LEPS experiment from 2008.Jan to 2009.Jul 2008.Jan-Jul: 257nm laser, LH 2 tagger rate ~2x10 5 /s 2008.Oct-Nov: 355nm laser, LD 2 tagger rate ~1x10 6 /s.


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Presentation transcript:

LEPS experiment from 2008.Jan to 2009.Jul 2008.Jan-Jul: 257nm laser, LH 2 tagger rate ~2x10 5 /s 2008.Oct-Nov: 355nm laser, LD 2 tagger rate ~1x10 6 /s Speed up DAQ by decentralizing the TPC sense-wire readout and modifying the program.  Trigger: sideway + forward 2008.Dec, 2009Feb,Jul: 355nm laser, LH 2 : confirm the old TPC data, calibration, etc Mar-Jul: 355nm laser, LHe : search for the   hypernuclei 2.96 GeV  LH 2 using the new TPC and new liquid cryo-target system ~8x10 11 photons (~ old TPC run) 2.4 GeV  LD 2 ~1.6x10 12 photons ~2.0x10 12 photons ~4.6x10 12 photons

2008B-2009A :主な trouble & setting 変更 10/2: TPC FADC 配線変更 (高速化), プログラム修正 10/9-10/11: LD2, trigger#23(TPC) [DC2U に歯抜け not for analysis] 10/11: DC2U PA 交換、 TagPL hrtdc 用 delay 一部変更 10/12-10/16: LD2, trigger#23 10/16: replace AC (  1.03), set ee-veto scinti  add STD trigger 10/16-10/28, 11/13-11/29: LD2, trigger#24(TPC+STD) 11/17-12/7: LH2, trigger#24 12/7: DC1U trip [12/7-12/12: DC1U 無しのデータ not for analysis] 1 月~ 2/4: DC1 修理、 TOF 研磨、 AC 交換( 2 枚  3 枚) 2/4: setting&alignment(DC1,solenoid(TPC)+NDC,FWD,TOF) 2/7-2/8: LH2, trigger#24 2/8: Solenoid OFF [2/8-2/13 solenoid 磁場無しのデータ not for analysis] 2/13: solenoid temperature was recovered  solenoid ON 2/13-21: LH2, trigger#24 2/21: A wire of DC1V was broken (2/24,25 修理 )

2008B-2009A :主な trouble & setting 変更 3/2: setting & alignment (DC1,solenoid(TPC)+NDC,FWD) 3/2-3/12: LHe, trigger#25(TPC/2+STD) [ 標的中に泡成長 not for analysis] 3/24,27: DC1 再修理、レーザー系 第 1 、第 2 ミラー交換 4/6-4/22, 5/15-5/30, 6/1-6/17, 6/25-7/5: LHe, trigger STD (5/15: set rate-monitor, 6/1: replace it to new one, 6/24: reset it) 7/7-7/24: LH2, trigger#24 (7/12: solenoid quench  recover soon) 7/25-7/26: 磁場無しラン (for software alignment) 7/26-28: Cu(test), trigger#24(narrow) NB ) 10/15-10/28: AC1 は noisy 6/7-6/9: all DC gains were large due to incorrect gas mixture 6/28-30: peakADC of TPC anode#33 was strange 6/27-7/28: there might be a bad channel in the PADs of sector6, layer5 Summary and corrected photon numbers of each run used for analysis:

Correction factor for Tagger scaler Calculate the correction factor according to Tech-note No.15 by Kohri (slightly modified) Pile-up events: |T(i)-T(j)|< T_width (  best T_width=40nsec) Correction factor : R=generated events/(generated events – pile-up events) why?

Correction factor for each filling pattern (revised on 2013 Feb.)

17.73±0.51 LHe run corrected

25.15±0.38 LD2 run corrected

LH2 run 13.16±0.25 corrected

Data statistics Corrected tagger photon# ×DAQ live ratio LHe(Std): 4.55x10 12 (hori 2.25x10 12, vert 2.30x10 12 ) LD2(#24/#23): 1.64x10 12 (hori 0.82x10 12, vert 0.82x10 12 ) [trig# x10 12 / trig# x10 12 ] LH2(#24): 1.96x10 12 (hori 0.93x10 12, vert 1.03x10 12 ) Luminosity (L=n b ・ N T N T =  N A /A ) Scaling factor of transmission: 0.525±0.013 (from PWO data) Target density of LHe/LD2/LH2 with 15cm at boiling point g/cm 2, g/cm 2, g/cm 2 Luminosity: LHe 6.79x10 35 cm -2 =0.679 pb -1 LD2 6.53x10 35 cm -2 =0.653 pb -1 LH2 6.53x10 35 cm -2 =0.653 pb -1 cf.) 3GeV LH2 ( ~ 0.8x10 12 x0.532)x(1.062xN A /A) = 0.27 pb - 1

Check pedestal files (miho:/np1b/v04/sp8lep/ntpc/pede/) ・ remove some strange runs (not junk runs in the log-note) ・ ch1253 (Preamp79, ch 5) shows 2 lines. (sector 6, layer 7, 3 rd pad) Run# pedestal_mean

NTPC gain correction with cosmic-ray data cut: |dip angle|<15° -1717<z<-1517 Pad (peakAdc) vs wire sum  good  w i h i /  w i w -2 =w 2 = w -1 =w 1 = w 0 = 読んでいない両端の Wire は 1 番目と 27 番目の wire の x0.5 が良い

z-dependence of Pad gain x y z y (-25<x<25) (-1717<z<-1517)