You should be hearing music at this time. If you are unable to hear, please make sure your sound is turned on. - This webinar will be recorded. Feel free to call for assistance if you are having difficulty… AEA 267 SINA Collaborative Learning Webinar:
W EBINAR N ORMS Listen for understanding Seek clarification Engage in collaboration Inquire, ask questions
Picture taken from McRel webinar on April 2012
Our Focus
School in Need of Assistance Balanced Literacy Math
Response to Intervention Iowa Core School in Need of Assistance Balanced Literacy Math Coaching
Response to Interventi on Block Scheduling Iowa Core Positive Behavior Supports School in Need of Assistance Iowa Professional Development Model Balanced Literacy Math Growth Model CoachingPeer Observation
Professional Learning Communities Response to Interventi on Block Scheduling Iowa Core Positive Behavior Supports School in Need of Assistance Iowa Professional Development Model Balanced Literacy Math Growth Model Reading Recovery CoachingPeer Observation
Professional Learning Communities Response to Interventi on Block Scheduling Iowa Core Positive Behavior Supports School in Need of Assistance Iowa Professional Development Model Balanced Literacy Math Growth Model Reading Recovery Mentoring CoachingPeer Observation Formative Assessment
Professional Learning Communities Response to Interventi on Block Scheduling Iowa Core Positive Behavior Supports School in Need of Assistance Iowa Professional Development Model Balanced Literacy Math Growth Model Reading Recovery Mentoring CoachingPeer Observation Formative Assessment Character Counts Differentiation Special Education Technology Integration Iowa Assessments MAPS Phonics Career Readiness Safe & Drug Free After School Programs Lunch Programs Staff Development AYP
Our Focus
Learning GoalSuccess Criteria Understand the role of the Special Education Team Representatives and Educational Services Consultants as critical friends in the LEA SINA team meetings during the evaluation phase of the SINA process. Understand basic similarities and differences between the NCLB Accountability System and the Iowa Waiver Proposed Accountability System. I can aid in team collaboration and frame questions and comments as a critical friend to engage the LEA SINA team in evaluating their SINA action plan. I can encourage the LEA SINA team to collaboratively interact with their data and encourage them to draw conclusions based on their data. I can describe some similarities and differences between the NCLB Accountability System and the Iowa Waiver Proposed Accountability System.
Where are we in the SINA process? Audit: Collect and analyze data to determine current reality Diagnosis: Complete gap analysis, determine root cause, brainstorm possible solutions/actions, and create KASAB Design: Develop an action plan Implementation: Monitor fidelity of implementation of actions and activities Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention
Special Education Team Representatives Educational Service Consultants Actively participat e in designated Implementation SINA dates with LEA SINA Team Coach and assist LEA SINA Team in building capacity in conducting a successful collaborative learning team within their building when monitoring implementation Assist LEA SINA Team in examining classroom data and district-wide assessment data as it relates to student achievement, supplemental instruction, and enrichment Serve as critical friend throughout process by asking probing and clarifying questions Support LEA SINA Team to ensure that services are in compliance with federal/state regulations and AEA procedures. Promote collaboration and shared responsibility among SINA Team members “On call” responsibilities may include: - assist with identifying reasons for successes/challenges in reading/math - collaborate to provide “next steps” based on data EVALUATION: Roles and Responsibilities
Evaluate Evaluate – to judge or assess the worth of; appraise Analyze data from SMART formative evaluation questions. At what rate are you progressing towards your desired state? Will your current rate of progression meet your goals? Compare your data results with your initial “current reality” from the audit. How has the gap been reduced? What would you contribute to the successes and/or challenges? What are your conclusions for next steps? What actions need to be taken?
Common Misconception Data WILL REVEAL ANSWERS to the instructional challenges that we face.
ANSWERS ARE NOT FOUND IN DATA, but they may be found in interpretations of data. Human beings need to interact with data to understand messages that may be embedded and then create responses to local problems. Bauer, Scott C., Brazer, S. David. (2012). Using Research to Lead School Improvement. Thousands Oaks, SAGE Publications.
Complex problems demand the best thinking of many : the collective knowledge, experience and judgment of a team are critical to the success of school improvement efforts. (p.39) Bauer, Scott C., Brazer, S. David. (2012). Using Research to Lead School Improvement. Thousands Oaks, SAGE Publications.
Putting the Pieces Together
Webinar 1 Webinar 2Webinar 3Webinar 4 Webinar 5 LEA SINA Team SINA Support System
Webinar 1 Summary of Audit and Diagnosis Framing questions 1) Directive 2) Collaborative 3) Supportive Webinar 2Webinar 3Webinar 4 Webinar 5 LEA SINA Team SINA Support System
Webinar 1 Summary of Audit and Diagnosis Framing questions 1) Directive 2) Collaborative 3) Supportive Webinar 2 Summary of Peer Review Balancing Pressure and Support Webinar 3Webinar 4 Webinar 5 LEA SINA Team SINA Support System
Webinar 1 Summary of Audit and Diagnosis Framing questions 1) Directive 2) Collaborative 3) Supportive Webinar 2 Summary of Peer Review Balancing Pressure and Support Webinar 3 Summary of Implementation Characteristics of Collaboration Webinar 4 Webinar 5 LEA SINA Team SINA Support System
Webinar 1 Summary of Audit and Diagnosis Framing questions 1) Directive 2) Collaborative 3) Supportive Webinar 2 Summary of Peer Review Balancing Pressure and Support Webinar 3 Summary of Implementation Characteristics of Collaboration Webinar 4 Impacts of Student Learning Explanation of Effect Size Determining Effect Size Webinar 5 LEA SINA Team SINA Support System
Webinar 1 Summary of Audit and Diagnosis Framing questions 1) Directive 2) Collaborative 3) Supportive Webinar 2 Summary of Peer Review Balancing Pressure and Support Webinar 3 Summary of Implementation Characteristics of Collaboration Webinar 4 Impacts of Student Learning Explanation of Effect Size Determining Effect Size Webinar 5 Summary of Evaluation Iowa Waiver Update LEA SINA Team SINA Support System
c How can I retrieve information from past webinars?
What about the Iowa Waiver?
Iowa Waiver DRAFT Update
Learning GoalSuccess Criteria Understand the role of the Special Education Team Representatives and Educational Services Consultants as critical friends in the LEA SINA team meetings during the evaluation phase of the SINA process. Understand basic similarities and differences between the NCLB Accountability System and the Iowa Waiver Proposed Accountability System. I can aid in team collaboration and frame questions and comments as a critical friend to engage the LEA SINA team in evaluating their SINA action plan. I can encourage the LEA SINA team to collaboratively interact with their data and encourage them to draw conclusions based on their data. I can describe some similarities and differences between the NCLB Accountability System and the Iowa Waiver Proposed Accountability System.
We need your feedback.
Thank you! Required Face-to-Face Dates for Year 1 SINA Schools May 2 Clear Lake May 4 Cedar Falls May 3 Marshalltown Voluntary Face-to-Face Dates for Year 1 SINA Schools June 18 Clear Lake June 7 Cedar Falls June 8 Marshalltown