51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Network Mobility Support in IPv6 Thierry Ernst - Motorola Labs & INRIA (Planete)
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Subject 1 Subject 1: what is Network Mobility Support Subject 2: Network Mobility Support with Mobile IPv6 Subject 3: We solicit agreement of the working group for a number of motions
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Network Mobility Support: Introduction Have you read “Network Mobility Support in IPv6: Problem Statement and Requirements” (draft-ernst- mobileip-monetv6-00.txt) ? uposted July 2001 uprotocol-independent understanding (e.g. NOT based on Mobile IPv6) terminology problems requirements
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Network Mobility Support: Terminology uMNNs = different kind of nodes in the mobile network: Mobile Router (MR) = Border router of the mobile network LFNs = Local Fixed Nodes permanently located in mobile network LMNs = Local Mobile Nodes that belong to the mobile network VMNs = Visiting Mobile Nodes that do not belong to the mobile network uCNs = all nodes communicating with MR, LFNs and LMNs, VMNs CN foreign link AR home link ARHA Router LFN MR LFN VMNMN HA MN’s home link Router LFN MR LFN
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Network Mobility Support Objectives of Network Mobility Support: upermanent connectivity for ALL MNNs uoptimal routing between CNs and ALL MNNs Problems and Requirements in draft describe the scenarios and issues Network Mobility Support deserves its own solutions
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Subject 2 Subject 1: what is Network Mobility Support Subject 2: Network Mobility Support with Mobile IPv6 Subject 3: We solicit agreement of the working group for a number of motions
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Potential Solutions Network Renumbering uhow do you perform optimal routing ? Routing udoes not scale to wide-area network Mobile IPv6-based: uMIPv6 may be a good candidate solution uneeds extensions uneeds to be evaluated first
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Mobile IPv6-based solution: issues There is no explicit support of mobile networks in the Mobile IPv6 specification. Issues: uredirection by the HA of packets intended to MNNs is not clear uoptimal routing between CNs and MNNs unested mobility: VMNs, LMNs, Mobile IP-subnet in the mobile network itself uscalability to a large number of mobile networks uhow should the MR run a routing protocol ? What should we do with router advertisements sent on the home link ? What if several routers in the mobile network ? How it interacts with the routing protocol running in the home / visited network ? Some issues highlighted in draft ernst-mobileip-v6-02.txt udraft focus on LFNs.=> not all isssues are covered
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Mobile IPv6-based solution: Current Proposals Before draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-14: usupport of mobile networks not considered uthis has been demonstrated in draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network- 00.txt at 48th IETF Pittsburgh August 01. draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-14 posted last July: uadds a new sub-option that tells the prefix length to HA and CNs uwe think that this section: tries to solve a problem which is not yet well-understood in the Mobile IP community does not solve the whole issue adds more issues (particularly security) at the risk of further delaying MIPv6 as Proposed Standard
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Mobile IPv6-based solution: Current Proposals Prefix Scope Binding Update (MOTOROLA / INRIA) draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network-02.txt more appropriate to support LFNs HMIPv6 Extended Mode (ERICSSON / INRIA ) udraft-ietf-mobileip-hmipv6-04.txt umore appropriate to support VMNs
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Mobile IPv6-based solution: appropriate? All issues not covered All solutions may not scale to a large number of CNs or a large mobile network Shall we base solution on Mobile IPv6 ? uMobile IPv6’s suitability must be studied first. List all issues pertaining to MIPv6 uDefine the scope of the problem with respect to MIPv6 Do we want to support all kind of networks with MIPv6 ? Is that even feasible ???
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Subject 3 Subject 1: what is Network Mobility Support Subject 2: Network Mobility Support with Mobile IPv6 Subject 3: We solicit agreement of the working group for a number of motions
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August st Motion Mobile IP WG is the right place to discuss Network Mobility Support Add Network Mobility Support in the Mobile IP WG Charter u2 main objectives: provide continuous Internet access to ALL MNNs offer optimal routing between CNs and ALL MNNs
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August nd Motion The Mobile IP Working Group needs: uto agree on a terminology uto define the scope of the problem uto define the requirements Add Deliverables in Mobile IP WG: uA draft that defines: terminology requirements based on draft-ernst-mobileip-monetv6-00.txt uA draft that lists Mobile IPv6 issues defines the scope of the problem with respect to MIPv6 uCould be a single draft depending on if solutions should (could ?) be based on Mobile IPv6 or not
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August rd Motion Network Mobility Support SHALL NOT further delay Mobile IPv6 as Proposed Standard uPotential extensions shall be included in a separate document new features must not be included in MIPv6 the sub-option included in draft-v14 shall be removed uWe should only make sure that what is already in the Mobile IPv6 specification does not prevent network mobility support
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August th Motion Adopt “Prefix Scope Binding Updates” (draft-ernst- mobileip-v6-network-02.txt) as a working group draft ubasic support of MNNs uonly left issue = authorization to register a careof address for a prefix
PLANETE TEAM 51st IETF London - Thierry Ernst - August Thank you Fore more information: uhttp:// Draft, presentation made at the IETF and other documents uNetwork Mobility Support in IPv6: Problem Statement and Requirements udraft-ernst-mobileip-monetv6-00.txt uPrefix Scope Binding Updates: u draft-ernst-mobileip-v6-network-02.txt uHMIPv6 Extended Mode udraft-ietf-mobileip-hmipv6-04.txt uSeamoby Working Group - micro-mobility design team udraft-ietf-seamoby-mm-problem-01.txt