KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Intranets The Internet Extranets
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 By the end of this lesson... Know what an intranet, extranet and the internet are. Understand their differences and purposes. Be able the describe the characteristics of intranets, the internet and extranets.
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 What is...
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 The Internet Is a vast collection of interconnected computers for the main purpose of sharing data. It uses the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) program to allow the exchange of data between devices.
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Task 1 In a new word document create a table with the headings: – Name – Characteristics – Benefits – Limitations – Interesting Fact! Insert a new row and under name add ‘The Internet’. Use net_extranet_internet/miniweb/index.htm to complete the table about The Internet. net_extranet_internet/miniweb/index.htm
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Challenge 1 Investigate the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 and the reasons for the change.
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Challenge 2 Investigate how the storage of content in the cloud is both an advantage and a disadvantage.
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Intranet Is the internet on a small scale. Used within an organisation and is configured so that the users must be authorised before they can make use of the facilities. This usually means they need to provide some credentials e.g. Username and password. If the organisation has a LAN then the Intranet will be accessible to all users in the LAN.
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Task 2 ‘Intranet Insert a row under ‘The Internet and add the name ‘Intranet’. Use 33_networks_coms/intranet_extranet_i nternet/miniweb/index.htm to complete the table about ‘Intranet’. 33_networks_coms/intranet_extranet_i nternet/miniweb/index.htm
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Challenge 3 - Homework You are the network manager for a small photographic studio that has ten employees. You have a LAN. Identify the facilities the staff would require from the intranet. For each facility, give examples how they could be used.
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Extranet Is a private network that is built on top of and uses the internet. It is commonly used to access an organisation’s intranet. it uses VPN technology to maintain security. All the features of an intranet are available via an extranet, but with the added characteristic of remote access.
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Task 3 ‘extranet Insert a row under ‘intranet and add the name ‘extranet’. Use 33_networks_coms/intranet_extranet_i nternet/miniweb/index.htm to complete the table about ‘extranet’. 33_networks_coms/intranet_extranet_i nternet/miniweb/index.htm
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Venn Diagram IntranetInternet
KeyWords internetextranetCloud storage intranetTCP/IPIPv4 & IPv6 Knowledge Check Describe two facilities of an intranet that can be accessed through the internet. Compare the features of the internet and an intranet. Describe the purpose of an extranet in a school.