PILOT Manual for Sustainable Urban Transport Planning European conference on sustainable cities and towns Sevilla, 22nd March 2007 Sylvain Haon, Polis.


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Presentation transcript:

PILOT Manual for Sustainable Urban Transport Planning European conference on sustainable cities and towns Sevilla, 22nd March 2007 Sylvain Haon, Polis executive director

The project PILOT EU context Main strategic objective Promoting sustainable urban transport planning Two parallel objectives 1. Create a professional “toolbox” with a manual on sustainable urban transport planning and training modules 2. Develop a SUTP ready for adoption by the local council in each of the four Pilot cities:

The project PILOT Braila (Romania)Evora (Portugal) Lancaster (UK)Tallinn (Estonia)

Pilot manual Aim Methodology -experience from practitioners; -experience from leading European countries and best practices; -Reference to previous work done by the European Union -External reviewers -Monitoring and evaluation for final update Definition of the target group

What is SUTP ? Defining Sustainable Urban Transport Planning: A new approach to transport planning with distinctive aim, subject and qualities: The aim of SUTP: achieving sustainable urban transport system by considering a serie of objectives; Adress movement of goods and persons comprehensively  A new planning approach that needs to grow from and within local authorities and existing practices.

What is SUTP ? An innovative process for transport plannning: A participatory approach; A pledge for sustainability; An integrated approach; A focus on the achievement of measurable targets; A move towards costs internalisation; A cycle of policy-making and implementation

Pilot manual - structure Pilot manual – quick reference booklet 1) How to use the manual ? 2) Understanding and policy framework for SUTP What is SUTP ? What is the policy context ? 3) Basic elements of SUTP What actions are needed ? How do they relate to each other? 6) Annex 4) Running the SUTP process What information basis is needed ? How to influence new policies ? How to support implementation ? How to assess progress ? 5) Building a strategic and operative framework How to initiate the process ? Who is involved and how ? What are the success factors ? How to organise the process ? Part I Overview and introduction to SUTP Part II Putting SUTP into practice

Pilot manual Guidance notes: 5 tasks to run the SUTP process

Pilot manual

Guidance note: 10 missions to establish a strategic and operative framework M1 Timing of the planning process M2 Strategic coordination and actor relations M3 Responsibility and geographical coverage M4 Citizen participation M5 Stakeholder involvement M6 Integration of policies for SUTP M7 Social inclusion and gender equity M8 Skill management M9 Information and public relations M10 Management and organisation

Pilot manual Guidance notes for each tasks and missions Structure of a guidance note -Description; -Aims; -Reasoning -How to proceed -Main activities -Timing -Check list and milestones: Success criteria Sequence of milestones to be achieved -Illustration with best practices from across Europe -More information

Pilot manual Check list for self-assesment Training modules Update with the result of monitoring and evaluation of the Pilot cities Finalized by the 20th of September, a manual and a quick reference booklet in 6 languages

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Pilot Manual Thank you! Sylvain Haon