Talent Development at Whittier International IB World School Whittier PTA October 8, 2012
MPS Beliefs Beliefs All students at all ages have relative talent strengths, and schools should help them identify, develop and understand their own special abilities. The development of ability or talent is a lifelong process requiring effort and support. Schools can and should be places for developing the talents of all students. Highly talented students demonstrate outstanding achievement or show potential for high levels of accomplishment relative to others of similar age, experience, and environment. Highly talented students have cognitive and affective needs requiring differentiated and challenging educational programs/services beyond those provided in the general education program. Highly talented students represent the diverse populations of our communities, and can be identified throughout their PK-12 program to provide the appropriate instruction and support for continuous growth.
MPS Commitments Providing opportunities for all children to develop and demonstrate advanced learning behaviors, including children from groups underrepresented in advanced programs. Building a profile of student strengths which can be used to document the need for differentiated curriculum and instruction. Identifying highly talented students for the purpose of providing appropriate instruction and support which meet these students’ unique academic and social/emotional needs. Building the capacity of MPS teachers, leaders and families to recognize, nurture and accelerate talent development. Aligning our program with the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) PK- 12 Gifted Program StandardsNational Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) PK- 12 Gifted Program Standards
Whittier’s Levels Of Service Plan Spring 2014-Spring 2015 Level One Services (for ALL): Six IB units under six themes, field trips, guest speakers, special projects, residencies. Level Two Services (for MANY but not all) based on interest: Community Education/ before and afterschool activities, clubs, scouts, classes, MacPhail etc. In class interest groups
Services For Students Who Have been Indentified as Advanced Learners Level Three Services: Classroom Clustering of Advanced Learners for students in grades Each Classroom will have equal numbers of Advanced Learners so students with similar intellectual strengths can work together. Differentiated instruction for 3 rd through 5th grade students in all core areas delivered by homeroom teachers who hold MPS Talent Development and Advanced Learner Gifted Education Certificates. Use of specific differentiation strategies such as Depth and Complexity, Socratic Seminar, Concept Attainment, and Math Compacting will be present in every 3-5 th grade classroom.*
Level Four Services : (For Few) Emphasis on subject or grade acceleration. Level Four Services at Whittier are for students who meet certain criteria as determined by teaching teams, administration, and MPS Talent Development department. Standardized test scores in addition to classroom performance will be taken into account before accelerating a student.
Timeline Identification Process Sping 2014: Families were notified of the results of the Advanced Learner Identification Process with a letter delivered via US mail. November 2014: Informed consent letters will go home to second grade families describing the identification process and the cogAT7. December 2014: A district cadre will administer the cogAT7 test to all second graders. (It takes about one hour) December 2014: 3rd and 4 th grade teachers and or parents can nominate students with high achievement or ability to be identified as advanced learners. These students will be given the cogAT7 test, and both teacher and parent rating scale needs to be completed. Spring 2015: Parents will be notified of the results of the identification process with a letter delivered via US Mail.
Resources: Under the Information For Families Tab Click on: Talent Development and Gifted Education Power Point Liz Debrey-Talent Development Site Lead-Whittier