Principles of Plant Pathology
Topic 1 Bacteriology
Topic 2 Virology
Topic 3 Deuteromycota
Topic 4 Basidiomycota
Topic 5 Nematology
Topic 6 Terminology
Jeopardy BacteriologyVirology Deutero- mycota Basidio- mycota NematologyTerminology Final Jeopardy!
Bacteriology for $100 A chemical or physical agent that kills bacteria.
Bacteriology for $100 What is a bactericide?
Bacteriology for $200 Indirect penetration of a host.
Bacteriology for $200 Correct Question: What is penetration via a wound, opening, or stomate?
Bacteriology for $300 A genus of plant pathogenic bacterium used during a lab experiment.
Bacteriology for $300 Correct Question: What is Xanthomonas, Agrobacterium, Erwinia, or Ralstonia?
Bacteriology for $400 A bacterial disease in which vectors are important.
Bacteriology for $400 Correct Question: What is fire blight, bacterial wilt of cucurbits or corn, etc.,?
Bacteriology for $500 The extracellular biopolymer that envelopes a bacterial community.
Bacteriology for $500 Correct Question: What is a biofilm?
Virology for $100 A symptom characterized by alternating patterns of light and dark green tissue.
Virology for $100 Correct Question: What is mosaic?
Virology for $200 A substance used to create micro-wounds for inoculating plants with a virus.
Virology for $200 Correct Question: What is carborundum?
Virology for $300 The most important vector of plant viruses.
Virology for $300 Correct Question: What are aphids?
Virology for $400 A disease vectored by thrips.
Virology for $400 Correct Question: What is tomato spotted wilt virus, etc.?
Virology for $500 The type of nucleic acid most common in plant viruses.
Virology for $500 Correct Question: What is RNA?
Deuteromycota for $100 The asexual spore for members of this Phylum.
Deuteromycota for $100 Correct Question: What are conidia?
Deuteromycota for $200
Deuteromycota for $200 Correct Question: What is an acervulus?
Deuteromycota for $300 The black pointed structures associated with some anthracnose diseases.
Deuteromycota for $300 Correct Question: What are setae?
Deuteromycota for $400 An asexual survival structure used by many members of the Deuteromycota.
Deuteromycota for $400 Correct Question: What are sclerotia?
Deuteromycota for $500
Deuteromycota for $500 Correct Question: What is a pycnidium?
Basidiomycota for $100 Structure where sexual spores are produced.
Basidiomycota for $100 Correct Question: What is a basidiocarp?
Basidiomycota for $200 Structures that are produced by certain members of this phylum and plants that are very benficial in plant growth and survival.
Basidiomycota for $200 Correct Question: What are mycorrhizae?
Basidiomycota for $300 The dark, thick-walled spore in rusts and smuts that gives rise to basidiospores.
Basidiomycota for $300 Correct Question: What are teliospores?
Basidiomycota for $400
Basidiomycota for $400 Correct Question: What is a clamp connection?
Basidiomycota for $500 Nuclear condition where two different haploid nuclei are present in a single cell.
Basidiomycota for $500 Correct Answer: What is a dikaryon?
Nematology for $100 A structure that all plant parasitic nematodes must have.
Nematology for $100 Correct Question: What is a stylet?
Nematology for $200
Nematology for $200 Correct Question: What are cyst nematodes?
Daily Double
Enlarged, multinucleate cells formed in roots by repeated nuclear division without cell division induced by secretions of certain sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes.
Daily Double Correct Question: What are giant cells?
Nematology for $400 The infective stage for most plant parasitic nematodes?
Nematology for $400 What is the J2 stage?
Nematology for $500 The first recorded plant parasitic nematode.
Nematology for $500 Correct Question: What is wheat seed gall nematode?
Terminology for $100 A disease caused by a non-living organism.
Terminology for $100 Correct Question: What is an abiotic disease?
Terminology for $200 Illustrated steps in the development of a disease.
Terminology for $200 Correct Question: What is a disease cycle?
Terminology for $300 Resistance that is not complete, ranging from very low to very high.
Terminology for $300 Correct Question: What is partial resistance?
Terminology for $400 A nutritive substance used to grow a microorganism.
Terminology for $400 Correct Question: What is a medium?
Terminology for $500 Concentration of a chemical that inhibits growth of an organism by 95%.
Terminology for $500 Correct Question: What is an ED 95 ?
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