Module 1: Introduction and recap M1
M1. Introduction and recap This first workshop covers all the following contents – as per work plan: CDM modalities and procedures CDM, EB and Meth Panel Meth Panel Procedures Additionality test Sustainable development impacts and evaluations Relevance of CDM to National circumstances Priority sectors for CDM
M1. Introduction and recap Contents of 1 st Module of Workshop: –Introduction to contents and aim of the workshop series (Kite/SSN) –Climate Change, UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol –Modalities and Procedures of the CDM –CDM Institutions –CDM Project cycle (SSN) –2 Pins (EF)
M1. Introduction and recap
Aim of CD4CDM workshop series The project is intended to help establish GHG emission reduction projects that are consistent with national sustainable development goals, particularly projects in the energy sector. It will develop national capabilities so that persons in developing countries are at the project’s conclusion capable of analyzing the technical and financial merits of projects and negotiating possible finance agreements with Annex I countries and investors.
Climate Change, UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol See separate presentation M1. Introduction and recap
Modalities and Procedures of the CDM: mpeng.pdf Definitions Role of the COP/MOP Executive Board Accreditation & Designation of Operational Entities Designated Operational entities Participation requirements Validation and registration M1. Introduction and recap
Modalities and Procedures of the CDM, ctd: Monitoring Verification and certification Issuance of CERs Appendix A: Standards for accreditation of Operational Entities Appendix B: Project design document Appendix C: Terms of reference for establishing guidelines on baselines and monitoring methodologies Appendix D: Clean development mechanism registry requirements
CDM Institutions: UNFCCC secretariat/ “CDM Team” COP/MOP Executive board Panels and working groups Validators/Verifiers Project Participants Project facilitators Brokers/Consultants CER buyers M1. Introduction and recap
CDM Project cycle (SSN) M1. Introduction and recap
Sustainable Development outputs Baseline Study In Project Design EIA Feasibility study Validator AE > DOE Public stakeholders Buyers Brokers/ Investors/funds Designated National Authority Full Project Design Document Executive Board IMPLEMENTATIONIMPLEMENTATION MONITORING CDM Project Cycle
2 Pins (EF) M1. Introduction and recap
CDM points A CDM project activity is mostly a part of a larger project CDM is available for emissions mitigation projects and certain sequestration projects CDM is market based CDM is project based CDM outputs are Certified Emissions Reductions (CER) = 1 tonne CO 2 equivalent CERs give annex 1 countries possibility to emit one tonne of CO 2 = globally neutral