WARRIOR WEDNESDAY Introduction and Directions
Warrior Wednesday Cherokee High School’s Teachers as Advisors Program. Third year of implementation Second year where credit is awarded Half Credit for successful completion
How Does It Work? There are two components to Warrior Wednesday In-Class Lessons During Homeroom On-Line Quizzes for grades Quizzes in Moodle
Moodle is the on-line learning component of Warrior Wednesday. All Warrior Wednesday quizzes will be given in Moodle. Moodle..What’s Moodle?
Moodle can be accessed in two ways. 1.At school just type in the address bar of Internet Explorer. 2.From home enter into Internet Explorer or Firefox to access Moodle. How do I get there?
To login to Moodle 1.Use the username and password that you use to login to computers at school. 2.Username example: DG Password example: password How do I log into Moodle
You will be asked to enter an enrollment key to join the class. Keys are grade specific. Freshmenwwfreshman Sophomorewwsophomore Juniorwwjunior Seniorwwsenior What’s an enrollment key
Moodle Main Page Click Here
Moodle School Page Click Here
Moodle Course Page Click Here
Login Page
Go to or Click on High Schools, Then Cherokee High, then Warrior Wednesday Login using your username and password Enter your enrollment key How Do I Do That Again? Step 4 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Each grade level will have 3 assessments per semester. You will only see assessments for your specific grade level Assessments
First Semester Assessments First Semester FreshmenSophomoreJuniorSenior First AssessmentDigital Citizenship Senior Project Second AssessmentProtect the Environment Third AssessmentAcademic Integrity First semester assessments MUST be completed by Thanksgiving break Students who do not complete them will not be allowed to leave after First Semester Finals. Students will be held to complete them after exams.
Second Semester Assessments Second Semester FreshmenSophomoreJuniorSenior First AssessmentRespectJoshua’s LawTolerance Second AssessmentJoshua’s LawSophomore Slump Driving Violations Senior Project Third AssessmentSetting goalsSocial Media Job Interviews Second semester assessments MUST be completed by March 27th Students who do not complete the assessments will be called for lunch detention to complete them.
I still have questions! If you still have questions about Warrior Wednesday or problems with Moodle see one of the teachers listed here.
Stay Focused and on Target Your teachers are here to help you with Warrior Wednesday
Questions? More Information? Mr. Gagnon Room 417. Before/After School 3 rd or 4 th Period