iPad Quick Reference Sheets iPad Trouble Shooting Contact Information Contact Information. Setting up and Using eBackpack and Quia on your home computer… eBackpack and Quia Trouble Shooting
eBackpack on the computer To login to eBackpack you will click on the link below or type the text into your address window.
User Name: First.LastName Password: Animal#### fred.flinstone snake 3907 Example:
Student name
The student’s username and password for sixth graders is on the inside cover of their ipad case. Other students can get their username and password from any teacher that assigns them a Quia Quiz.
iPad Quick Reference Sheets iPad Trouble Shooting Contact Information Contact Information. Setting up and Using eBackpack and Quia on your home computer… eBackpack and Quia Trouble Shooting
The complete suite of Apps are on the Quick Reference Handout.
Parent Training Class Join Code: 9BOKU6JR4
beavercreek.ebackpack.com Default Click on completed to find assignments that have “disappeared”
Shows graded work including assessments.
Quia is not an App so it must be accessed on- line through Safari. Once located, however, Quia can be saved as a Bookmark to make locating this website faster and easier. Teachers use Quia because it offers a greater variety of question types as well as allowing for single student changes and modifications.