Know the Tech-Lab Rules
The rules in the Woodworth student handbook apply to this class as well
Students must follow all safety rules and procedures and all students must wear safety glasses at all times while any tools, machines, or materials are being used in the tech lab and whenever instructed by the teacher.
Attendance is critical to a student’s success in this class. ( If you’re not here, you’re not working).
Students must be prepared to work every day bring a pencil, or a pen, your planner, and projects to class every day.
Clean up is required by all! Everyone must clean up everyday. Everyone must clean up everyday. Everyone benefits from a clean room. Everyone benefits from a clean room. Clean as you go. Clean as you go. Don’t wait until the end of class. If you’re done using tools, machines or materials, clean up and put them away. Don’t wait until the end of class. If you’re done using tools, machines or materials, clean up and put them away. If you see anything that needs cleaning up please take care of it. If you see anything that needs cleaning up please take care of it.
Group Clean up Everyone participates in a group clean up. Everyone participates in a group clean up. Group clean up will be at the end of each class daily. Group clean up will be at the end of each class daily. Everyone cleans until the room is completely clean. (Including tool and material cupboards, table tops, floor, and sinks) Everyone cleans until the room is completely clean. (Including tool and material cupboards, table tops, floor, and sinks) If you are not participating in the group clean up you will be assigned something to clean up. If you are not participating in the group clean up you will be assigned something to clean up.
Students must have permission to use any and all equipment in the Computer or Technology Labs. Students may not cross over the safety lines without permission from the instructor.
No food or drink is allowed in the Computer or Tech-Labs, unless it is part of a lesson given by the teacher.
Students should use passing time between classes rather than class time to use the restrooms and drinking fountains.
There will be zero tolerance for destruction or vandalism to student projects.
No talking during lectures and demonstrations. If you have a question or something to add raise your hand.
Some areas of the labs are restricted. These include cupboards, closets, teacher desks, and storage rooms. Students may not go into these areas.
Absolutely no horseplay, hitting, games, trouble or shadow boxing will be tolerated at any time!
Students will be dismissed from their desks or computers. Students may not wait in the hallway or by the door.
No bad mouthing or challenging the teacher or students in class, also swearing and loud behavior will not be tolerated.
Students need to be ready to give their complete and undivided attention to the instructor at any moment. When you hear the teacher’s voice that is a signal for you to stop talking and anything else you are doing, look at the instructor, and listen to the instructor (in that order).
“Eyes up here” Mr. Batcheller will usually say “Eyes up here” when he wants your attention. Mr. Batcheller will usually say “Eyes up here” when he wants your attention. Listen for his voice. Listen for his voice. If the teacher is talking you should not be. If the teacher is talking you should not be.
You can Mr. Batcheller at…