Arrowhead T1.9 3D localization technology 1 Wim Koomen
T1.9 Partners End-user parties: Boliden LKAB Technology providers: LTU Eistec Fotonic PS-Tech 2
Goal of task Provide localization and positioning in a mining environment At three different levels: -Coarse (+/- 20m) -Intermediate (+/- 1m) -Fine (+/- 1cm) Different levels of accuracy require different types of technology 3
LTU / Eistec -Intelligent rock bolt -Using Mulle platform -Every rock bolt has its own IPv6 address and can establish a wireless mesh network in an ad-hoc manner -Using triangulation i.c.w. multiple rock bolts a localization accuracy of 10cm can be achieved. 4
PS-Tech -High accuracy tracking using a stereo camera based setup -In combination with inertial sensor based tracking 5
High Level Service Architecture (1/2) -RigidBodySensor (6DOF) -Provides: -position -orientation -InertialSensor (9DOF) -Provides: -acceleration (g) -rotation (degrees/s) -magnetometer (uT) -Data from InertialSensor can be integrated to act as a RigidBodySensor. 6
High Level Service Architecture (2/2) Combining the strengths of different sensors can increase the robustness and accuracy of the localization solution SensorFusionService -Subscribes to the data from other RigidBodySensors and InertialSensors to act as a virtual sensor 7