Alabama’s Mississippian Indians Your Portal to the Past Hit the Enter Key to Advance
You must understand the basic life style of the Mississippian Mound Builders. One of the best examples is in Moundville, Alabama. m
The Ancient Site and Museum Click on the link above and double click each picture to view scenes from Moundville.
Archaic Period d=a_000588&oid=ob_ d=a_000588&oid=ob_ d=a_000588&oid=ob_ d=a_000588&oid=ob_ Archaeologists use certain words to divide prehistoric time (the time before history was recorded with words) into units. A period groups a span of years during which time the people shared similar characteristics in terms of their life styles. Click on the link below to view life during the Archaic Period.
Mound Indians of Georgia & Alabama The University of Alabama has extensive articles about the development of Moundville State Park. The University of Alabama has extensive articles about the development of Moundville State Park. The Mound Indians of Georgia had a similar life style to the Moundville Indians. The Mound Indians of Georgia had a similar life style to the Moundville Indians. eorgia_part_6_ocmulgee_indian_mounds/ eorgia_part_6_ocmulgee_indian_mounds/ eorgia_part_6_ocmulgee_indian_mounds/ eorgia_part_6_ocmulgee_indian_mounds/ %3Azo7clwu3ag8&cof=FORID%3A11&q=m oundville# %3Azo7clwu3ag8&cof=FORID%3A11&q=m oundville#910
Great! We’re Finally There! This is a virtual tour of Moundville. Enjoy and make sure you have headphones to enjoy your tour. This is a virtual tour of Moundville. Enjoy and make sure you have headphones to enjoy your tour. You-tube has a fantastic four part tour of the State Park at Moundville. My county’s censor would not allow it to be posted. Check it out at home. Search for Moundville. You-tube has a fantastic four part tour of the State Park at Moundville. My county’s censor would not allow it to be posted. Check it out at home. Search for Moundville.
What was the difference in tribes of Indians? Indian Mound with steps leading to top.Layout of what a settelement of mound builders looked like.
Scavenger Hunt Now that you have learned about the Mississippian Mound Builders, you are going on a scavenger hunt. On each of the following sites you will have a small bit of information to find. Get a sheet of paper and number to 6. When you solve each of the clues, you will be able to figure out the final BIG answer. Good luck and have a good time. Now that you have learned about the Mississippian Mound Builders, you are going on a scavenger hunt. On each of the following sites you will have a small bit of information to find. Get a sheet of paper and number to 6. When you solve each of the clues, you will be able to figure out the final BIG answer. Good luck and have a good time.
Find the Best Answers to the Following Questions 1. In this field trip, how many states did you visit? 1. In this field trip, how many states did you visit? 2. What is the name of the river that runs close to the mounds in Moundville, Alabama. 2. What is the name of the river that runs close to the mounds in Moundville, Alabama. 3. What were the mounds used for? 3. What were the mounds used for? 4. How did they find the Mounds in Alabama? 4. How did they find the Mounds in Alabama?
5.What was life like for the Mound builders? Describe a typical day in the life of a boy or girl your age. 6.Use the information you have read and compare life for mound builders in Alabama, Georgia, and Iowa. Use the following link and compare and contrast the indians of the Southeast. ag8&cof=FORID%3A11&q=moundville#963 The Big Question Why were the mounds created and used for?
Resources t/prehistory/mississippian/top.html t/prehistory/mississippian/top.html t/prehistory/mississippian/top.html t/prehistory/mississippian/top.html %3Azo7clwu3ag8&cof=FORID%3A11&q=m oundville# %3Azo7clwu3ag8&cof=FORID%3A11&q=m oundville#963