First measurement of EWK Z+2j production cross section and hadronic activity in rapidity gap in CMS A.Nikitenko (IC) for 7 TeV Analysis Team March, 2013
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EWK Z + 2 jet production EWK jj = 255 fb, m ll > 50 GeV, p T j > 10 GeV, | j | 120 GeV VBF H-> = 80 fb for m H =125 GeV Bremsstrahlung VBF multiperipheral Large, negative interference between VBF and others two processes
Backgrounds 1.Dominant: high order s corrections to DY production: “QCD Z+jets” 2. Small: tt~ production 3. Small: diboson production:
Analysis strategy Signal is very small (S/B ~ 0.1 after optimized selections), therefore Use different methods to extract signal Confirm signal in and ee modes Use different methods of jet reconstruction JPT jets PF jets
Event selection cut flow table Uncertainty on the dominant background QCD Z+jets due to JES, +13%, -9% is comparable with the signal. The signal must be extracted from the distributions, most sensitive to the presence of the signal
Signal is extracted by two methods from fit of m jj from fit of BDT output
m jj fit; mode S +/- stat B +/- stat JPT jets 1.14+/ / PF jets 1.14+/ /-0.008
9 Signal extraction from fit of BDTD output Variables for BDTD Pre-selections for 1. p T J1 BDTD: 2. p T J2 3. | J1 - J2 | 4. m jj 5. p T Z 6. y* = y Z – (y J1 + y J2 )/2 7. J1 + J2 8. y Z 9. | J1 - Z | 10. | J2 - Z | 11. | J1 - J2 | | j | < 3.6
BDTD output fit; and ee modes S +/- stat B +/- stat mode JPT jets 0.90+/ / PF jets 0.85+/ / ee mode PF jets 1.17+/ /-0.010
measured cross sections agrees with NLO prediction (VBFNLO): 166 fb at m ll > 50 GeV, p T j > 25 GeV, | j | 120 GeV
Section: Hadronic activity in rapidity gap
Check theory expectations with data Jet activity in rapidity gap for QCD Z/W+jets: the larger j1j2, the bigger probability to have additional jet in region between j1 and j2 the larger p T of tagging jets, the bigger probability to have additional jet in region between j1 and j2
vs jj
Conclusions First measurement of EWK Z+2j process demonstrates the CMS detector and analysis capability to extract a process which is topologically similar to VBF Higgs production and has a cross section comparable to that in the standard model. First analysis of hadronic activity in the rapidity interval between forward and backward jets in Z+jets process shows good agreement with MadGraph predictions
Difference in kinematics for EWK Z+jets, VBF H and QCD Z+jets
Expected Feature 1 the larger p T of tagging jets, the bigger probability to have additional jet(s) between them data confirms simulation predictions
Expected feature 2 The larger rapidity separation between tagging jets, the bigger probability to have additional jet(s). data confirms simulation predictions