A True-Zero Load Stable Capacitor-Free CMOS Low Drop-out Regulator with Excessive Gain Reduction A True-Zero Load Stable Capacitor-Free CMOS Low Drop-out Regulator with Excessive Gain Reduction 1 John Hu and Mohammed Ismail The Analog VLSI Laboratory The Ohio State University Presented at ICECS 2010 December 15, 2010
Outline Introduction Issue: Capacitor-Free Low Drop-Out (LDO) Problem: True-Zero Load Stability Approach Method: Excessive Gain Reduction Schematic Design Results Simulations Measurements Conclusion 2
Capacitor-Free LDO Regulator External capacitor-free low drop-out (LDO) regulators are popular because of the benefit in space and cost 3 iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, 2010.
True Zero-Load Stability Conventional Miller-based pole splitting topologies suffer from zero-load oscillation There is a short-cut solution: requiring a minimum Iout Drawbacks Standby efficiency degradation 4
Proposed Method Observation: not all DC gain contributes to Miller Effect Excessive Gain (G1) Reduction Given the same total DC gain, more can be distributed to G2 and G3 to enhance the Miller effect 5
Schematic Design Conventional: G1: opamp G2: positive gain stage G3: MPT Proposed: G1’ G2’: positive gain stage G3’: MPT 6
Simulations: Bode Plot 7
Simulations: Load Transient Load Regulation: (conventional vs. proposed) Both are stable when power is unlimited Only the proposed is stable during true zero-load (sleep mode) 8
Conclusion from Simulations Conclusion from Simulations Power Efficiency Improvement When true zero-load stability (TZLS) is required (sleep mode), the proposed method reduces the battery current by 67.5% [2] Area efficiency Conventional: 23 pF to achieve true zero-load stability [3] Proposed: 4.5 pF [4] 9
Chip Fabrication A dual-core LDO was fabricated in MOSIS 0.5 um CMOS under the same specs One conventional, one proposed. 10
Test Board PCB with off-chip load test solutions High power rating resistors, NMOS, “stay alive” Ioutmin options: 11
Test Setup Test Equipment and Connections 12
Measurement Results Transient load regulation (conventional): Vin=3.7 V, Vout=3.5 V. Stability with “stay alive” current. 13
Measurement Results Transient load regulation: 50% chance of over current (Iout > 1 A, chip heats up.) Reason: gate of the PMOS pass element floating: top level layout error Correlation with simulation 14
Conclusion Conclusions A true zero-load stable CMOS capacitor-free low drop- out regulator is presented It reduces the excessive gain (G1) and re-distributes the gain to Miller-enhancing stages (G2, G3) As a result, system power efficiency during standby can be improved by 67.5% Future Work Further analysis of the excessive gain reduction technique and battery life extending IC design methods Lessons learned for future first-time-right silicon 15
Selected References 1.K. N. Leung and P. Mok, “A capacitor-free CMOS low- dropout regulator with damping-factor-control frequency compensation”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, no. 10, pp , Oct S. K. Lau, P. K. T. Mok, and K. N. Leung, “A low-dropout regulator for SoC with Q-reduction”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 42, no. 3, pp , Mar R. Milliken, J. Silva-Martinez, and E. Sanchez-Sincencio, “Full on-chip CMOS low-dropout voltage regulator”, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 54, no.9, pp , Sep J. Hu, W. Liu, and M. Ismail, “Sleep-mode ready, area- efficient capacitor-free low-dropout regulator with input current-differencing”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 63, no.1, pp , Apr
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