1 KKU Quality Assurance Assist.Prof. THAWEESAK THITIMETHAROCH DIRECTOR, Office of Quality Management (OQM), KHON KAEN University OQM-KKU aims to create quality culture and environment for both accomplishment of quality assessment and management system in educational business.”
2 Quality ONESQA: The Office for National Education Standards And Quality Assessment Output / outcome accreditation “…qualified and standardized education as stipulated by the set-up criteria.” OHEC: The Office of Higher Education Commission Process management & accreditation TQF = > Pedagogy management & development Thai accreditation
3 Thailand Qualification Framework: MIS Office of Teaching & Learning Management & Development Teaching award ?
4 KKU Quality Assurance Integrated criteria for Thai accreditation OHEC, ONESQA KPIs
5 1.Strategic development system 2.Teaching and Learning Development system (8KPIs) 3.Student Activity Management & Development system (2KPIs) 4.Research management system 5.Social responsibility and Community service management system 6.Art and Cultural management system 7.Organizational management system (high performance, measurement, risk ) 8.Financial and budgetary management system 9.Quality Assurance system KKU Quality Assurance System OHEC system:
6 2.Teaching and Learning Development (8KPIs) 2.1 Systematic and Mechanism for program management & development 2,2 PhD Academic staff 2.3 Professional staff 2.4 Workforce development (both academic and supportive staff) 2.5 Library and Learning management & environment 2.6 Teaching and Learning management 2.7 Management system for student character development 2.8 Student ethic management & development 3. Student Activity Management & Development (2KPIs) 3.1 Systematic and Mechanism for student counseling and mentoring 3.2 Student activity and enforcement system KKU Quality Assurance System
7 1.Quality of Graduate 1.1 get a job in 1 year 1.2 student character evaluation 1.3 quality of publication from graduate student 2.Performance for Research and creative work 3.Performance for Community service and social responsibility 4.Performance for Art and Cultural enforcement 5.Performance for Organizational management (Academic staff development) 6. Performance for Quality assessment KKU Quality Assurance System ONESQA system:
8 Excellence Framework (Management guideline) = > Teaching and Learning development & design Outstanding for Program & services offerings Key customers and stakeholders satisfaction and engagement = > Student value creation = > student characters
9 Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence Framework
10 OQM-KKU: support QM & QA Excellence frameworkIQA accreditationDriving KPIs OHEC ONESQA QS EdPEx TQA Integrated management framework (conceptual framework) Senior leaders performance Vice dean performance Training, workshop, KM (Administrative staff, Assessors, QA staff) Rewards & Recognition: Outstanding performance
11 Good Practices Good Practices