Decade of pulsar observations in Pushchino and Kalyazin Radio Astronomy observatory. V.A.Potapov, P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Pulsar Astrometry Dept.
The persons took part in this work. PRAO ASC LPI –Yu.Ilyasov; O.Doroshenko; V.Oreshko; A.Rodin; M.Pshirkov, E.Zmeeva ASC LPI –M.Popov; V.Soglasnov KSRC NICT (Japan) –Yu.Hanado; M.Sekido; M.Imae; T.Kondo; S.Tekefuji MSU –N.Korotkova
Contents Pulsar timing at Kalyazin in Pulsar VLBI at Kalyazin. Giant Pulses observations at Kalyzin and Pushchino.
Historical overview 1995 – testing of 0.6 GHz pulsar timing system at 22 m radio-telescope (RT-22) in Pushchino – 1996 – First timing observations at 0.6 GHz at Bear Lakes 64-m radio telescope 1997 – 2007 – Timing observations at 0.6 and 1.4 GHz in Kalyazin 64-m radio telescope (RT-64) … - Elaboration of the new generation digital multi-frequency (0.6, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2 GHz) pulsar timing system for Kalyazin
Kalyazin 64-m radio telescope
Coordinates57°13` `` N.L.; 37° 54` `` E.L.; h = m. Х= ; У= ; Z= m Main reflector64 m Main reflector RMS1.1 mm Minimal wavelength1.35 cm Secondary reflector6 m Antenna efficiency0.5 – 0.6 Receiving systemMulti-frequency horn d=2m, l=6m PolarizationsRCP, LCP Simultaneously used frequencies 0.6; 1.4; 2.3; 8.3 GHz or 0.6; 1.7; 2.3; 4.8; 22 GHz Guidance speedFast - 1° / s; slow – 1.5` / s
RT-64 receivers (2007 yr. status) SystemPR-0.6PR-1.4PR-2.2PR-8.3 Freq. GHz ,07-2, Heterodyne freq. GHz 562.0; , Int. freq. MHz T receiver, K Antenna efficiency
“Analogue generation” Pulsar observation systems used in Kalyzin (till 2007). 1.AS-600/160: ~600 MHz; BW 2x3.2 MHz, (80x2x40KHz channels), τ=10 μs. 2.AS-1400/256: ~1400 MHz; 2x32 MHz (128x2x250 kHz), τ<=4 μs. 3.AOP-1400: ~ MHz; BW ~200 MHz (500x40kHz), τ<=4 μs.
AS-1400/256 AS-600/160 AOP-1400
AS-600/160, observer’s interface
AS-1400/256, observer’s interface
Data processing Integration of pulsar profile and calculation of topocentric TOAs: –kkfs1,2,3 packages (Doroshenko, Potapov, ) –iPulsar package with an extended possibility of noise filtering in time/frequency domains (PA Dept., 2008) Barycentric TOAs and pulsar parameters calculations –TIMAPRv1,v2 (Doroshenko, Kopeikin, )
Scientific goals Building ensemble PT and BPT scales. Investigation of the low-frequency noise in pulsar TOA residuals (search for the low- frequency gravitational waves background – GWB, in particular) Investigations of long-term ISM perturbations.
Long-term timing of millisecond pulsars at 600 MHz in J , J , J , J , J , J , B , J Position of 8 Kalyazin millisecond pulsars (bold points) between about 40 millisecond pulsars with regular timing.
Pulsar time stability investigations, σ z statistics Sloped lines correspond to the energy density of GWB from the early Universe ( S(f) ~ 1/f ⁵ )
Pulsar time stability investigations, σ z statistics
Approaches to the ensemble PT, weighted average. 6 Kalyazin pulsars EPT synthesis. PTS package used (Pshirkov, Korotkova, 2010)
Approaches to the ensemble PT, weighted average. 6 Kalyazin pulsars EPT. Res weighing 30 days averaged.
Approaches to the ensemble PT, weighted average and Wiener filtering. (Rodin, 2010)
Approaches to the ensemble PT, weighted average and Wiener filtering. Dashed line - 6 pulsars, weighted average (residuals), Points – 3 pulsars, weighted average (residuals, J , J ,J ) Line – 6 pulsars, Wiener filtering (Rodin, 2011)
Approaches to BPT and ultra-low frequency GWB. (Ilyasov, Kopeikin, Rodin, 1998) Pulsar time- PT Binary pulsar time - BPT Time terrestrial – TT Barycentric time - BT
Approaches to BPT and ultra-low frequency GWB.
