WELCOME to Edge Hill University Mentor Training (Professional Development Area)
Session Objectives: For Mentors to know: The nature and demands of the UGPD Programmes; The role of the Mentor; The requirements of the setting-based modules; The partnership relationship.
Our UGPD Programmes BA (Hons) Children and Young People’s Learning and Development (CYPLD) for those who are considering working with children and young people in education, but not necessarily in school-based settings BA (Hons) Teaching, Learning and Mentoring (TLMP) for those who want to work in schools in support roles BA (Hons) Teaching, Learning and Child Development (TLCD) for those who definitely want to become Primary School teachers via PGCE route BA (Hons) Early Years Leadership, Management and Enterprise (EYLME) for those who want to work in private sector and possibly run their own nursery working with children 0- 5 Foundation Degree in Early Years Practice for those who want to study towards BA Hons degree and work as advanced practitioners in Early Years settings working with children 0-5.
Undergraduate Professional Development (UGPD) Programmes Early Years Mentors Foundation Degree in Early Years Practice and Leadership BA (Hons) Early Years Leadership, Management and Enterprise (previously known as Professional Practice and Leadership)
UGPD Programmes Primary Education Phase Mentors BA (Hons) Children and Young People’s Learning and Development BA (Hons) Teaching, Learning and Mentoring Practice BA (Hons) Teaching, Learning and Child Development
Distinctive features of the Undergraduate Professional Development (UGPD) Programmes Face-to-face sessions alongside setting-based experience Setting-based tasks, which show how theoretical knowledge is implemented in practice Support from Edge Hill Visiting Tutors and setting-based Mentors
What are UGPD students expected to do when on placement? Appropriate activities that would allow a student to develop their practical knowledge and understanding include: Observing lessons Working with a whole class and a small group of children Tracking colleagues and children for a day Examining educational setting documentation Assisting individuals or small groups with specific tasks Planning, delivering and evaluating activities for groups of children Evaluating these activities, including themselves and the children’s learning Completion of various reflections and critical incidents whilst on programme Attending setting meetings, open evenings or other whole-setting activities, including liaising with parents Interviewing key members of staff about their role
The Mentor It is the responsibility of the educational setting to provide a Mentor. The role of the Mentor is to provide access to learning activities and opportunities to enable students to gain the necessary practice knowledge in the placement and facilitate opportunities for students to undertake set tasks. The Mentor has a personal responsibility for each student during their placement. The Mentor plays a key role in supporting students on UGPD programmes and ensuring the delivery of an outstanding placement experience.
The Mentor The role and the responsibilities of a Mentor vary to the role of a due to the requirement of the individual programmes, however, essentially: the role of the Mentor is to discuss with students and provide appropriate support and advice in agreeing realisable and appropriate targets and action plans. It is the responsibility of the Mentor to review student progress at the mid-point of the placement and at the end of each placement year. In addition, the Mentor will facilitate opportunities for students to undertake set tasks, support student development and, if necessary, re-negotiate agreed targets.
Supporting Target Setting Check accuracy of student’s judgement about their skills Help to transfer development needs into targets in the Action Plan Ensure not too many targets are chosen (3-6 targets are recommended) Make sure targets are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-related) 5. Consider targets determined by the setting
Placement Evaluations To ensure that we maintain and continually enhance the quality of our provision, Placement Review and Improvement Meetings (PRIMs) are scheduled to take place twice a year with the aim to review every placement in order to evaluate the quality of the student and mentor experiences and to improve future placement provision. Your voice is important to us! We request that Mentors complete mid-year and end-of-year placement evaluations to enable us to enhance your future mentoring experience
Key Skills for Mentors To be clear of the role and purpose of a Mentor To be able to support students on the UGPD Programme To be able to work effectively with the student and Edge Hill Visiting Tutor To be able to offer advice and feedback to students on target setting and in professional practice.
What makes a good Mentor? Research findings: Views of Mentors/s: Good listener Supportive Able to offer guidance Good knowledge across age ranges Good role model Approachable Caring Views of students: Approachable Understanding Knowledgeable Good listener Supportive Friendly and caring
What makes a good student? Research findings: Views of Mentors/s: Willing to take advice A willing listener Professional Well organised Views of students: Ability to listen and learn Acts on advice Flexible Hardworking Enthusiastic
What not to do when Mentoring… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1j0be Tn8_U&feature=related
Giving and Accepting Constructive Feedback: Mentor’s Perspective Own the feedback Start with the positive Only refer to behaviour that can be changed Be specific and descriptive Offer alternatives Leave the recipient with the choice of change Think about what your feedback says about you.
Troubleshooting Ways of Overcoming Problems: Rational analysis of problem – is it innate to the mentee, is it to do with the relationship between you, is it to do with lack of shared understanding of role, is it about time? What will help? Keep this professional - not personal Bring in additional support – university or setting (an independent view) Negotiate more time or as a last resort, a change of Mentor
Analysis and reflection The Partnership Reflection on tasks, achieve targets, self-review Work based tasks Self-directed study Analysis and reflection Student Respect Trust Approachability Open communication Respond positively Respect Open Communication Trust Mentor Edge Hill Visiting Tutor Agree targets, evaluate progress, facilitate tasks, Support and advise, challenge thinking, model good practice Monitor agreed targets Support and advise Mark assignments Monitor Progress Resolve Difficulties Professional Dialogue
Thank you for engaging with our online Mentor Training Programme