Industry Test Devices and Test Suites Kurtis Vanarsdall IXIA Federal ,
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Introduction Who is Ixia? Ixia is a leading provider of performance test systems for IP-based infrastructure and services. What is our vision? Voice, Video and Data communications are rapidly moving to an IP infrastructure. To achieve “utility grade” quality, this infrastructure must be thoroughly tested. It is Ixia’s vision to provide the best performance test systems in the industry.
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Why IXIA? What distinguishes Ixia as a company… –100% Focused on developing IP Performance Test Systems –Continuous Innovation by integrating new technologies on a single platform –Customer Responsiveness achieved by an unparalleled pace of product development What distinguishes Ixia Test Systems from the competition… –Single Platform for Layer 2-7 Reduces Test Set-Up, Execution and Training Time. –Rich Application Set SEE NEXT SLIDE…. –Universal Automation Most Robust Set of Tools to Reduce Test Time Global Company Publicly traded: XXIA 10 years of growth 10 years of profitability / no debt 250,000+ Ixia test ports shipped 8,000+ Ixia chassis shipped 700+ employees 20+ partners 600+ hardware customers 7,000+ application customers Ixia in brief
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Summary of Ixia Test Applications
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Test Topics and Lexicon Performance Conformance Application Automation Lexicon –Emulation –Simulation/Synthetic –DUT –SUT “Your BER tester won’t get you into heaven anymore”
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Key Areas for Testing Dual Stack Routers will be heavily used to support: –IP4 and IPv6 Packets forwarding –Tunneling –Address and protocol translation –New routing protocols – OSPFv3, ISISv6, RIPng, BGP4+, MLD It is critical to make sure the DS Router is able to: –Interoperate with other equipment (conformance test) –Comply with various IPv6 standards (conformance test) –Forward IPv4/IPv6 packets (forwarding test) –Perform reliably well under heavy loading (performance test) –Deliver end to end application with acceptable performance (application test)
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. IPv6 Conformance Test Carefully review IPv6 standards line by line to create a library of automated test cases – IPv6 Conformance Test Suite Thoroughly verify every single feature defined by RFC Conduct Conformance Test to assess of interoperability Find bugs during design cycle, not at customer site!! Provide baseline for regression test Help service providers and network operators identify interoperability issues Test tool needed – IPv6 Conformance Test Suites
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. IPv6 Test Suites Important RFCs customers wish to test –IPv6 (RFC 2460) –Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks (RFC 2464) –IPv6 over PPP (RFC 2474) –ICMPv6 (RFC 2463) –Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (RFC 2462) –Path MTU Discovery (RFC 1981) –Neighbor Discovery Protocol (RFC 2461) –Multicast Listener Discovery (RFC 2710) –Tunneling (RFC 2529, RFC 2893, and RFC 3056) –A typical test coverage can be as many as 572 test cases!! IPv4 and Routing Test Suites(IPv6 & IPv4) –IPv4, IS-ISv6&IS-IS, OSPFv3/v2, BGP4/BGP4+, RIP/RIPng, IGMP/MLD, PIM-SM, TCP/IPv6
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. IPv6 - Performance and Scalability IPv6 - Performance and Scalability Forwarding –Throughput, latency, packet loss –Isolated, normal, and stressful conditions No routing protocols enabled Typical network topology Scaling to a large network topology –IPv6/IPv4 Tunneling and protocol conversion (dual stack devices) Control plane (OSPFv3, RIPng, ISISv6, BGP4+) –Rate of establishing, updating, and tearing down sessions and routes –Capacity of sessions and routes over one or many ports –Sessions and routes when other protocols are enabled Multicast support –Number of multicast groups –Join/leave latency Application response time and goodput –End user experience counts. Need stateful traffic simulation.
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Forwarding Functionality and Performance Verify the DUT can deliver IPv4 and IPv6 packets correctly Packet header and payload Packet length Offered load Header and payload integrity check Packet loss Characterize the performance of DUT in simultaneous forwarding of IPv4 and IPv6 traffic Packet length Offered load IPv6/IPv4 mixed ratio Packet loss Throughput and latency Functionality ResultsInputObjectives Performance
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Tunneling Functionality 6to4 tunnel GRE tunnel MPLS tunnel ISATAP tunnel Verify correct encapsulation and decapsulation between IPv6 and IPv4 Offered load Packet length Packet headers and payload Address range Header and payload integrity check Packet loss Address translation ResultsInputObjectives
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Application Goodput and Response Time Determine end-user experience running networked applications Types of applications Goodput Transaction Rates Response Times ResultsInputObjectives
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Principal Authors – IXIA and Cisco Complements RFC2544 by: –Adds benchmarking methodology recommendations that address specific aspects of IPv6 protocol architecture –Provide an updated list of benchmarks based on the experience gained with applying the RFC2544 recommendations to IPv4 –Adds information related to SONET as a popular media type not mentioned by RFC2544 – Pending RFC - IPv6 Benchmarking Methodology
©2006 Ixia. All rights reserved. Summary IPv6 Infrastructure brings new performance items to be tested –Tunneling –Translation –New Routing Protocols Conformance test is critical to assess interoperability between vendor’s IPv6 design Performance and Functional tests are required to verify the new IPv6 data plane of DS Routers Application test is required to ensure the improved user experience