Ultra-low frequency GWB limiting. (Kopeikin, 1997, Kopeikin & Potapov, 2004)
Summary on relic GWB energy density Ω g h² limiting using Kalyazin pulsar timing data. <= 10 ⁻⁷ in f ~ 6x10 ⁻⁹ Hz, straight σ z analysis (Potapov, 2004) ~ 10 ⁻⁸ in f ~ 6x10 ⁻⁹ Hz, using correlation functions of 6 pulsars TOAs with SSA “Caterpillar” method (Rodin, 2011) <= 4x10 ⁻⁴ in f ~ 10 ⁻¹¹ - 7.1x10⁻⁷ Hz (J binary parameters analysis, Potapov, 2004)
Two frequency observations at of PSR B – discovery of secular DM variation. KK – Kalyazin (0.6 GHz) – Kashima (2.15 GHz) observations, KA – Kalyazin 0.6 – 1.4 GHz observations. d(DM)/dt= (1) pc ∙ cm ⁻³ in 1984 – 2004 (Ilyasov et al. 2004)
Prospects for future timing in Kalyazin. Digital FFT pulsar processors one module test at 1.4 GHz (BW = 50 MHz, 512 channels, 3 min integration), PSR B and J
Prospects for future timing in Kalyazin 2011 ~. Digital FFT pulsar processors –80 MHz BW in 256 chan. at 0.6 GHz with τ<=3μs –Up to 200 MHz BW in 1024 chan. at 1.4 or 1.6 GHz with τ<=1μs –200+ MHz BW in 1024 chan. at 2.2 GHz with τ<=1μs Regular timing >~ 20 binary millisecond pulsars of northern hemisphere in about 1 session/(10-15) days in 2 – 3 frequencies.
Kalyazin VLBI system (2007 yr.)
Coordinates and proper motion detection on the base Kalyazin – Kashima (Japan) Sekido et al., 1998
Coordinates and proper motion detection on the base Kalyazin - Kashima Sekido et al., 1998
DE200 – ICRF frame connection. Rotation axesRodin, Sekido 2002 pulsar VLBI (mas) Bartel et al., 1985 LLR and quasar VLBI observations (mas) X-4±2-2±2 Y-13±3-12±3 Z-17±5-6±3 VLBI observations of pulsars B , B , B , B , B were used.
Prospects of Space-Earth pulsar VLBI in “RadioAstron” space radio telescope project. Kalyazin RT-64 will be used as a one of the Earth VLBI station. Space radio telescope with 10-m diameter and km in apogee may provide sub mas accuracy of point object coordinate in ICRF. In space RT – one Earth RT-64 configuration up to 22 pulsars with flux 13 < S < 1100 mJy may be observed at 1.6 GHz. In full configuration (Earth telescopes equivalent to the one 130 m diameter radio telescope) up to 56 pulsars with 7 < S < 1100 mJy. The launch is planned in the 3th decade of July As much as 3-4 pulsars are to be observed in the early observation program.
List of pulsars – candidates for the Space-Earth VLBI # NAME PSRJ RAJ DECJ S1400 S/N Res Calibrator 1d (hms) (dms) (mJy) (mas) (rfc_2011a) 1 B J :35: :10: U 2 B J :17:21 -40:54: B J :38: :42: B J :22: :54: B J :59: :38: B J :18: :39: B J :45: :17: B J :32: :59: B J :52: :06: N 10 B J :43: :23: B J :30: :34: B J :56: :58: B J :26: :37: N 14 B J :53: :13: B J :04: :59: B J :48: :16: B J :07: :47: B J :45: :40: N 19 B J :13: :44: B J :39: :53: B J :40: :15: N 22 B J :36: :43: B J :54: :43: B J :09: :31: B J :01: :57: B J :20: :50: U 27 B J :00: :00:
List of pulsars with GP detected. PSR Jname (Bname) RA hms DEC dms P0 s DMW50 ms S 1.4 mJy J :34: :21: J :18: :32: *0.9 J /B :34: :00: ,014.0 J :40: :19: J :15: :30: J :52: :59: J /B :39: :34: J :59: :48:
MJy GP registration of Crab pulsar in Kalyazin using K-5 VLBI DAS. F, GHzS pic, JyN (per hour) 0.6 (0.3 1.0 ) (1 2) 3 (Popov, Soglasnov, 2007)
GP registration for local time standard synchronization. GP of B in Algonquin Park – Kalyazin VLBI observations in (S-2, 2.2 MHz) CCF of GP observed on the base Algonquin Park – Kalyazin. Time delay determination accuracy ±5 ns.
GP registration for local time standard synchronization and astrometric pulsar VLBI. CCF phase of 268 GPs of B in Algonquin Park – Kalyazin VLBI. Phase ±0.5 Rad equiv. ± 2.5 ns Structure function CCF phase vs time of observations. GP (upper) And calibration source DA193. Saturation of structure function corresponds to scintillation time at 2.2 GHz
GP registration of Crab pulsar in Pushchino using K-5 VLBI DAS. (Dec data)
The “Radioastron” VLBI session simulation 02 Feb The main Goal – to make VLBI session in “Radioastron” mode. Sites: “Quasar” VLBI system of 3 34-m radiotelescopes (Svetloe, Badary, Zelenchuk), Medicina 32-m radiotelescope, Pushchino 22-m radiotelesope (Space RT simulation mode) Equipement: RDR and Mark-5 DAS. Our particular goals: 1) to prove possibility of the time synchronization of the on-board and Earth time standard using GP, 2) to test possibility of pulsars GP VLBI with “Radioastron”.
The “Radioastron” VLBI session simulation 02 Feb Results of GP observations. Crab GP with complex Microstructure. Simultaneously registered Crab GP
The “Radioastron” VLBI session simulation 02 Feb TOA of GP delay between sites (correlation of GPs in time domain). SV – Svetloe, BD – Badary, ZK – Zelenchuk, PU - Pushchino