J-PARC, facility for hadron physics, the present status and future T.Takahashi KEK/J-PARC Center.


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Presentation transcript:

J-PARC, facility for hadron physics, the present status and future T.Takahashi KEK/J-PARC Center

Contents Brief Introduction of J-PARC Hadron Facility  Results of Commissioning and Physics Programs at each beamline K1.8/K1.8BR/K1.1BR  Beamlines to be constructed in future High-p/K1.1 Summary

J-PARC at Tokai Village

ML F RCS LIN AC 50GeV-PS (MR) Hd Bird’s eye photo in Feb. 2008

High-power & multi-purpose accelerator IPNS Energy (GeV) AGS CERN-PS FNAL-MI U70 SPS ISIS TRIUMF PSI (CW) KEK- 12GeV PS Tevatron This Project 3 GeV Existing Under construction Power KEK-500MeV Booster Current (  A) SNS Proposed Materials-Life Sciences 1 MW 0.1 MW ESS Nuclear-Particle Physics This Project 50 GeV J-PARC = 1MW-class high-power accelerators 10-times beam power of any existing accelerators

Pions (  ) Kaons (K) Anti-proton ( p) Neutron (n) High-power & multi-purpose accelerator proton(p) Target nucleus neutron(n) Muon (  ) Neutrino( ) Particle & Nuclear 50(30) GeV Materials & Life Nuclear Proton beam (p) 3GeV/50(30)GeV

Hadron Experimental Hall Photo was taken in Oct Hadron Experimental Hall

Hadron Facility Hadron Hall Switch Yard (SY) Tunnel Beam Dump MR Tunnnel Production Target (T1) Primary Beam LineSlow extraction point Main Ring (MR) SY ( ~ 250m) Hadron Hall (56m) MR Main Ring to Hadron Hall 60m

Nuclear & Hadron Physics at Hadron Hall  multi-strangeness hypernuclei  6  He double-  K − Meson X-ray Nucleus kaonic atom kaonic nuclei  d u u d s Pentaquark  + Hypernuclear Physics Exotic Hadrons Origin of Hadron Mass  -ray spectroscopy K N Interaction K1.8 K1.8BR KL K1.1 K1.1BR High-P

Beam lines in Hadron Hall p max = 1.1 GeV/c I K ~ GeV/c p max = 2.0 GeV/c I K ~ GeV/c Double stages Electrostatic Separators K  /(   +   )  p max = 0.8 GeV/c I K ~ GeV/c as Kaon Factory (2x10 14 ppp, 30GeV-9  A) p mean ~2 GeV/c I KL = 1.8x10 7 ppp pencil-beam of 7.8  sr Ni Target K L    bar rare-decay exp.

K1.8 & SKS SKS K1.8 Beam Spectrometer

K1.8 beam line P max =2.0 GeV/c 46m Length double stage of Electrostatic Separators 75kV/cm,6m x 2 High-resolution beam spectrometer (K1.8BS)  p/p =3.3x10  (FWHM) ESS#1 ESS#2 ESS#1 BS(QQDQQ) 2.0x10 14 ppp, Ni K   Intensity: 1.4x10 6 K  /(     )=3.5  IFV =4.0mm  MS1=4.5mm  MS2=4.8mm design value

Kaon Yield at K1.8 w/o fine tune ESS1 ON ESS2 ON K 2009 Nov.26 Separators ±200kV IFH ± 100mm IFV 0/+4mm Mom ± 60mm MS1 ± 2.35mm MS2 ± 2.5mm ← 1/3 of full ESS1 OFF ESS2 OFF 6.2x10 11 ppp (500W) Ni Target 3.6k/spill K Separators ±200kV (±375kV) IFV opening 2.0 mm (4.0mm) MS1 opening 4.7mm (4.5mm) MS2 opening 5.0mm (4.8mm) 2010 Oct x10 12 ppp (1kW) Pt Target  KK K-trigger p bar All charged particles K-trigger 12k/spill

Trouble 1/6 of coil was lost due to earth fault Beam & SKS Spectrometer - Performance - SKS from Tsukuba to Tokai for High-resolution Spectroscopy of Hypernuclei, etc.. Large solid angle of 100msr High resolution of  p/p ~ 0.1%(FWHM) 300W refrigerator for Liq-He Small refrigerator system GM-JT refrigerator x 3 GM cryocooler for GM-JT shield GM cryocooler for HiTC current leads A Measured field map Calcurated field map at 1.25GeV/c

Approved Experiments at K1.8 Exotic Hadron/Hadron system  E19   Search via the H(  ,K  )X  E27 Kaonic nuleus via the D(  ,K + )”ppK  ” Hypernuclei of S=-1  E10 n-rich  hypernuclei via the (  ,K + ) reaction ( 6  H, 9  He)  E13  -ray spectroscopy ( 4  He, 7  Li, 10  B, 11  B, 19  F )  E18/E22 weak decays ( 4  H/ 4  He, 12  C ) Hypernuclei of S=-2  E05  -hypernucleus, via the 12 C(K ,K + ) 12  Be  E07 Counter-emulsion hybrid experiment  E03 Measurement of  -Atom X-rays (  -Fe Atom) Others  E08 Pion double charge exchange  E26  in nuclei by A(  ,n) reaction and   

E19: Search for penta-quark,  , via the p+   → K  X reaction The First PHYSICS EXPERIMENT at Hadron Hall. u ー s u d d To confirm the bump-sructure observed in the previous E522 experiment with much improved resolution better than 2MeV/c 2 S/N using Liq-H 2 target statistics with high-intensity beam 7.8x10 10    on 12cm-long Liq-H 2 at 1.92GeV/c Step-1 data taking was successfully finished in this autumn. M.Naruki on Dec.10 E522 CH 2 (  ,K  ) GeV/c 2

Hypernuclear Physics N Z ,  Hypernuclei ,  Hypernuclei Strangeness    N-N int. by Lattice QCD Baryon-Baryon interaction through the hypernuclear structure   N and  interaction   N interaction in n-rich enviroment Hadron property in nuclear medium  g-factor of  by B(M1) measurement Change of nuclear property by additon of hyperon(s)  change of nuclear size etc..

