Training Charge Code Set Up
Overview Allows a user to add or edit the rates for Current Procedural Terminology Codes.
Overview Con’t. Adding New CPT – Allows you to add new CPT codes to the database. Adding New Auto Code– Allows you to add new Auto Codes or “Bundled” codes to the database. Adding Supply Code– Allows you to add a new supply code to the database.
Access to Charge Code Set Up –The PracticeStudio Button –Setup Codes Setup –Charge Codes Set Up
Action Pane – Add Charge Code –Search for a Charge Code –Click the Search button (with the magnifying glass icon) –Type in what you know, Description, code etc. can click Search –Add Charge Code –Click the Add button –Type in the mandatory fields: Code, Description, Place of Service and Type of Service. –Any mandatory field not filled in will result in a broken rule –Fill in the other fields
Actions Pane –Getting Started –Closes Current CPT and returns the screen to the default page –Search –Opens the Search dialog –Add Charge Code –Opens the Charge Code dialog –Print –Launches the Charge Code Listing dialog to print details on one or more Charge Codes.
CPT Code Details −Options −Category −POS −TOS −Flags and Indicators – Check means yes, No check means no. X-rayPrimary Code Lab ChargeE/M Indicator Included in VisitRequires Modifier UnclassifiedAnesthesia Related to foot care
CPT Code Details (Con’t) −Standard Fees −Set fee’s and effective dates −Customized Fees −Customize the rate based on 7 different criteria i.e. FC, Carrier ect. −Dx Restrictions −Allows the user to select a Dx code to add to the restriction list −CPT Code Suspensions −Sometimes when you post a particular CPT code, the government will not allow you to bill for certain items until a specified length of time has passed since the original post (e.g., you can't charge for follow-up exams after certain surgeries). CPT code suspensions are used to restrict the use of CPT codes after a particular code has been posted to a patient's record. If you try to post a suspended CPT code to a patient's file, a dialog will pop up that informs you when the suspension expires and asks whether you are sure you want to post the charge.
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