T HE E XPERIENCE OF T RANSITION TO IP V 6 Sudan University of Science & Technology
W HY A TRANSITION TO IP V 6? The IPv4 addresses are running out The Internet routing system is getting overloaded IPv6 provides new features Virtually unlimited addressing space The size of an address in IPv6 is 128 bits, which is four times larger than an address in IPv4. A 32-bit address space allows for 232 or 4,294,967,296 possible addresses. A 128-bit address space allows for 2128 or 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 (3.4 × 1038) possible addresses. Native support for mobility, security, multicast, etc. Plug & play
K ICK S TART IN SUDAN National Telecom Corporation Initiative Features of An Action Plan to Migration to IPv6 ( 2011 – 2015) And the Formation of the Sudanese IPv6 Taskforce ( SDv6 ) SUST Research and Development Center Taking charge of testing the transition process,then created transition team team has been started in 07/08/2010
IP V 6 T EAM At the time of the second IPv6 workshop issued a decision of the National Telecommunication Corporation, where is configured to migration to the IPv6. It had been taken after the Director of Computer Center resolution create a team of members of the team on the formation of this shift, where he was Each of the following : 1. Dr. Mohammed Awad. 2. Eng. Tariq Yassin. 3. T. Mohammad Yagob Geiger(was the establishment of the team).
IP V 6 TEAM M EMBERS Mohamed Yagob Geiger. (team leader). Ayman Basheer Ahmed Alfaki. 3. Huzifa Abd-Alazim. 4. Mutaz Abd-Alhamed. Mohammad Othman Ali Ayad. Mohammad Hasab-Elrasol. 7. Namarig Suliman. Rayan Yousif Abdo-Algadir.
S TAGE ONE ST6-Test lab After creating team and gather information about new protocol, the team started to build a model (small IPv6 network), for testing and applying the new protocol on university's network. Transition Mechanisms 1. Dual-stack Mechanism. 2. Tunnels Mechanism. 3. Translation Mechanisms. Depending on transition mechanisms the team divided into three team, each team apply and test one of mechanisms.
D UAL S TACK TEAM Dual Stack Mechanism Most used migration approach nowadays. A host with a dual stack can interoperate with both IPv4 and IPv6 nodes using IPv4 or IPv6 packets. The IPv4 protocol stack will be used if the destination address used by the application is an IPv4 address. The IPv6 protocol stack will be used if the destination address used by the application is an IPv6 address.
dual stack approach
T UNNEL TEAM Tunnels Mechanism tunneling Mechanism is consists of encapsulating IPv6 packets within IPv4, in effect using IPv4 as a link layer for IPv6. Tunnels Types: 1. 6in to4. 3. ISATAP. 4. Others. Tunnel Broker A tunnel broker is a service which provides a network tunnel. These tunnels can provide encapsulated connectivity over existing infrastructure to a new infrastructure.
C ONT … Router To Router Tunnel
C ONT … Router To Host & Host To Router Tunnel
C ONT … 6in4 and 6to4 are the Best types of this mechanism. The team Found the Appropriate type of tunneling is Router to Router Tunnel.
T RANSLATION G ROUP Translation Mechanism The term “translators” refers to devices capable of translating traffic from IPv4 to IPv6 or vice and versa. This mechanism is intended to eliminate the need for dual-stack network operation by translating traffic from IPv4-only devices to operate within an IPv6 infrastructure. We used the NAT-PT mechanism because it is the most available technique.
C ONT … Although there are many translation mechanism as we had seen but there are less compatible if we compared them with other transition techniques (dual-stack, tunneling). We had simulated only the NAT-PT mechanism because it’s only embedded mechanism in CISCO router. Also we would like to refer; in fact there is no need to use the translation technique. Because its only used when there are IPv6 only equipment or devices that connects to the network. But for truth there is no such a thing like that. All devices are either IPv4 only or IPv4/IPv6.
S ERVICES 1. DHCPv6. 2. DNS. 3. FTP. 4. HTTP.
DHCP V 6 Server In ST6 Lab network we assigning address to hosts by using statefull autoconfiguration method, wide-dhcpv6-server under Ubuntu OS is intended to allow prefix delegation and host configuration for the IPv6 network protocol. Client To configure client get address & information, we using dhcpv6 client package for Linux and dibbler client for windows XP (windows 7 and vista support GUI configuration).
DNS The ST6 Lab network has one primary DNS server.The server run the DNS software BIND version 9.
W EB & FTP Web server The running web server in the SUST Lab is Apache , which is used to host the website of the SUST IPv6 homepage. FTP server IPv6 support is included in the official source of the Proftpd,and it proven high-performance, scalable FTP server.
S TAGE T WO Start the transition process in the university (west campus). Enable IPv6 in hosts Build IPv6 service Configure DHCPv6 Server Check the connectivity between stations. Configure HTTP Server Configure DNS Server Client’s reach local domains using DNS. Configure FTP Server Check FTP connectivity in the university (west campus) network.
T UNNEL B ROKER Hurricane Electric Tunnel broker Because we haven’t got a native IPv6 link delivered from (Sudatel-Canar-SUIN), We using transition mechanisms like configured tunnel to access IPv6 internet by registering in Hurricane Electric Tunnel broker.
P ROBLEMS ISPs Hardware Supporting (as router and printers) Software Supporting (as Operating System: windows7,windowsXP,pervious versions and Linux ). Firewalls. Work Environment.
A CKNOWLEDGMENT National Telecom Corporation. College of Computer Center and Information Technology. AFRINIC.