Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Title I, Part A/Learning Assistance Program Webinar, February 17, 2015
Federal Programs Citizen Complaint Procedures Districts and schools must disseminate to parents of students, and to appropriate private school officials or representatives, adequate information about OSPI’s written complaint procedures for resolving issues of violation(s) of a federal statute or regulation that applies to Title I, Part A programs. [Chapter WAC Special Services Programs-Citizen Complaint Procedures for Certain Categorical Federal Programs]Chapter WAC Special Services Programs-Citizen Complaint Procedures for Certain Categorical Federal Programs For detailed information on the citizen complaint procedures, see Bulletin B056-14, Attachment C.B
Citizen Complaint Procedures ◦ Check and balances ◦ Federal Program Services ◦ Dissemination strategies ◦ Various formats: school handbook, handout, posting, , web link, newsletter, etc. 3
OSPI Title I/LAP Contacts Assistant Superintendent, Special Programs and Federal Accountability –Gayle Pauley, ◦ Title I, Part A/LAP Program Supervisors –Larry Fazzari, –Jamey Gelhar, –Jody Hess, –Mary Jo Johnson, –Nate Marciochi, –Penelope Mena, –Cara Patrick, –LaWonda Smith, ◦ Title I, Part A/LAP Support Staff –Julie Chace, –Tony May, –Kevan Saunders, 6