Astrometry and EPIC flux cross-calibration in 2XMMp/2XMM Silvia Mateos R. Saxton, S. Sembay and the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre
2XMMp astrometry SDSS-DR5 spectroscopic BLAGN sample (~600 objects) SDSS-DR5 statistically identified BLAGN blue & stellar f x /f opt > -1 syserr=0.3
Statistical evaluation of 2XMMp/2XMM fluxes 2XMMp (and 2XMM) ECFs obtained with spectral model : =1.7 & N H =3x10 20 cm -2 One set of M1/M2 rmfs (from rev 534) Selected good quality sources >250 cts per camera and energy bad (avoid Eddington bias) fluxes<6x erg cm -2 s -1 per camera and energy band (avoid pile up effects) Evaluation of EPIC flux cross-calibration from observed distributions of flux differences (normalised) between cameras for each energy bandfor each energy band different M1 off-axis angledifferent M1 off-axis angle revolution (time dependence)revolution (time dependence)
M2-M1 E1 E2 E3 E4
M2-M1 E5 Flux calibration differences between M1 and M2 cameras <5% level in all energy bands
E1 E2 E3 E4 pn-M1
E5 pn-M1 pn-MOS flux differences ≤10% for energy bands 1-4 and ≤15% for energy band 5
on-axis: 5 arcmin pn-M1M2-M1
pn-M1 M2-M1
pn-M1M2-M > >750 Time dependence of 2XMMp/2XMM flux cross-calibration Small dependence with time of EPIC flux cross-calibration Largest differences observed for M2-M1 energy band 1 ( keV)
Summary Statistical analysis of EPIC flux cross-calibration in agreement with results from bright calibration objects –M2-M1 flux differences ≤5% for all energy bands –pn-MOS differences ≤10% for energy bands 1-4 and ≤15% for energy band 5 ( keV) See dependence of EPIC flux cross-calibration with off- axis sources Small time dependence of EPIC flux cross-calibration –except for M2-M1 energy band 1