1 of 7 Smart Networks round table Smart Networks round table Monique Becker, Institute Mines-Telecom A. Paventhan, ERNET India New Delhi 23 rd October pm – 5.30 pm
2 of 7 “Smart” refers to ability of an application or service to learn from previous situation and communicate the results to other devices / users [source:OECD report] Smart Networks are the result of three major computing technology trends: Internet of Things Every day objects having network connectivity allowing them to send and receive data The amount data generated by low power devices embedded with sensors will soon outgrow the information generated by humans Big Data The size and data characteristics are beyond the capabilities of typical database software tools Big Data can help in data generated from thousands of smart devices and sensors to be captured, stored, managed, analysed and combined with other data to be acted upon to provide new insights Cloud Computing Cloud can store large amount of data generated from smart devices making it always accessible by other devices in order to build sophisticated services Smart Networks – building blocks
3 of 7 Evolution of IoT, Cloud, Big Data Source: G.Pallis, IEEE Internet computing article Source: D.A.Reed et.al, IEEE Computer article Source: IBM
4 of 7 Smart Networks – Many Use Cases [By2039, 50% of indian population will live in urban india – UN report]
5 of 7 Internet of Things – Emerging Technologies & Standards IEEE Std ™ WSN nodes complying to that combines ultra low power micro-controller and RF transceiver operating in license free 2.4 GHz / sub-1GHz frequencies. Bluetooth Smart Ready devices support low energy radio operations gathering data from devices like heart-rate monitors, blood-glucose monitors and transfer the information over the internet. RFID Tags Radio Frequency Identification help in uniquely identifying a product and gather associated information automatically. Near Field Communication (NFC) devices enables short range communication with potential applications like mobile ticketing, payment for goods & services, access to parking system / hotel rooms, smart posters / advertising etc. Low power WiFi IEEE in battery powered embedded devices and Wi-Fi DirectTMenables con- nectivity between WiFi devicwithout the need for access point. IETF 6LoWPAN:Open protocol to transport IPv6 packets over IEEE links IETF CoAP:Open application layer specification for constrained nodes IETF RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks OGC SWE: Sensor Web Enablement standards to discover and access sensors WSN OS: Contiki – open source, multitasking OS supporting various WSN CPU platforms, TinyOS – open source managed by academic and research community.
6 of 7 IoT based agriculture Monitoring SNMP and CoAP based approach to remote monitoring of Soil Parameters (Soil Temperature, Electrical Conductivity, Soil Moisture) in collaboration with Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bangalore End-to-End IPv6 protocol between client and sensors connected over ERNET IPv6 backbone infrastructure
7 of 7 ERNET India’s proposed IoT Testbed project (Project partners – IIT Madras, IIT Bombay, IIT Guwahati) Work PackageLead Institution WP1: Acquiring and setting up the hardware ERNET WP2: IoT Testbed software design and development ERNET WP3: Semantic Framework for the Testbed IIT Madras WP4: Energy eciency issues for IoT IIT Guwahati WP5: Proof of concept: IoT usecase in Agriculture, Healthcare, Smart metering IIT Bombay (ICAR, CPRI)