Metric Conversions & Scientific Notation IPC NOTES
THE METRIC SYSTEM The metric system is based on powers of 10 to make converting easier. In order to convert from one metric unit to another, all you will need to do is move the decimal point.
BASE UNITS The metric system combines various base units with different prefixes. The most commonly used base units are meters, liters and grams.
COMMON METRIC PREFIXES Kilo = 1,000 times the base unit Hecto = 100 times the base unit Deka = 10 times the base unit Deci = 0.1 of the base unit (or 1/10 th ) Centi = 0.01 of the base unit (or 1/100 th ) Mili = of the base unit (or 1/1,000 th )
COMMON METRIC PREFIXES Memorize the following phrase to remember the common metric prefixes in order: K ing H enry D ied B y D rinking C hocolate M ilk K ilo H ecto D eka B ase D eci C enti M ili
OTHER METRIC PREFIXES Tera = 1 trillion times the base unit Giga = 1 billion times the base unit Mega = 1million times the base unit Micro = 1/millionth of the base unit Nano = 1/billionth of the base unit Pico = 1/trillionth of the base unit
READING METRIC UNITS If a unit only has 1 letter, it is a base unit (usually meters, liters or grams). If a unit has more than 1 letter, it is a combination of a prefix with a base unit.
DEKA VS. DECI Deka is typically abbreviated as “dk” ex) dekameter = dkm Deci is typically abbreviated as simply “d” ex) decimeter = dm
READING METRIC UNITS Identify each of the following: g grams
READING METRIC UNITS Identify each of the following: mg miligrams
READING METRIC UNITS Identify each of the following: hL hectoliters
READING METRIC UNITS Identify each of the following: m meters
READING METRIC UNITS Identify each of the following: dg decigrams
READING METRIC UNITS Identify each of the following: dkL dekaliters
USING THE METRIC SCALE Write the common prefixes in order: K ilo H ecto D eka B ase D eci C enti M ili Put your finger on the starting unit and count the number of places to the left or right to arrive at the new unit. Move the decimal the same number of places and in the same direction to get the answer.
PRACTICE PROBLEM #1 K ilo H ecto D eka B ase D eci C enti M ili 4.38 cm = __________ mm
PRACTICE PROBLEM #2 K ilo H ecto D eka B ase D eci C enti M ili 6.35 cm = __________ m
PRACTICE PROBLEM #3 K ilo H ecto D eka B ase D eci C enti M ili 4.38 kg = __________ g
PRACTICE PROBLEM #4 K ilo H ecto D eka B ase D eci C enti M ili 105 dL = __________ hL
PRACTICE PROBLEM #5 K ilo H ecto D eka B ase D eci C enti M ili 4 dkg = __________ mg
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Scientific notation is used to write really large or really small numbers. ex) x10 -15
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Numbers written with scientific notation have a number written times 10 to a certain power. ex) x10 -15
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION A positive exponent represents a large number. A negative exponent represents a small number.
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION The exponent tells you how many spaces to move the decimal to either the left or the right.
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION #1 Write the following number without using scientific notation: 1.56x
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION #2 Write the following number without using scientific notation: 8.4x ,000
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION #3 Write the following number using scientific notation: 65, x10 4
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION #4 Write the following number using scientific notation: x10 -3
SCIENTIFIC NOTATION #5 Write the following number using scientific notation: x10 -8