Sustainability, accessibility and transport strategy management Manouchehr Nahvi Presentation to Sustainability Managemen Group Ashridge Conference Centre 8 April 2008
Core elements of TRANSPORT sustainability & performance Management in South Bedfordshire and Luton A5-M1 Link Road Masterplan Luton Airport Junction 11a Road Schemes Road Schemes North Luton Bypass ROADS/RAIL IMPROVE-MENTS J6a – J10 M1 Widening Woodside Connection Surface Access Aircraft Noise J10 – J13 Communication & Liaison LACC BCC, LBC, HA, DFT, Members, Portfolio Holders Luton-Dunstable Busway Traffic Management/Road Safety Transport Assessment Framework (Area-wide modeling) LESS POLLUTION AIR/NOISE Extension to growth area LESS CONGESTION SAFER ROADS Core route 2
Thank You. Manouchehr Nahvi End show
Points of concern 1- Currently, construction of the Bypass (and J11a) is programmed to start in 2013/14 and to open to traffic in 2015/16. However, the councils and the local MP are urging the HA, DfT and DCLG to try and bring forward the dates. 2- Concern about the lack of appropriate pedestrian/cycle route across the M1 at J12 Return
TAF Current work Each of ten strategy development option being appraised to assess, in relative terms, their transport based sustainability in terms of ensuring that: Both existing and new residents have the highest achievable degree of accessibility to employment places Both existing and new employers can draw upon the widest number of employed residents Overall, residents in any given area have the maximum level of accessibility to residents in other areas. return
Sustainable developments Consider the location of Growth points in terms of their connectivity to large urban areas, major zones of employment, retail/leisure facilities and the existing road and rail network Endeavour to provide a variety of employment opportunities and other community facilities (such as schools, health centres etc) on site to reduce the need to travel Ensure that Growth Points are planned to best integrate with existing land-use. return