Channel Finder Kunal Shroff Ralph Lange. pvManager Graphene IOC CA client (JCA/CAJ) CSS Core Olog Integration Olog … … DataBrowser BOY IOC… pvA client.


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Presentation transcript:

Channel Finder Kunal Shroff Ralph Lange

pvManager Graphene IOC CA client (JCA/CAJ) CSS Core Olog Integration Olog … … DataBrowser BOY IOC… pvA client IOC… v3v4 Publish/subscribe Command/response v4 Masar... pvASimTest API … Logbook … Web UI and other clients CA Core Client Technologies Data Sources Aggregation Visualization vTypes Data Definition BEAST Log Viewer AccelUtils Web based REST services CS-Studio ChannelFinderAPI Java/Python Cf-update Scripts and utilities ChannelFinder Integration …

Need for cf-update How to add new channels – Without having to learn the client api’s How to manage existing channels – Orphaned channels – Moved channels Automatically handle some attributes/properties of channels – hostName – iocName

cf-update v2.0.0 The properties currently managed with cf- update – hostName – iocName – pvStatus : Active or InActive – time : The last time the above properties where updated

Example st.cmd iocInit dbl > record.dbl system “cp records.dbl /cf- update/$HOSTNAME.$IOCNAME.dbl”

Under the Hood The cf_monitor daemon monitors $(CF_UPDATE_DIR) directory and envokes an updare task when – A new *.dbl file is created in the dir – An existing *.dbl file is modified The update task handles – Uses the filename to obtain the hostName, iocName property values and defines time as the time when the file was modified – New channels – creates new channels with hostName, iocName properties – Orphaned channels – the hostName, iocName properties are retained for debugging purpose but the pvStatus is set to inactive – Moved channels – ensures that the hostName, iocName properties are update when channels are moved – Unchanged channels All other existing properties and tags are left unaffected

Controls Properties NameDescriptionOwner priSysprimary systemcontrols priSysInstprimary system instantcontrols cellthe cell name for the controled device, e.g. C01, C30 secSys girderthe girder name, e.g. G1, G2, G6 devType devName ctrlDevices hostName The name of the machine hosting the IOC to which this channel belongs cf-update iocNameThe name of the IOC to which this channel belongscf-update pvStatus The status depends on whether or not the channel has a IOC assocaited with it cf-update timeThe last time the dbl file associated with this pv was readcf-update

Physics Properties NameDescriptionOwner elemType the physics element type: QUAD, SEXT, BPM, HCOR, VCOR cf-asd (aphla) elemNamethe element name in latticecf-asd (aphla) elemHandlea read or set type of PV, values are: get/setcf-asd (aphla) elemPosition the position in lattice, could be end/begin/middle position. cf-asd (aphla) elemLengththe length in (aphla) elemIndexthe index in latticecf-asd (aphla)

Physics applications The High level applications tend to prefer a hierarchical view of the control system where they can group channels by type (such as BPM, horizontal corrector) or location accelerator physics high level application APHLA (python) ChannelViewer Channel line plot Waterfall plot Channel Orchestrator


Channel Line Plot

Channel Orchestrator

ChannelFinder Service ChannelFinder is now a pvmanager service

ChannelFinder in BOY

Service Button

Channel Finder service button


Future plans Manage additional properties and tags automatically – Integration with NameService/NameValidator Replace channel widgets with general purpose widgets using pvmanager services and formula Integration with MASAR