(you must put the “s” in https to access) PASSWORD MANAGER https://pwmanager.henrico.k12.va.us (you must put the “s” in https to access)
Starting the Process https://pwmanager.henrico.k12.va.us Enter your Username (username is the first part of your HCPS e-mail address. (Example: jadoe) To verify your e-mail address, enter the characters you see on the screen and click ok! The characters are not case sensitive.
My Questions and Answer Profile IMPORTANT: This must be completed before your password expires Click on “My Questions and Answers Profile” link. Enter the characters and click next. On the next screen, enter your current e-mail (Active Directory) password
Answer your personal questions The minimum length of an answer must be 3 characters All answers must be unique You must answer both mandatory questions, both helpdesk questions and one optional question Once you have completed, you should receive e-mail showing it was updated successfully.
SUCCESS You have successfully completed your Question and Answer Profile. Click “Go to home page” to complete the process for changing your password.
Change/Manage My Password https://pwmanager.henrico.k12.va.us
https://pwmanager.henrico.k12.va.us To change or update your password, click Manage My Password
Credentials Enter your current e-mail (Active Directory) password.
Review the Password Policy to enter your new password At least one UPPERCASE character (A-Z) At least one lowercase character (a-z) At least one digit (0-9) At least one special character (such as !@#$%^&*) It must be at least 8 characters You may not use words in the Password Manager Dictionary Example: T3chn0lo@y
Restart Your Computer An e-mail will be sent to you once you have successfully changed your password. Please DO NOT write your password down for others to see. RESTART YOUR COMPUTER……..
Google Login Login into your google account using: Hcps-username@henricostudents.org Enter your new password Click sign in
Google classroom set up Go to classroom.google.com Scroll down and click on “I am a student” Click the + sign next to your username at the top of the page Click on “join class” Teacher will then give you a code
You are all set up!!! Now that you have logged into my classroom. You are responsible for checking this website for your assignments and marketing announcements. It is your responsibility to OWN YOUR GRADE AND TAKE OWNERSHIP OF YOUR SUCCESS
iPad and iPhone Users Once you have set up your profile and have changed your active directory password, your i-phone will prompt you stating your username or password is incorrect. Please choose “Settings” and follow instructions. It may take sometime for it to show on the i-phone
Roll Out Dates Alpha order by last name of employee Password must be Changed by Password expires on or Before ** Central Office Group 01/28/2014 4/28/2014 Group 1 (A-D) 02/04/2014 3/26/2014 Group 2 (E-K) 02/11/2014 4/2/2014 Group 3 (L-R) 02/18/2014 4/9/2014 Group 4 (S-Z) 02/25/2014 4/25/2014
Next Required Password Change https://pwmanager.henrico.k12.va.us An e-mail notification will be sent prior to your required password change date. To change your password, click “Manage My Password”. To reset a forgotten password, click “Forgot My Password”