IPv4 Exhaustion & Implications IPv6 Workshop Manchester September 2013 Kateel Vijayananda Wim Verrydt
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Contribs & updates Bernard Tuy, RENATER Alvaro Vives, Consulintel Laurent Toutain, Telecom B. Bernard Tuy, RENATER Alvaro Vives, Consulintel Bernard Tuy, RENATER Carlos Friaças, FCCN Mukom Akong Tamon, AfriNIC 05/ / / / / / / /2012 This slideset includes mostly slides from AfriNIC. Please also visit
Contents 1. How does address distribution works? 2. IPv4 Address space status 3. IPv4 Exhaustion 4. Implications
Hierarchical & Regional How does address distribution work?
Source: IPv4 Address space status
Source: Fairness ?
Source: IPv4 Regional Allocations
Source: IPv4 Exhaustion - What’s left?
IPv4 Exhaustion – When? 4/16/2015Routing Protocols10 Source:
RIPE/NCC Service Region Exhaustion Sep 14
Yes! There is a «running out fairly» policy in place, in order to preserve the last IPv4 address blocks in the region. On the 3 RIRs which haven’t still «exhausted» the assignment policy is still based on documented/proved needs. In the remaining two regions, the «running out fairly» policy is already active! No more than 1024 new IPv4 addresses per member/ISP. Have we really ran out?
RIR Allocation Policies AfriNIC: * APNIC: * ARIN: * LACNIC: * RIPE-NCC: * *describes policies for the allocation and assignment of globally unique IPv6 address space
RIR Allocation Statistics AfriNIC: APNIC: ARIN: LACNIC: RIPE-NCC:
A new ISP/company (in the RIPE/NCC service region) cannot get more than 1024 IPv4 addresses from the RIR Clearly not enough if you are planning a network for a reasonable amount of customers. The alternative is to find someone who is able to «transfer» address blocks For a reasonable price… Lack of offer may be a problem. Anyway, for continued growth on the public Internet, IPv6 is the only solution Implications
Implications: Cost
Implications: Black Markets Black markets have well-known negative consequences
Implications: Again, cost! IPv4 network IPv6
Implications: How to deal? IPv4 ? ? IPv4 preservation with NAPT IPv6 Deployment
IPv4 is «exhausted» in Europe and Asia/Pacific Implications: «Cost» is the keyword IPv6 is unavoidable Conclusions