Intelligent Web-based Interactive Language Learning IWiLL.


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Presentation transcript:

Intelligent Web-based Interactive Language Learning IWiLL

IWiLL Intelligent Web-based Interactive Language Learning Chin-Hwa Kuo ( 郭精華 ) Tamkang University David Wible ( 衛友賢 ) Tamkang University Meng Chang Chen ( 陳孟彰 ) Academia Sinica

Support Research Support: (since 2000) 大學追求卓越計劃 (MOE) Promotion: (since 2000) –MOE 資訊中心 – 台北市教育局資訊室


傳統教育:傳遞模式 Traditional Education: A Transmission Model Education is a matter of transmitting information Learning is a matter of storing that information

Traditional Education: A Transmission Model


The Information Revolution in Education: 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … The Information Revolution in Education: 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

But seriously, the Transmission Model Persists even after … 資訊融入教學

Language Learning requires a different path What language learners and teachers need: Interaction with each other Multiple modalities in a constant spiral read itFirst I read it. Interaction with the language hear itThen I hear it. discuss itThen I discuss it. write about itThen I write about it. read more Then I read more. And so on … Useful feedback

IWiLL Design and Functionality A platform that creates and integrates shareable, reusable learning objects so that teachers can: create 1. create a web-based learning flow a. With interactive learning objects anywhere in the flow b. With precise authentic English input and c. With portable tools for giving input and feedback share 2. share these with each other d. With power to track student progress and to respond

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S1 T1 Learner Corpus But, in a web-based learning environment….

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

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S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus

S1 T1 But, in a web-based learning environment…. Learner Corpus 學習者語料庫 Analyze R Insights into the Learners “Click here for help” LANGUAGE HELP LANGUAGE HELP LANGUAGE HELP

Exploring vocabulary with the help of Natural Language Processing and a large corpus of English (20,000,000 words) problemproblem vs questionquestion Collocation ExplorerCollocation Explorer: Interface grapple…problem?? feeling