Erdem Oz* USC E-164X,E167 Collaboration Plasma Dark Current in Self-Ionized Plasma Wake Field Accelerators
What is Dark Current and Why is it Important? One of the fundamental limits to high accelerating gradients in conventional metallic particle accelerators ( < 100 MeV/m) Damaged CD Simulation of Dark Current in a conventional accelerator cavity Particle Rides on the longitudinal field Lead to active research on Plasma Accelerators ( GeV/m) Metallic accelerator walls breakdown just like a CD in a microwave
Is there a corresponding limit in Plasma Accelerators? Wave Breaking The wake grows from an instability, therefore the onset of trapping is not controllable Self Modulated Laser Wake Field Accelerator Laser Self Trapped Plasma Electrons
OTR Li oven e- beam Plasma windows spectrograph Thin lens Gated ccd camera Plane mirror slit OTR* Foil Plasma Light OTR Light Cerenkov Light *Optical Transition Radiation LIGHT COLLECTION TOROID Cherenkov Gas Cell ccd
Clear threshold at ~7 GV/m Evidence for two (or more) short bunches of trapped particles Excess charge of the order of the beam incoming charge (1.6x10 10 e - ) Interference of Coherent Radiation from Trapped Bunches Trapping above a threshold wake amplitude as measured by average energy loss or decelerating field: ≈7GV/m Density=1.6x10 17 cm -3
Simulation of the Experiment with OSIRIS* *2-D Object Oriented Fully Parallel PIC (Particle In Cell) Code e- beam -Li Profile -He Profile
Parameters of OSIRIS Simulation For The Full PWFA Experiment Beam Spot Size r Gaussian 12 Beam FWHM (non-Gaussian longitudinal distribution) 70 eam Energy 28.5 GeV Number of Beam e x Li Gas Density (n 0 )1.6 x cm -3 Number of Simulation Cells500 x 600 moving Beam Particles/cell25 Gas Particles/cell1 dt (1 p Cell Size z x r 0.09 x 0.04 c/ p
OSIRIS Simulation: Real Space (r-z) Of Li & He Electrons short Bunches ~3 z Lithium electrons support the wake He electrons trapped inside the wake Li at z=11.3 cm He at z=11.3 cm e- beam total number of trapped He at this point 0.6x x x x10 10
OSIRIS Simulation: Phase Space (P z -z) Of Li & He Electrons and the on–axis line out of the E z Li at z=11.3 cm He at z=21 cm Li electrons do not get trapped He electrons do and reach energies up to 2.5 GeV
E 28.5GeV Beam High-energy Trapped e - Cherenkov Cell Image T RAPPING OF P LASMA e - High-energy, narrow ∆E/E trapped particle bunches L p =32cm, n e =2.6x10 17 cm -3 Courtesy of P. Muggli
e - : Preionized e - : Ionized inside the wake -V p min max pp Longitudinal Wake Amplitude Potential z Just like marbles rolling over a hill, It’s easier to turn the marble starting at the bottom around V p : Plasma Wake Phase Velocity k :e-field slope
Beam charge is varied from 0.4 to 1 times that of original beam from left to right Vertical Lines are the analytic estimates each corresponds to a different simulation : calculated from linear fits to E z from simulations : calculated from simulations Peak Field Constant of motion for arbitrary wave potentials of the form, A= A(z-ct), (z-ct)
peak at peak at P z (mc) z black and yellow represents simulation with buffer Trapped particles load the wake causing less energy gain
Trapping could be more important for Positrons Plasma electrons are dragged out of the plasma by positron beam and can become as dense as the positron beam* *T. Katsouleas et al. Phys Fluids b 1990 Real space of plasma electrons e- e+ kpr kpz