2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting1 A Proposal of Standard Observations: AR, Flare, and PreFlare R. Kano (NAOJ)


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Presentation transcript:

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting1 A Proposal of Standard Observations: AR, Flare, and PreFlare R. Kano (NAOJ)

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting2 Concept of Standard Obs. Active Region (AR) –Take 2(or 3)-filter images with 3 different FOVs (Core, Border and Environment) all day. It is because events in active regions often affect (or are affected by) their environments. This plan does not cover detail studies for multi-thermal (or DEM) structures. Special observations or collaborations with EIS will be needed for them. –Take AR Core with the ~1 min cadence. Because sound waves (~240km/s) take 5 min to travel along a loop (~100” = 73Mm), we can catch 5 phases of motions with sound speed in a loop. AR with PreFlare observation –The same observation, but with a rapid cadence for Core- and Border-FOVs by using preflare buffers. Flare (FL) –The same set of FOVs, but with a rapid cadence and thicker filters.

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting3 A Baseline Plan for Standard AR Observation Core -FOV: 384”x384” -Res.: 1”x1” -Filter: G2 & G3 -Exp.: AEC3 (no sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 1 min Border -FOV: 768”x768” -Res.: 2”x2” -Filter: G1, G2 & G3 -Exp.: AEC2 (small sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 2 min Environment -FOV: 1024”x1024” -Res.: 4”x4” -Filter: G1 & G2 -Exp.: AEC2 (small sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 2 min (Images were taken in a dry run in May. ) The 1 st dry run on May 23 revealed that we should reduce the data rate for continuous observations.

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting4 Composite Image of 3 FOVs taken with Ti/poly. in the test on May 23 (see Appendix-1) 384”x384” 1024”x1024”

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting5 Filter Groups G1 Al/mesh G2 Ti/poly. C/poly. Al/poly. G3 thin Be G4 med Al med Be G5 thick Al thick Be We classified the X-ray filters into 5 groups in this PPT, to simplify the proposal. thinnerthicker AR Core AR Border AR Env. FL Core FL Border FL Env.

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting6 What is different from AR Obs? Core -FOV: 384”x384”=ROI-15 -Res.: 1”x1” -Filter: G2 & G3 -Exp.: AEC3 (no sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 1 min Border -FOV: 768”x768”=ROI-16 -Res.: 2”x2” -Filter: G1, G2 & G3 -Exp.: AEC2 (small sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 2 min Environment -FOV: 1024”x1024” -Res.: 4”x4” -Filter: G1 & G2 -Exp.: AEC2 (small sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 2 min 30sec 1 min G4 & G5G2, G3 & G4 Flare Observation AR with PreFlare Observation Core -FOV: 384”x384” -Res.: 1”x1” -Filter: G2 & G3 -Exp.: AEC3 (no sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 1 min Border -FOV: 768”x768”=ROI-5 -Res.: 2”x2” -Filter: G1, G2 & G3 -Exp.: AEC2 (small sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 2 min Environment -FOV: 1024”x1024” -Res.: 4”x4” -Filter: G1 & G2 -Exp.: AEC2 (small sat.) -Cadence: 1 set / 2 min 30sec 1 min

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting7 Schematic View of Time Cadences Core Border Env. Core Border Env. From AR obs. to FL obs. From AR+PreFlare obs. to FL obs. Stored in Preflare Buffers Overwritten in Preflare Buffers ~ 1 min~ 30 sec FL modeQT mode FL modeQT mode time Different colors mean different filters.

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting8 Estimated Data Rate Based on the dry-run test using JPEG Q95 (see Appendix-2), the data rate of the baseline AR obs. is estimated to 3,057 Mbits/day. It is much larger than the recent DR volume allocated to XRT (800~900 Mbits/day). We would like to keep the concept. But, some modifications are necessary. For examples: –Reduce the cadence from 1min to 2min for Core, and from 2 min to 12min for Border & Env.  867Mbits/day –Reduce the FOV size to 256”x256” but keep the 1min cadence for Core. Reduce the cadence to 10min for Border & Env.  873Mbits/day –Reduce the JPEG-Q from 95 to 85 for Core and to 92 for Border & Env. For Border & Env., reduce the cadence to 5min also (see Appendix-3).  875Mbits/day

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting9 Test Programs for AR(#16B4) & FL(#16B5) AR Core AR Border AR Env. G-band & Darks FL Core FL Border FL Env. G-band Appendix-1:

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting10 Compression Rate median values derived in the test AR observation on May 23. Appendix-2: G3: thin BeG2: Ti/poly.G1: Al/mesh Core 384”x384”, 1”-Res. 19.5% 2.34bit/pix 24.6% 2.95bit/pix Border 768”x768”, 2”-Res. 21.1% 2.53bit/pix 42.2% 5.06bit/pix 54.9% 6.59bit/pix Env. 1024”x1024”, 4”-Res % 6.19bit/pix 50.0% 6.00bit/pix JPEG(Q=95) was used for all X-ray images. The data rate of the baseline AR obs. was estimated based on this compression rate and the parameters on slide 4.

2009/06/22XRT Team Meeting11 Smaller Q-values were tested on June 13. XOB#16B4thin BeTi/poly.Al/mesh Core16.4%20.7%----- Border23.5%44.8%54.5% Env %55.7% XOB#16C5thin BeTi/poly.Al/mesh Core 8.2%11.2%----- Border17.2%37.8%46.8% Env %48.0% Core: Q85 Env.: Q92 Border: Q92 Core: Q95 Env.: Q95 Border: Q95 Appendix-3: It looks okey.