Presented By: Matthew Kirchoff FOOD SERVICE UPDATE
Smart Snacks: Background Purpose: Supplements efforts to implement the new school meal patterns to provide a healthy school nutrition environment Ensuring that all food and beverages purchased out of the school breakfast/lunch program are tasty and nutritious Effective July 1, 2014 Applies to foods sold: Outside the school meal programs On the school campus, and At any time during the school day Law can be found at:
Smart Snacks: Applicability Where standards apply: Items sold: A la carte In vending machines At school stores During fundraisers Any other venue that sells food/beverages to students during the school day Definitions: School campus – all areas of the property under jurisdiction of the school that are accessible to students during the school day School day – the period from midnight before, to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day
Smart Snacks: Food Component Applies to all grade levels Must meet 2 sets of standards: General Standards – must meet ONE of the following: Be a whole grain-rich product OR Contain 1 of the other major food groups as the 1 st ingredient OR Be a combination food with at least ¼ cup fruit and/or vegetable OR Contain 10% of the Daily Value of 1 nutrient of public health concern (calcium, potassium, vitamin-D, dietary fiber) Nutrient Standards – must meet ALL of the following: Total fat, Saturated fat, Trans fat, Sodium, Calories and sugar
Smart Snacks: Beverage Component Varies by grade level Beverages for all grade levels:
Smart Snacks: Beverage Component Other Beverages in High School Calorie-Free Beverages Maximum Serving Size: 20 fluid ounces Lower Calorie Beverages: Maximum Serving Size 12 fluid ounces Up to 60 calories per 12 fluid ounces OR Up to 40 calories per 8 fluid ounces Caffeine No caffeine restrictions in the High School Cannot be served in Elementary and Middle Schools
Smart Snacks: Fundraisers All foods that meet the Smart Snacks standards may be sold at fundraisers on the school campus during the school day without limit on frequency Smart Snacks standards do not apply to items sold during non-school hours, weekends, or off-campus fundraising events
Smart Snacks: Solanco’s Impact Top 3 a la carte sellers grades 6-12: Homemade cookies (3.5oz.) Turkey Tea Varieties/Milk (16oz.) Herr’s Chips Income Average per month $20,000 a la carte sales $8,000 is from Turkey Hill Drinks $4,000 is from Homemade cookies $3,000 is from Herr’s Chips
Smart Snacks: Solanco’s Impact What we can sell: To replace Homemade cookies: Serve 2 oz. whole grain cookie To replace Turkey Hill Drinks: Swiss 12 oz. drinks (Tea and Milk) Gatorade G2 Flavored Water 100 % Fruit Juices To replace Herr’s Chips: Smartfood Delight White Cheddar Popcorn Reduced Fat Doritos Reduced Fat Tostitos Chips Sunchips Snack Mix