The LENS Facility at IUCF David V. Baxter Indiana University A. Bogdanov, J. M. Cameron, P. Chen (UIUC), V. P. Derenchuk, B. Jones (UIUC), H. Kaiser, C. M. Lavelle, M. A. Lone, M. B. Leuschner, H. O. Meyer, H. Nann, R. Pynn, N. Remmes, T. Rinckel, W. M. Snow, P. Sokol
OUTLINE What is LENS, how dose it work? What is LENS, how dose it work? Neutronic details of the design Neutronic details of the design Performance of the source Performance of the source Conclusions Conclusions
Neutron Sources From :G. Bauer LENS
From R. Pynn, UCSB
Neutron Powder Diffraction J. D. Jorgensen et al. PRB (1987) YBCO lines CuO impurity lines YBCO lines CuO impurity lines Phase Transition and O ordering in YBCO Residuals
Protein Interactions (in solution!) JK Krueger et al. Biochem. 37, (1998) Calmodulin and myosin L C Kinase IKIK I CK ICIC
n Source Reactions
p + Be Reaction p + Be Reaction 13 MeV 2006 Yield ~ MeV ~ MeV 7 MeV
Primary Source characteristics
Neutron/Gamma Yields 13 MeV, 30 kW 9 Be+p ( )+ xn Y n = 1 x10 14 /s ; = 2.3 MeV 9 Be+p ( )+ xn Y n = 1 x10 14 /s ; = 2.3 MeV 9 Be+p Li+ + Y = 7 x10 12 /s ; E = 3.5 MeV 9 Be+p Li+ + Y = 7 x10 12 /s ; E = 3.5 MeV 9 Be+ Y = < /s ; E = < 15 MeV 9 Be+ Y = < /s ; E = < 15 MeV Other Gammas: Hydrogen: 8x10 13 /s Other Gammas: Hydrogen: 8x10 13 /s Boron: 3x10 13 /s Boron: 3x10 13 /s Al ( ): 4x10 12 /s Al ( ): 4x10 12 /s
p + Be Reaction p + Be Reaction 13 MeV 2006 Yield ~ MeV ~ MeV 7 MeV
How could LENS work? Feature LENS/SPSS (low power) Feature LENS/SPSS (low power) Nuclear efficiency 1/2500 Nuclear efficiency 1/2500 Larger average current 200 Larger average current 200 No decouplers/poisons 6 No decouplers/poisons 6 Geometric Coupling 2 Geometric Coupling 2 Colder Spectrum (???) Colder Spectrum (???)
Facility Layout: Fall 2005
SANS SESAME aCORN NREP LENS Floor Plan-2007 Accelerator TMR future
MCNP model geometry
Neutronic basics Time scales decoupler
Target Moderator Reflector (TMR)
Moderator Thickness Study Cryogenics Cavity 1.0 Cm Thick (present configuration) 2.0 cm Thick (proposed change included in study)
Moderator Thickness
Methane Thickness (MCNP)
Effect of Geometry details
Protons in linac: 15 Dec Proton Current RFQ power DTL Power
Neutrons in 2-D Detector: 15 Dec. 2004
First Neutron Spectra Activation Foil here 3 He detector here
Empty moderator spectrum
Emission time predictions
Emission time measurements
LENS is a novel facility for producing and using neutrons on a “human scale”. IAEA LENS is a novel facility for producing and using neutrons on a “human scale”. IAEA It offers unique opportunities in neutronic and instrumentation development as well as for materials research It offers unique opportunities in neutronic and instrumentation development as well as for materials research Neutronic performance is within 10% of predictions at low E (thermal), but discrepancy is greater (~80%) at high E (MeV) and cold energie (30%). Neutronic performance is within 10% of predictions at low E (thermal), but discrepancy is greater (~80%) at high E (MeV) and cold energie (30%). Conclusions
Cryostat insertion Water CH 4 Al Polyethylene PT cm
Moderator Assembly Water CH 4 Al Poly PT cm
Moderator Cryogenic Tests P(W) T4 (K) T3(K) * T3 T4 Dec * Estimated thermal load at 30kW
First Cold Spectrum (T=3.6K)
Solid Methane Spectrum
Thermal Flux Measurements Location Measurement Method Flux (n/cm 2 /uC) (E<500meV) MCNP Design Geometry MCNP As-Built Geometry As-Built Geometry As-Built /Meas 10 cm in TMR Gold Foil Poly Moderator (3.01±.78) x x x cm in TMR Gold Foil Empty Moderator (2.65±.75) x x x cm Indium Foil, Poly Moderator (3.36±.35) x x x
Thermal Flux XY Position Dependence (MCNP)
Fast Neutron Flux (>12keV) 32kW beam power
Nickel Foil XY Position Dependence (MCNP)
Nickel Foil Activity Location Measurement Method Saturated Activity (Bq/atom/uC) MCNP As-Built Geometry As-Built Geometry As- Built /Meas 10 cm in TMR Nickel Foil Activity Empty Moderator (1.17±.19) x x Activation Cross-section
LENS is a novel facility for producing and using neutrons on a “human scale”. IAEA LENS is a novel facility for producing and using neutrons on a “human scale”. IAEA It offers unique opportunities in neutronic and instrumentation development as well as for materials research It offers unique opportunities in neutronic and instrumentation development as well as for materials research Neutronic performance is within 10% of predictions at low E (thermal), but discrepancy is greater (~80%) at high E (MeV) and cold energie (30%). Neutronic performance is within 10% of predictions at low E (thermal), but discrepancy is greater (~80%) at high E (MeV) and cold energie (30%). Conclusions