, CDD, and CPD is submitted because changes in the proposed capability may require a change in joint designation.
Joint Potential Designators (JPD) JROC Interest All ACAT I/IA, CRDs, and DOTMLPF change proposals Any other program so designated JROC validates and approves Joint Impact Any ACAT II and below program with significant impact on joint warfighting FCB validates, Sponsor approves Joint Integration Any ACAT II and below program without significant joint impact Requires intelligence, munitions or interoperability certification Sponsor validates and approves Independent Any program not meeting the above criteria Within JCIDS there are four designations a proposal can receive based on their acquisition category and their potential for impacting the joint warfighter. These joint potential designators are: JROC Interest, Joint Impact, Joint Integration, and Independent. This joint designation determines who validates and/or approves a proposal. The JROC Interest designation applies to all acquisition category I/IA programs and any other program regardless of acquisition category that the JROC decides to review. JROC Interest proposals will be validated and approved by the JROC before being returned for further action by the sponsor. The Joint Impact designation is assigned to those proposals with significant impact on the joint force, but which do not require JROC oversight. Joint Impact proposals will be validated by the Functional Capabilities Board and returned to the sponsor for approval and implementation. The Joint Integration designation applies to those proposals that require intelligence, munitions or interoperability certifications. Joint Integration proposals will be submitted through the certification process before being returned to the sponsor for validation and approval. The Independent designation is assigned to those proposals that have no direct impact on the joint warfighter. These proposals will be returned to the sponsor for further action.
Gatekeeping Process JCIDS Documents GATEKEEPER JROC Interest 5 DAY GOAL JROC Interest JPD Decision Joint Impact JCIDS Documents KM/DS Joint Integration Independent When a JICDS document is submitted for staffing through the Knowledge Management/Decision Support tool, the Gatekeeper engages in a voting process with the supporting staff. Once the Gatekeeper receives the advice of the staff, he makes the determination of the JPD, and the lead JWCA and FCB. The document then proceeds to staffing. Developed by the Sponsor KM/DS - Knowledge Management/Decision Support Tool
Joint Integration and Independent Intel Cert/Threat Validation (J2) Munitions Certification (J4) Joint Integration Interoperability Certification (J6) Sponsor Validation/ Approval Acquisition Activity Independent For Joint Integration documents, they proceed through the certification process and are then returned to the sponsor for validation and approval. Independent documents are returned to the sponsor at the completion of the gatekeeping process. Once the documents receive final approval, they are submitted to KM/DS for retention and future reference. KM/DS Final Document To Database
JROC Interest And Joint Impact Staffing Intel Cert/Threat Validation (J2) Munitions Certification (J4) SPONSOR INCORPORATE COMMENTS 15 DAY GOAL JROC Interest Interoperability Certification (J6) FLAG REVIEW 21 DAYS Joint Impact O-6 REVIEW 35 DAYS COCOMs/SERVICES OSD/DOD AGENCIES JOINT STAFF COCOMs/SERVICES OSD/DOD AGENCIES JOINT STAFF JROC Interest and Joint Impact documents go through the certification process while they are also undergoing O-6 staffing. After resolution of the comments, the document goes through Flag staffing, and is then ready for FCB review. SPONSOR INCORPORATE COMMENTS 15 DAY GOAL FCB Review
JROC Interest And Joint Impact Approval JCB/JROC Approval/ Validation FCB Review Joint Impact FCB Validation Sponsor Approval The FCB receives an intro brief on each JCIDS document from the lead JWCA to establish the context for the capability being discussed. For JROC Interest documents, the FCB Chair will make a recommendation to the JROC on validation/approval after considering all of the inputs from the FCB membership. The JCB/JROC will receive the briefing on the document as well as the recommendation of the FCB Chair and validate/approve the documents as required. If it is a Joint Impact document, The FCB Chair will validate the document and then return it to the sponsor for approval and implementation. KM/DS Acquisition Activity Final Document To Database
Functional Capabilities Board Responsibilities: Ensure new capabilities are conceived and developed in joint warfighting context Ensure JCIDS proposals are consistent with integrated joint force Validate Joint Impact proposals Organize, analyze & prioritize capabilities proposals Oversee development and update of Functional Concept(s) Ensure integrated architectures (as available) reflect the functional area Leverage full resources of the Department Once the Gatekeeper completes the initial review, the document comes under the purview of the Functional Capabilities Board or FCB. This board replaces the Joint Requirements Panel from the previous system with expanded responsibilities and membership. The FCB has several key responsibilities: ensuring that new capabilities are developed with a joint warfighting context; that proposals are consistent with the joint force as described in the joint operating concepts; validating Joint Impact proposals; organizing, analyzing and prioritizing proposals; oversight of development of functional concepts; ensuring integrated architectures reflect the functional areas; and finally, leveraging the full resources of the Department and other Agencies as required.