K1.8BR CDS detector 3 He target

K1.8BR beamline P max =1.1 GeV/c 31.3m Length Electrostatic Separator (50kV/cm,6m) 2.0x10 14 ppp, Ni target K  intensity 7.5x10 1.1GeV/c 1.0x10 0.8GeV/c 8.4x10 0.6GeV/c SlitNiPt K/  (Pt)  IFV=4mm,  MS1=4.7mm %  IFV=4mm,  MS1=9.2mm % K Yield (Measured ) 1.5x10 12 ppp, 40kV/cm (design)

Approved Experiments at K1.8BR Kaonic nuclei, K bar -N interaction  E17 Measurement of Kaonic 3 He 3d  2p X-rays  E15 Kaon deeply bound state, “ppK  ” via the 3 He(K ,n)X and X  (  p)  pp    P28 ( 3 He(K ,p/n)X )  E31 Hyperon resonance below KN threshold via the D(K ,n) reaction

E17:Strong-interaction Shift and Width of Kaonic Helium 3 Last orbit of Kaonic atoms is sensitive to K - -nucleus strong-interaction. Nucleus absorption 2p (Strong-interaction) 2p 3d 2p (Coulomb-only) 2p  E 2p : Shift  2p : Width Atomic orbits of Kaonic Helium 3 3d 2p X-rays Slide by Dr. M. Iio T.Hashimoto on Dec.10

+ K-K-K-K- 3 He NC 15 m + K - pp n Reaction Missing mass spectroscopy K - pp search with TOF measurement of neutron  pp ---- Decay Decay particle measurement K - pp search with exclusive decay particle measurement E15: Next to E17 M. iio, Slide for PANIC08 Y.Sada on Dec.10


Actual layout of K1.1BR T1 D1 Q1 Q2 D2Q3 Q4ESSQ5 Q6 MS D3 Q7 Q8 IFX IFY SX1SX2 HFOC FF Proton beam Shorter length (2.0 m) of ESS instead of optics design (2.5 m) - old K5 ESS is reused - Smaller D3 bending angle (40°) than beam optics (45°) - performance limit of the recycled D3 magnet - Longer Q8-FF distance (3.3 m) than the beam optics (1.5 m) - a thick iron wall necessary for radiation safety -

Beam envelop (K1.1BR)  = 3.3 msr %  HFOC = ± 6 mm; I K + = 5.4 x 10 4  = 5.0 msr %  HFOC = ±20 mm; I K + = 8.2 x 10 4 (with Pt 1.0 GeV/c L = 21.5 m ESS Beam Analyzer D3 Q7 Q8

Measured K + Yield & 0.8GeV/c 4.5x10 12 ppp (3.6kW) Normal Vertical Slit Opening Test beamline for test exp. (for a while) TREK (Time-reversal Exp.) (future)

Other ( Approved ) Experiments Meson in nuclei, In-medium modification of mesons  E16 Chiral symmetry of QCD (  in High-P beamline  E29  -meson bound state via the A(p bar,  K1.1 beamline (deferred status)  P04 High-mass dimuon Primary (High-P) beamline

Beam lines in Hadron Hall K1.8 K1.8BR KL K1.1 K1.1BR High-P

E16: In-medium mass modification of vector meson R.Muto et al,PRL98 (07) KEK-E325 electron-pair spectrometer collect 10 4 ~10 5   ee for each target 10~100 times as large as the previous E325 data velocity dependence target (size) dependence  (1020)

Location of E16 : High-p beam line SM1: branched by 5° 2% beam loss is allowed 3.9° 5.8°x3 beam dump Experimental Area Vertical Bend Beam dump and shields are for protons/s 30 Already the spectrometer magnet has been moved to Hadron Hall. Budget being requested. R&D for the actual beam line is underway.

Summary J-PARC has started its operational era! 4 beam lines, K1.8, K1.8BR, KL, and K1.1BR, are completed.  K1.8 & SKS: Hypernuclear Physics Experiments E19 has finished the step-1 data-taking.  K1.8BR: E17/E15 are being started.  KL: K rare decay experiment (K L   bar ) started its engineering run.  K1.1BR: Commissioning and some test exp. started. We are requesting to construct K1.1 and High-p lines

People at J-PARC Hadron Experimental Hall Graduate Students, Professors, Researchers, Engineers…, all over the world First Beam to Hd Hall First beam to K1.8 KOTO (E15) Experimental Team (K L Rare Decay Search) Start up of K1.8 Counting Hat Front end circuits at K1.8BR New comers and a senior Line marking at K1.8 area Our TOF wall is ready! Midnight in KL Counting Hat Background survey before construction of KL! My beautiful TOF counters!