Autism Spectrum Disorders Today
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) A range of complex neurodevelopmental disorders Disorders are characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2012)
DSM-IV Definition of Autism (MI definition) Restricted & Repetitive Behavior Impairment in Socialization Impairment in Communication START
Autism Spectrum Disorders PDD-NOS Impaired social interaction or Impaired communication or Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns or behaviors, interests and activities. Asperger’s Disorder Impaired social interaction and Normal communication/ language development.* and Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns or behaviors, interests and activities. Autistic Disorder Impaired social interaction and Impaired communication and Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns or behaviors, interests and activities. *Tony Atwood states that there is a qualitative impairment in subtle communication skills with Asperger’s Syndrome – Conversation, pedantic speech and literal. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Rett’s Syndrome fall under the broad category of Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Neurobiological/Neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts: Processing Attention and shifting Basic social behaviors Interaction with the environment Learning Lord, 2010
Triad of ASD
Why do students with ASD need to be included in the General Ed. Classroom? In order to prepare all students for employment and independent living, students need Socialization Skills and Independent Functioning Students with ASD don’t typically lose their job because of a lack of job skills…they typically lose their job because of a lack of socialization skills. To develop socialization skills you must have social opportunities. Research indicates that there are improved outcomes when students with ASD are integrated with their typical peers. This leads to Independence!
Developing Tolerance Use Sensitivity Training with Staff Use Sensitivity Training with Peers Model Tolerance/Inclusion Think about ways to support differences in students Develop a plan to include students with differences
Sensitivity Awareness When you can see the two animals in this picture, please stand up.
Visual Processing Problems It’s not always a motivational issue. Anxiety and Pressure may lead to behavior problems. Motivation vs. Ability Can the student do something or are they just tired of working so hard at something others do easily? How does it feel not being able to do something others can do easily?
Turn the picture 90 degrees
Sensitivity Awareness Do we need to plan sensitivity awareness training for our building? For students, staff, the community? Can we plan something for Autism Awareness month (April)? It is not too early to start thinking about this.
Evidence Based Practices/Teaching Intervention Strategies Five of the 24 Evidence Based Practices (EBP’s) are listed below: Social Narratives Visual Strategies Self-Management Prompting Reinforcement NPDC OCALI, AIM website 37 modules presently National Autism Center, National Standards Project(
Quick Tips to Effectively Support Students with ASD Use peers to assist students with ASD Assist the student with communication by providing a break card or using pictures or written language. Behavior is communication Teach students about peer social expectations and language Use or refer to the Profile of Change Use a team based approach See handout: Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew
Team Based Approach Duties of the team include: Develop/Review/Be Cognizant of the Guiding Principles Meet at least monthly Meet as problems arise Take issues to the team rather than the hallway or the teacher’s lounge Contact the building coach for assistance Please refer to the Developing Guiding Principles Document, Action Plan, and the Competing Pathway form.
REMEMBER: Our Attitude Affects a Student’s Performance