Transition and Development Jan Wyche John Pritchett Vivian Snyder New CTAE Leaders
Jan Wyche CTAE Curriculum
Georgia Department of Education Website
Career, Technical & Agriculture Education Click Here
CTAE Education
Fourth Science Requirements C Click Here
Fourth Science Options Note
All Science courses beginning with the numbers 26. or
Georgia Career Pathways C Click on Pathways
Georgia Career Pathways
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Georgia Career Pathway Programs of Study
Government and Public Safety Program of Study
New Government and Public Safety Career Pathway Firefighting Pathway Homeland Security Emergency Services Applications of Firefighting
Architecture, Construction, Communication and Transportation Program of Study
New Architectural, Construction, Communication, and Transportation Career Pathway Maritime Studies Pathway Fundamentals of Maritime Studies Maritime Industry Careers Maritime Studies Applications Maritime Studies Internship (Pathway Related Course )
End-of-Pathway Assessment
Assessment Information for each Pathway competencies
Georgia Standards.Org L ink Additional CTAE resources Click Here
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Videos Select CTAE Full Length Videos Program Area Specific Topic This is a new area of development for CTAE More to come in the future
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CTAE Resource Network
On CTEARN website-Workshop Catalog Select Catalog Concentration Area
Please call or with any questions or concerns! Jan Wyche
John Pritchett via ELLUMINATE
Advisement Vivian Snyder, Program Specialist Career Development/Nontraditional Fields
STUDENT ADVISEMENT/6-12 Student advisement is a comprehensive process to provide students with skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about their education and career plan; a plan to aid students in developing self-awareness, define and re-define options, and make informed decisions; a process to help each student improve his/her chances for long-term employment
Students need answers… Who Am I? Interest Aptitudes Values Personality Where Am I Going? Exploration Work-based learning Career Centers Labor Market Information (LMI) Classroom/TAA Activities How Am I Going to Get There? Portfolio Peach State Pathways: Programs of Study/Individual Graduation Plan Educational Exploration Financial Aid Postsecondary Education Job Skills
Advisement ALL Students PERKINSFederal BRIDGEState GaDOE Strategic Plan Agency
Incorporate and align secondary and postsecondary education Include academic & CTE content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses Lead to an industry-recognized credential or diploma at the postsecondary level, or an associate or baccalaureate degree May include the opportunity for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credits Perkins Programs of Study National Legislation/Perkins IV/Program of Study AKA BRIDGE Individual Graduation Plan
Career Development Model Program of Study (POS)/Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Occupations Registered Nurse Pathways Nursing Concentrations Healthcare Science Represents a Narrowing Process
Georgia’s 11 Program Concentrations Represent a grouping of occupations according to common knowledge and skills for the purpose of organizing educational programs and curricula
Agriculture Architecture, Construction, Communications & Transportation Arts & HumanitiesBusiness & Computer ScienceCulinary ArtsEducationEngineering & TechnologyFamily & Consumer SciencesHealthcare ScienceGovernment & Public SafetyMarketing, Sales & Services
Career Pathway Is a coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career/technical courses, usually beginning in the 9 th grade and leading to a diploma, associate degree, baccalaureate degree and beyond.
Healthcare Science CONCENTRATION Nursing PATHWAY/CurriculumEmergency Services PATHWAY/CurriculumMedical Services PATHWAY/CurriculumHealth Informatics PATHWAY/Curriculum Biotechnical Research & Development PATHWAY/Curriculum Diagnostic Services PATHWAY/Curriculum Physical Medicine PATHWAY/Curriculum Personal Care Services PATHWAY/Curriculum
Nursing Pathway CAN; LPN; RN Introduction to Health Science Application to Therapeutic Services Nursing Essentials
State/BRIDGE (HB 400) An unfunded mandate-Part
BRIDGE Implications for LEAs: Mandates 6-12 system of student advisement for ALL students through a systematic, comprehensive and developmental advisement process Mandates 6-8 educational and career planning to result in an individual graduation plan synonymous with the Peach State Pathway Program of Study prior to the end of the second semester of the 8 th grade Mandates continued advisement 9-12
Agency/ DOE Policy/Strategic Plan
Georgia Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal 1 To increase the graduation rate, decrease the drop- out rate, and increase postsecondary enrollment rate Strategy: To develop an effective comprehensive advisement system focusing on postsecondary options and career planning.
Board Policy/Current Policy Georgia DOE is working to revise the current rule/policy to reflect new BRIDGE legislation.
Advisement/BRIDGE (HB 400 May, 2010) Advisement is a major part of education and career planning for ALL students. In May the Governor signed the Bridge Bill to mandate advisement in grades Three possible methods of delivery to result in an individual graduation plan: Georgia’s Counselor-Supported 6-12 Teachers-As-Advisor (TAA) Program Model for Middle Schools Career Awareness Career Discovery Career Management Local middle and high school counselor’s program provides comprehensive and developmental counseling and advisement to all students in grades 6-12 Effective advisement is measured by the utilization of your selected Career Information System (CIS) in all middle and high schools
Effective advisement will be measured by the utilization of the system’s selected Career Information System in the following areas for middle schools: % OF 6 th graders who create electronic portfolio account % OF 6 th graders who take a career-related assessment % OF 7 th graders who take a career-related assessment % of 7 th graders who explore at least three occupations and save the occupational information in their portfolios % OF 8 th graders who explore at least three occupations and save the occupational information in their portfolios prior to the transitional parent/student conference or student led conference % of 8 th graders who complete a plan of study/individual graduation plan
Effective advisement will be measured by the utilization of the system’s selected Career Information System in the following areas for high schools: ____ % of 9th graders who investigate and record in their portfolio at least three additional occupations prior to the annual student/family conference ____ % of 10th graders who are aware of “College Credit Now” programs (dual enrollment opportunities) by April 1 ____ % of 11th graders who make the connection between school and work by exploring and saving in their portfolios at least three possible choices of postsecondary institutions that match their Individual Graduation Plan ____ % of 12th graders who identify their next step after graduation in their electronic portfolio: 4-year institute, 2-year institute, apprenticeship, military, technical college, special purpose [vocational] school, or workforce
Activity (10 minutes) National Career Development Guidelines lines2007.pdf lines2007.pdf Divide into six groups – Group A, B, C represents middle schools – Group D, E, F represents high schools Group A, B, C should list school-related information that middle school students and their parents need to make informed decisions about their future (academic, personal/social, career) based on the NCDG Group D, E, F should list school-related information that high school students and their parents need to make informed decision about their future. (academic, personal/social, career) based on the NCDG