Short history Rotterdam is the second- largest city in the Netherlands and on of the largest ports in the world. After constructing is as a small village on the Rotte River, Rotterdam has grown into a major international commercial centre. The city was the world’s busiest port from 1962 to 2004.
Blijdorp Diergaarde Blijdorp is a zoo in the northwestern part of Rotterdam, one of the oldest ones in the Netherlands – this object is 157 years old.
Boijmans van BEUNINGEN Boijmans Van Beuningen is on of the biggest museums of art in whole the Netherlands. You can take a look there on masterpieces from different ages and created by artists like Breugel, Rembrandt or Van Gogh.
Holland-amerika lijn Holland-Amerika Lijn was a place, where the transatlantics were bringing emigrants to the New Continent. Now it’s just a very nice café with a good view on the city.
The town hall The town hall is the only one bulding which survived the bombing during the Second World War. The Third Reich destroyed whole the city, and that’s one of the reasons why Rotterdam now is so modern re-builded.
Koopgoot Koopgoot is something like a „shopping centre avenue” – not so long alley where you can find almost all clothes shops you know. A lot of women feel here like three steps far to their heaven.
Thank you! Thank you so much for your attention. The presentation has been made by Marlena Zie ń ko and Wiktoria Bagnicka from Junior Highschool no. 2 in Rybnik. SOURCES
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