MCSD New Teacher Information Handbook
MISSION The Muscogee County School District is committed to providing educational experiences that will enable each student to become a lifelong learner, enter the work force with necessary skills and achieve academic and personal potential. VISION We envision a school district in which: Each student is given multiple opportunities to excel in his/ her academic, social, emotional, and physical development in a safe, nurturing environment. Well-prepared, responsible, and caring employees are committed to excellence in education. Parents, community members, staff and students, are full partners in the education of children.
From the MCSD homepage, go to MCSD Staff Portal and click on Academics->Professional Learning. We have many resources for your use on our website! Begin with the links on the PL page! There are lots of fabulous things for your classroom! Christy Nolan, Director
New Teacher Information On the Website How Do I Get There? From the MCSD Home page go to : Staff MCSD Staff Portal Academics Professional Learning Mentoring Program New Teachers New Teacher Handbook Mentoring Minutes
All teachers who are new to teaching (Years 0 - 3). If you are a veteran (4 or more years of teaching), then you have every privilege of an induction teacher, (you may attend all Best Practices Workshops free of charge) but you are not required to attend.
All new induction teachers (0-3 years) in Muscogee County need to attend 5 Best Practices Workshops during the first year of work. Most of them are offered in the classrooms of some of our best teachers. You will gain from listening to what they are teaching as well as how their rooms are set up. Induction teachers also need to attend the Professional Learning Course, Managing the Classroom Effectively, during the first 3 years of employment in Muscogee County. This class is offered for Elementary, Middle and High School teachers several times during the year.
The system mentors are here to help you in any way! Our offices are the second floor of the Public Education Center, 2960 Macon Road, Columbus, GA You may also contact us by phone, FAX, or . FAX
Muscogee County Public Education Center 2960 Macon Road Columbus, Georgia For General Information:
Angie Blackstock- Academic Success, Ann Elizabeth Sheppard Home, Arnold, Baker, Blackmon Road, Double Churches Middle, Downtown Elementary, East Columbus, Eddy, Midland Middle, Rose Hill, Rothschild, Veterans Middle, Woodall Becky Jones-Claiborne- Carver, Columbus High, Early College Academy, Hardaway, Jordan, Kendrick, Northside, Richards Middle, Shaw, Spencer Betsy Glisson- Blanchard, Brewer, Britt David, Davis, Eagle Ridge, Fort Middle, Georgetown, Hannan, Johnson, Key, Lonnie Jackson, Mathews, Midland Academy, South Columbus, Wynnton Debby Whatley- Allen, Clubview, Cusseta Road, Dawson, Double Churches Elementary, Dimon, Forrest Road, Fox, Gentian, MLK, Muscogee, North Columbus, Reese Road, Rigdon Road, River Road, St. Elmo, St. Mary’s, Waddell, Wesley Heights
Debby Whatley Betsy Glisson Angie Blackstock Becky Claiborne Jones- Christy Nolan Contact Information for your System Mentor
Coaching and Guiding Learning School Culture Classroom Management Standards and Frameworks Best Practice Strategies Relationships with parents and communities Developing strategies for differentiating instruction for gifted, at-risk and special needs students Time management Technology Assessment/Benchmark Information Shoulder to cry on!
In addition to a System Mentor and a Lead Mentor for each school, all new teachers will also be assigned a mentor in their building to help with specific needs. These mentors will be assigned during pre-planning! If you are not assigned a school mentor by the first week of school, please contact your system mentor or Lead Mentor as soon as possible!
Our MCSD Professional Learning Department offers FREE professional learning opportunities throughout the year! These high quality, research based opportunities are fabulous ways to stay current in educational trends and grow professionally!
1. Go to the MCSD website- MCSDHome.aspx 2. Click the Employee Login tab. (This is the MCSD Intranet.) 3. Click the EmployeeNet tab. 4. Type in your username and login (same as ) 5. Click the Professional Learning Tab/ Register for Staff Development Class 6. Scroll Down and click C. Best Practices Workshops to view the list of workshops. 7. Choose your workshop and click on the title of the workshop. 8. Follow the prompts to register!
How Do I Check My Transcript? If you are working on your Masters degree or additional credits/PLUs, you can check all transcripts through MCSD EmployeeNet If you have questions, please call or Leslie Fedde in Professional Learning
We are only a phone call or an away to help with all of your needs! We know you will need lots of support !
We are glad you are here! The Professional Learning Department is here for YOU!