BEST PRACTICES: USING THE LIBRARY AS THE CENTER OF DEPLOYMENT OF TABLET TECHNOLOGY IN A U.S. UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL Bethany Ballinger MD FACEP Director of Medical Informatics University of Central Florida College of Medicine Nadine Dexter MLS D-AHIP Director of Health Sciences Library
University of Central Florida College of Medicine
The Harriet F. Ginsburg Health Sciences Library A new state-of-the-art 12,300 square feet facility 8,000 square feet devoted to study space Small and medium group study areas Reading spaces 6 public computers a 40-seat computer training room an information commons as well as reference, and special exhibits areas
Vision is to provide an information resource collection that is 100% electronic and is available anywhere, anytime, on any device. 98% Electronic 61 databases over 374 electronic books 98% over 1302 current electronic journals 100% 2% print books We have NO older bound journal volumes
Medical Informatics Curriculum M1 Searching Literature Library Resources M2 EBM Critical Appraisal M3 Clinical Rotations Bedside Resources M4 Elective EHR
Access to e-Resources on a Mobile Device iPod Touch iPad
Dec 2010 M1 40 M2 60 Jan 2011 Faculty 30 Aug 2011 M1 80 Aug 2012 M1 100 Technology Deployment Timeline M1 = First year Med Students M2 = Second Year Med Students Number of iPads Deployed
Funding Allen Ginsburg Family Foundation 2010 donated $60,000 for initial deployment 2011 donated $70,000 for second wave 2012 “One time funds” $70,000 from UCFCOM
Mobile Learning Center MLC MLC Formal classes tests Clinical skills center Logging procedures Rounding bedside With Patients Small groups
Mobile Resources Vendor 2012 List Price Number of Codes Purchased License Agreement Required DynaMed EBSCO PublishingContact vendor unlimited mobile codes available with database site licenseNo Epocrates Essentials Epocrates 1 yr $ USD (US Medical students granted free download during the month of August)Yes Geriatrics at Your Fingertips iTunes AppStore$ No PEPID Clinical Rotation Companion PEPID1 yr $ No Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th Edition Skyscape$ No
Next…… Provided incoming class with 10 Interactive textbooks
Inkling TitleAuthorPublisher 2012 List Price Number of Codes Purchased Discount Available Atlas of Anatomy, 2nd editionGilroyThieme$ Yes Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 12th editionKatzungMcGraw-Hill$ Yes Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 10th editionBickley Lippincott Williams & Wilkins$ Yes Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 7th editionAbbasElsevier$ Yes Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine, 7th editionNussbaumElsevier$ Yes Junqueira's Basic Histology, 12th editionMescherMcGraw-Hill$ Yes Medical Microbiology, 7th editionMurrayElsevier$ No Pathophysiology of Heart Disease, 5th editionLilly Lippincott Williams & Wilkins$ Yes Physiology, 4th editionCostanzoElsevier Yes The Immune System, 3rd editionParhamGarland Science$ No
“Interactive E-Textbooks: Millennial Medical Students’ Learning Preferences” In order to determine first year medical students’ learning preferences, this project evaluated the instructional efficiency and student’s perceptions toward three modalities of medical textbooks: interactive (“smart”) e- textbook, print, and online e-textbook. Mohammed K. Khalil, DVM,PhD, Nadine Dexter, MLS, D-AHIP, Shalu Gillum, JD, MLS, Michael Garner, MLS, Deedra Walton, MLS, AHIP, Teresa Johnson, PhD
Librarians Extraordinaire…. Susan Naquin, Deedra Walton, Natasha Fortune, Melodie Gardner, Raney Collins, Mike Garner, Faith Schafer-Moody, Shalu Gillum, Nadine Dexter (front)
References and Thank you Allen Ginsburg Family Foundation Nadine Dexter MLS D-AHIP Director Health Sciences Library Mohammed K. Khalil, DVM,PhD And the whole health sciences library team…….
THANK YOU! Questions??