Chartered FCBs The JROC: One FCB initially chartered: Charters FCBs Assigns functional area(s) of responsibility Identifies the lead organization(s) to chair One FCB initially chartered: Joint Force Command and Control FCB Consistent with responsibilities in MID 912 Others will be chartered at JROC direction Only the JROC can charter a Functional Capabilities Board. The JROC will also assign the functional areas to the FCB and identify the organization that will chair the FCB. Initially, the JROC has chartered an FCB at Joint Forces Command to oversee capabilities affecting Joint Force Command and Control. This reflects the unique responsibilities they have related to joint force command and control as a result of Management Initiative Decision 912. Other FCBs will be chartered as directed by the JROC to oversee capability development and integration in the other functional areas.
Nominal FCB Membership Principal Membership (O-6/GS-15 representatives) Services Combatant Commanders USD for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics USD for Intelligence ASD for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief Information Officer USecAF (Space) Defense Intelligence Agency Director, Program Analysis & Evaluation Mission Requirements Board Executive Secretary Advisory Membership JWCA leads J-6E/I (interoperability advisor) J-8 Warfighting Concepts and Architectures Integration Division DOD laboratories & industry This slide demonstrates that the typical membership of an FCB goes far beyond the traditional membership of the services under the previous system. It demonstrates the commitment to being more inclusive in making decisions on joint capabilities. The Pentagon FCB will include O-6 or GS-15 equivalent representatives of the combatant commanders, key OSD staffs, and the space and intelligence communities. This expanded membership will ensure the FCB Chairman makes more broadly informed recommendations to the JROC on capability proposals, and that the acquisition community is involved early in the process.
JWCA Responsibilities Coordinate and assist sponsors during JCIDS analysis and document development Coordinate with the sponsor, as a resource of broadly-based knowledge, to resolve issues prior to or as a result of formal staffing Lead JWCA Analyze capabilities documents, with supporting JWCAs, to ensure joint warfighting aspects have been considered Provide a summary analysis and recommendation to the FCB/JCB/ JROC on validation and/or approval of JCIDS documents Supporting JWCA. Support the Lead JWCA analysis Continually review the assigned functional area, as directed by the JROC, to identify capability shortfalls Develop and maintain prioritized lists of capability shortfalls and current JCIDS proposals across the assigned functional area Support the Gatekeeper process for each JCIDS document The Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment teams will have expanded responsibilities under the new process. They will be assisting the sponsors during the development of documents by add there broad knowledge base to the analysis and help to identify and resolve issues prior to the formal staffing process. The JWCA objective is to ensure that joint warfighting aspects have been considered appropriately in the development of capabilities. They will also provide a summary of their analysis and a recommendation to the FCB, JCB and JROC. The JWCAs will also be continually reviewing their functional area to identify opportunities/shortfalls in capabilities which have not been identified through other means. The JWCAs will also develop and maintain a list of capability shortfalls and JCIDS proposals being worked within their functional area. Once a year they will present these lists to the JROC with recommended priorities. Once the priorities are validated by the JROC they will be used to guide further efforts within the acquisition process and the S&T community. The JWCAs also support the Gatekeeper by making recommendations on the JPD and which FCB and JWCA should take the lead on each document.
Additional Information Revised Chairman’s Instruction and companion Manual are effective immediately New CJCSI 3170.01C and CJCSM 3170.01 are posted on the DTIC web site: Resident and Distance learning available through the Defense Acquisition University Joint Staff POC: J-8/RAD (703)-614-9229 The Chairman’s Instruction and Manual are effective immediately. They are posted on the Defense Technical Information Center web site, and the Defense Acquisition University is providing both resident and distance learning on JCIDS as well as other information. Additional information on JCIDS can be provided by the Joint Staff J-8 Requirements and Acquisition Division.
Symptoms of a Sick Process Ability to influence a business process Personal time devoted to the process by leadership Time Source: McKinsey & Company
Symptoms of a Sick Process Ability to influence a business process Personal time devoted to the process by leadership Oper Reqts Doc Mission Needs Statement Time Source: McKinsey & Company
Source: McKinsey & Company JCIDS Process Ability to influence a business process ICD CDD CPD Time Source: McKinsey & Company