Structures and spectroscopic properties calculated for C 6 H 7 + and its complexes with Ne, Ar, N 2, or CO 2 Peter Botschwina and Rainer Oswald Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Göttingen, Tammannstr. 6, Göttingen, Germany References: P. Botschwina and R. Oswald, J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 3448 (2012). P. Botschwina and R. Oswald, J. Chem. Phys. 136, (2012).
Gas-phase spectroscopic information on the electronic ground state of the benzenium ion (C 6 H 7 + ) is still very scarce and essentially limited to IRMPD spectroscopy of two bands at 1228 and 1433 cm -1 (Jones et al., 2003). More data are available through IRPD spectroscopy of complexes C 6 H 7 + L (L = Ar, N 2,....) by the Dopfer and Duncan groups and through p-H 2 matrix- isolation IR spectroscopy of C 6 H 7 + by Y.-P. Lee and coworkers. Previous spectroscopic work on C 6 H 7 + and C 6 H 7 + L
Present theoretical work I) Electronic structure calculations by explicitly correlated coupled cluster theory, mostly CCSD(T)-F12x methods as incorporated in MOLPRO (version and higher) T. B. Adler, G. Knizia, H.-J. Werner, J. Chem. Phys., 2007, 127, G. Knizia, T. B. Adler, H.-J. Werner, J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 130, H.-J. Werner, G. Knizia, T. B. Adler, O. Marchetti, Z. Phys. Chem., 2010, 224, 493. H.-J. Werner, G. Knizia, T. B. Adler, Fr. R. Manby, in: Recent Progress in Coupled Cluster Methods: Theory and Applications, P. Carsky, J. Ritter, J. Paldus (Eds.), Springer CCSD(T)-F12x methods are very good approximations to standard CCSD(T) while approaching the basis set limit much more quickly. The basis superposition error (BSSE) is much less important than with standard CCSD(T).
AO basis sets for electronic structure calculations Cation (C 6 H 7 + )Ligands (Ne, Ar, N 2, and CO 2 ) cc-pVnZ-F12 (VnZ-F12) a aug-cc-pVnZ (AVnZ) b (including tight d functions for Ar) Individual combinations (VDZ-F12, AVTZ) or briefly (D, T) (VTZ-F12, AVQZ) or briefly (T, Q) (VQZ-F12, AV5Z) or briefly (Q, 5) a) K. A. Peterson, T. B. Adler, and H.-J. Werner, J. Chem. Phys., 1002, 96, b) T. H. Dunning, Jr. and coworkers.
II) Harmonic vibrational wavenumbers for free C 6 H 7 + by CCSD(T*)-F12a/VTZ-F12 anharmonic contributions for C 6 H 7 + by VPT2 with B2PLYP-D/VTZ quartic force field* Harmonic wavenumber shifts for complexes by B2PLYP-D/(VTZ, AVTZ)* *using Gaussian 09 B2PLYP-D: T. Schwabe and S. Grimme, PCCP 9, 3397 (2007).
Recommended equilibrium structure for C 6 H 7 + from CCSD(T*)-F12a/VTZ-F12 + corrections Recommended ground-state rotational constants A 0 = 5442 MHz, B 0 = 5311 MHz, C 0 = 2731 MHz Equilibrium dipole moment: e = D
VibrationCCSD(T*)-F12a+ B2PLYP-Dp-H 2 a C 6 H 7 + Ar b 4 (a 1 ) (a 1 ) (a 1 ) (a 1 ) (a 1 ) (a 1 ) (b 1 ) d 18 (b 1 ) (b 1 ) (b 1 ) (b 2 ) (b 2 ) (b 2 ) (b 2 ) d 32 (b 2 ) c (b 2 ) a Bahou et al. (2012). b Douberly et al. (2008). c Probably too low. d Questionable.
Solcà and Dopfer (2003) Douberly et al. (2008) C 6 H 7 + · Ar C 6 H 7 + · N 2 Infrared photodissociation (IRPD) spectra
C 6 H 7 + and C 6 H 7 + · Ar: aromatic stretching vibrations BandCCSD(T*)-F12a+B2PLYP-D a C 6 H 7 + · Ar b harmonicanh. contr.IRPD 1 (a 1 ) (2) 2 (a 1 ) (6) (a 1 ) (0) 24 (b 2 ) (8) (b 2 ) (3) a IR intensities (DHA, in km mol -1 ) in parentheses. b Douberly et al. (2008). Bands observed at 3006 and 3035 cm -1 are too low to be assignable to aromatic stretching vibrations; and might be suitable candidates.
B3LYP G(d,p) Douberly et al. (2008) 211 cm -1 (CP corr.) 179 cm -1 (CP corr.) MP2/6-311G(2df, 2pd) Solcà and Dopfer (2003) Equilibrium structures and D e values from previous work.
Definition of intermolecular coordinates for C 6 H 7 + CO 2 (an analogous figure applies for L = N 2 ). (a) Path I perpendicular to ring-plane; (b) Path II: in ring-plane.
Radial energy profilesPE curves for in-plane argon approach C 6 H 7 + · Ar (CCSD(T*)-F12a/(T,Q)) no hydrogen bonds to aromatic nor to methylenic hydrogens
Energetically most favourable structures. D e in cm -1. C 6 H 7 + NeC 6 H 7 + Ar
C 6 H 7 + · N 2 CCSD(T*)-F12a/(T, Q) C 6 H 7 + · CO 2 radial energy profiles Perp M1 Perp M2 Ipl M1 Ipl M2 Ipl M3
Energetically most favourable structures for C 6 H 7 + · L (L = N 2 and CO 2 ) Equilibrium dissociation energies (D e in cm -1 ) from CCSD(T)-F12x calculations with large (Q, 5) basis set (1014 and 1141 cGTOs), including non-rigidity effects.
Perp M2: hydrogen-bonded structure with D e 785 cm -1 and barrier height of ca. 80 cm -1 for migration Perp M2 Perp M1.
C 6 H 7 + · L complexes: Summary For L = Ne, Ar, and N 2, the largest D e value is obtained for the " -bound" structure Perp M1. For L = CO 2, the lowest energy minimum corresponds to structure Ipl M1 (CO 2 in ring-plane and adjacent to CH 2 group). Largest change occurs for CH 2 scissoring vibration ( 7 ): -21 cm -1 and intensity enhancement by 29 km mol -1 (26 %). D 0 estimates for Ipl M1 and Perp M1 are 1372 50 and 1330 50 cm -1. There is no indication of hydrogen bonds to aromatic H atoms. Instead, local in-plane minima are found for structures with the ligand pointing to the centre of one of the six CC bonds.