Glasgow City Council: Spend & Opportunity Presented by Gerry Quinn, Contract Manager, Corporate Procurement Unit
Council procurement landscape The spend per service and commodities The role of PCS Quick Quotes Contract and supplier management Glasgow ready Any questions
Fiscal Year 12/13 - Commercial spend £698 million Of which 54% Glasgow-based suppliers Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) suppliers represent 50% of spend –Small 23% –Medium 27% Spend is categorised across 88 commodities and five procurement groups.
Commercial Spend by Procurement Group FY 12/13
- Facilities Management Services - IT Services - Telecoms - Mobile Phones- IT Equipment - IT Software & Licenses - Photocopiers & Facsimile 200 High Street Glasgow G4 0QW Telephone: +44 (0)
- Building Materials & Products - Furniture & Fittings - Electrical Supplies - Adaptations- Industrial Supplies - Industrial Cleaning - Removals & Storage - Exterior Cleaning 350 Darnick Street Glasgow G21 4BA Telephone: +44 (0)
- Food & Water - Aids for Daily Living - Cleaning & Janitorial Kit - Medical - Catering Equipment - Catering Services Blair Court 100 Borron Street Glasgow G4 9XE Telephone: +44 (0) Web form for enquiries at
- Care Homes- Other Social Care - Supplementation Establishments - Residential School - Accommodation For Clients Social Work (Contract Management & Project Support) City Chambers East 40 John St Glasgow G2 1DU Telephone: +44 (0)
- 60 Commodities in total - 14 Commodities utilising SXL or Scottish Procurement - 46 Commodities contracted directly by CPU City Chambers Glasgow G2 1DU Telephone: +44 (0) Corporate Procurement Unit (CPU)
- Recruitment & HR - Stationery & Computer Consumables - Post & Courier - Utilities & Fuel - Management Consultancy Scottish Procurement & Commercial Telephone: +44 (0)
- Refuse & Waste - Vehicle Hire - Teaching Supplies - Sports & Recreation Equipment - Clothing - Advertising - Photographic & Audio Visual Equipment - Street Road Lighting - Signs Renfrewshire House Cotton Street Paisley PA1 1AR Telephone: +44 (0) Web form for enquiries at
- Construction & Trades - Financial Services - Vehicle Purchase - Coach Hire - Vehicle Services & Parts - Learning & Development - Security & Safety Services - Road Materials - Events - Constructions Consultancy - Taxis - Traffic Control - Plant Hire - Professional Services - Legal Consultancy - Demolition - Timber - Books & Publications - Marketing & Promotion - Grounds Maintenance - Print & Reprographics - Security & Safety Equipment - Playground Equipment - Plant Equipment - Tools - Linens & Fabrics - Livestock, Animals & Plants - Scientific & Technical -Domestic Appliances - Parking - Franking Machines - Minerals, Earth & Stone - Pest Control - Special Waste - Distribution & Mailing - Farming, Fishing & Forestry - Testing Instruments - Grit & Aggregates Corporate Procurement Unit (CPU) - £235m (34%)
ALL Corporate Procurement contracts are advertised and tendered electronically through Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) To develop the supplier base, the threshold we utilise for Quick Quotes we has been raised from £20k to £50k (£300k to £500k works). Contracts for Goods/Services <£50k (<£500k works) will be tendered via Quick Quotes –In FY 12/ quotes totalling £1.3 million were tendered. Contracts for Goods/Services >£50k (>£500k works) will be tendered via PCS-Tenders system. –In FY 12/ contracts totalling £83 million were awarded.
Quick Quotes Quick Quote process used for low value/low risk procurement for registered suppliers Straightforward and less intensive tender process which can benefit SME suppliers GCC Buyers use the PCS Supplier Finder Quotes <£1,500 will be issued via . Quotes between £1,500 & £50,000 Goods/Services and £500k Works will use PCS website
Governance All tenders sit on the PCS-T system until the advertised opening date and time The procuring officer for the commodity is not allowed to open their own Any late entries will be refused unless there are mitigating circumstances and is agreed by our Legal and Audit teams Suppliers will only be asked to provide accounts and insurance documentation after a risk assessment has been carried out.
How we manage the contract All contracts are risk assessed over 4 criteria The level attributed determines the frequency and amount of actions (H, M, L): –Insurance and accreditation checks –Supplier performance reviews –Spend reports –Market analysis Lessons learned throughout the process and lifetime of the contract are used to improve our performance.
Glasgow’s Supporting Businesses Are you Glasgow Ready? To modernise our accounts payable practices we are asking our suppliers to be Glasgow Ready. This is a mandatory set of requirements and best practices for suppliers to follow that will allow your transactions to be validated and ready for payment through our Supplier Portal.
Glasgow’s Supporting Businesses How will this benefit you? Efficient Credit Control Full visibility of the status of your transactions Reduced Administration Costs Improved Customer Service Submit Electronic Invoices and Credits Submit Proof of Deliveries 24/7 Access
Glasgow’s Supporting Businesses If you use Purchasing Cards, there are other advantages: Payment within 4 Days Improved Cash Flow Eliminates Accounts “On Stop” Increased Business Opportunities Competitive Advantage
Glasgow’s Supporting Businesses What if my company is not Glasgow Ready? If you are not Glasgow Ready then you may not be taken on as a supplier Payments may be delayed Ongoing phased approach to adding suppliers to the Supplier Portal
Glasgow’s Supporting Businesses Glasgow Business Portal –Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games –New South Glasgow Hospital –Medical Equipment & Consumables –Logistics Contract Workforce…more GCC Dedicated Buyer Engagement Team –
Any Questions? Any questions that you may have later can be sent to Gerry Quinn at For further information on how to procure with Glasgow, access our webpage on the Glasgow City Council internet by going to Working/Procurement If you have a freedom of information enquiry, please it to or phone You can also use an online form at Glasgow Proud Host of the Commonwealth Games 2014